Chapter 26: Rescue Time!...Again

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3rd Person's POV

After making it to the dimension, the countries made it to the real world, where it was just past sunset. The town was quiet, too quiet.

"This place feels like a ghost town," Spain commented as the countries walked about.

"It's like people have deserted or something," America added, trying not to think about all those horror movies with zombies.

"Everyone keep on your guard," Germany instructed. "Something is not right here."

Germany was correct in his assumptions. Just as they all rounded a corner, a trash can falling over was heard. Everyone turned their attention towards the noise but saw nothing. Then they heard footsteps running towards them. Everyone got on edge and waited to see what would happen next.

"You guys are back!"

The countries turned to see Lily was heading their way. She ran and hugged Italy, who picked her up off of the ground.

"Where have you guys been? It's gotten really bad since you guys left," She said.

From the looks of her, Lily looked like she had been crawling through dirt and had gotten scratched by tree branches. "Lily, why are you all scratched up and dirty?" Britain questioned.

"I was hiding," Lily answered.

"From what?" France asked.

Suddenly, shots were fired into the sit by a gun. Everyone looked towards the East side of the city to see a mass of people coming towards them. They each had a weapon of sorts- brass-knuckles, bats, shovels, and many other weapons- and were charging at the group.

"I was hiding from them," Lily shivered in Italy's arms.

"What are they doing?" Russia questioned.

China squinted a bit and gasped. "Guys, call me crazy, but don't those people look like 2Ps aru?"

"How wourd that even be possibre?" Japan questioned.

"The 2Ps sprayed something over the city," Lily explained. "I saw it from a tree in the woods. Mommy and Daddy were mean to me, and I don't know what happened to Big sis and Ms. Hungary."

"You mean (Name) and Hungary are missing?" Italy asked.

Lily nodded and buried her face in Italy's shirt as the crowd approached. "Split up!" Someone shouted and the large group of countries separated into smaller groups.

The Axis trio, including Lily, Romano, Spain and Prussia headed towards the East and stopped in an alleyway to catch their breaths. "That was so close," Romano heaved. "All right, which one of you jerks has a plan?"

"Ve gotta find (Name)," Germany said. "Vherever she is is also vhere the 2Ps are."

"But where would they be hording her?" Japan wondered.

That's when Lily started pulling on Italy's shirt. "Mr. Italy?" She asked, getting Italy's attention. "I think I know where Big Sis is."

"You do? Where?" Italy questioned.

"Um, it was at a huge factory place. Lake View's is what I think it was called?" (Lily's never been to the factory so she wouldn't know the place for certain).

"They're still keeping her there?" Prussia asked.


"Never mind that! We need to go save her!" Spain shouted.

Meanwhile, the Allies, plus Canada and Wales, were roaming the streets looking for any sign if their 2Ps, the others, and/or (Name). "Zhe town looks like it 'as seen better days," France commented as the group walked.

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