America's Scenario

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Next, we have out loud, hamburger eating country of America!

3rd Person's POV

As punches and kicks were being thrown, America noticed (2PName) leaving the room with the 2P serum. "That's not good!" America said. "I gotta stop her!"

America quickly ran after the 2P teen to try and catch up to her. He tried to stop her before she got into the room but practically had the door slammed in his face and his foot got caught in the door. He winced in pain and somehow freed his foot. "Oww, Oww, Oww!" he said as he tried to not step hard with the sore foot. "That really hurt!"

Once his foot was somewhat less sore, America tried opening the door but found that it was locked up tight and that something on the other side was blocking it. This is America though and he wasn't about to give up. He had to stop (2PName) and save the world and his girl, (Name)...Yep, his girl. He really liked (Name) and had to get her back. I'm not letting some door stop me! He thought.

"5 minutes until satellite launch," A mechanical voice on the other side of the door said.

"Crap! I'm running out of time!"

Coming up with a not-so-smart plan, America backed up until he was on the other wall and then ran at top speed into the door and slammed it inwards. He fell down on top of the door and found himself laying on his stomach on the ground with a 2P standing over him.

"'Sup?" she said.

America quickly got up off of the floor and straightened himself up to try and seem somewhat menacing, since he had an extra inch on the girl. "All right you, give back (Name) and stop this satellite launch!" America told her.

(2PName) looked at America with a confused look and then started laughing.

"What's so funny?" America questioned.

"You!" (2PName) laughed. "You think I'll listen to you?! Sorry pal, but I got plans of my own here!"

"Come on (Name), you gotta snap out of it!"

"She can't do anything Burger Brains! That girl can't do anything. She's too weak to fight back."

"No she's not!" America shouted, trying to forget the Burger Brains comment. "I know (Name) and she's not weak. She's strong and she can fight back!"

(2PName) just chuckled under her breath as she reached for the crowbar that was behind her back. "Then why doesn't she try to take control? Hmm? Maybe it's because she's too scared!"

The 2P then swung at America who barely had enough to time to dodge the large piece of metal in time to keep from being hit. That was too close, He thought as (2PName) kept dodging the metal bar. She kept swinging and swinging at him and America kept dodging, narrowly missing the crowbar each time.

"Hold still and maybe I can fix that cowlick of yours~!"

"Sorry, no thanks."

"3 minutes until satellite launch," the mechanical voice said.

"What are you gonna do now hero?" (2PName) joked.

I gotta get through to (Name) to get her back, He thought. "Come on (Name), you're in there. Do you remember when you and I went to that concert? We went to go see that Accapella group you like so much."

"Talking isn't gonna get you out of this!"

That's when America noticed that (2PName) was getting wreckless with her attacks. This was his chance to act; as she went in for another swing, America caught the crowbar with his hand and pulled it out of (2PName)'s grasp. He threw it to the other side of the room and then tried to keep her from going after the blunt instrument. 

"Let go of me fatso!" she shouted as she squirmed. 

"First off, I'm not fat!" America responded. "And secondly, no. I'm getting (Name) back. I've gotta be her hero right now." America then leaned in and was a bit forceful when he kissed (2PName) on the lips, since he he wasn't sure what was going to happen when he kissed her. The 2P struggled and even tried to kick America a few times. However, her body wasn't complying with what her thoughts wanted (which was mostly full of cussing). America? A voice in her head spoke. Then her eyes started changing to its normal (e/c) color, bringing (Name) out. 

America pulled away after he noticed that the girl's eyes were back to normal. "You okay (Name)?" he asked as he helped steady her out, since she was a bit steady. 

"Yeah, I'm good," (Name) replied. As she smiled up at America, the young girl became dizzy and fell unconscious into America's arms. 


"1 minute until satellite launch," the mechanical voice said. 

America panicked and quickly ran to the machine. He wasn't very good under pressure that was like this. "Crud! Which button do I push?!" he said as the 60 seconds were ticking by. Then he just shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I should just push all of them." He started pushing every button he saw and it somehow overloaded the circuits and caused everything to short out. 

"Satellite launch averted," the mechanical voice reported. 

"Victory for the hero!" America exclaimed before heading over to pick up the unconscious (Name). 

As he picked her up, the others caught up and saw America picking up the unconscious teen. "America? What happened?" Canada asked his brother. 

"Well bro, it's a long story." 

*****(Timeskip brought to you by WcDonald's.)

(Name)'s POV 

When I woke-up, I found myself in a white hospital bed. Right on top of me was an American flag blanket and to the right of the bed was America sleeping in a chair with a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth and a bag of McDonald's in his lap. I tried to keep from laughing. 

"Psst, America," I whispered, waking America up from his sleep. 

"Hey (Name)," he yawned as he went right to my side. "How you feeling?" 

"Like I was tackled by a bunch of linebackers during the Super Bowl," I admitted. "But a lot better considering what happened to me." 

"That's good...I guess." 

I giggled and then leaned up to give America a kiss on the cheek. "I heard what you said about needing to be my hero. I love you America." 

America's face turned as red as red fireworks on the 4th of July. "Uh," he said as he glasses started to fog up. 

America is such a hero. (Yes, I'm aware that these scenarios are somewhat repetitive but I like 'em that way...and I'm too busy (and lazy) to come up with other things). Anyway, the scenario that is up next is Russia's. 

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