Chapter 15: Garden Work

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(Name)'s POV

Having Hungary around the house definitely helped with juggling homework, keeping the house clean, and making sure Lily was behaving. Plus the guys really respected her...or they feared her smacking them with the frying pan of doom. Either way things were much more organized around the place and I didn't have to stress as much.

One night, during a study session with Canada, Mom and Dad started calling on Skype. "Oh man, Mom and Dad are calling!" I shouted.

"Mommy and Daddy?!" Lily yelled, running down the stairs. "I wanna see 'em!"

"It's so good that your parents are calling," Canada commented.

"It is, but they can't see you or the others," I told him. "If my Dad finds out that thirteen guys, and one girl, have been living in the house while he's been gone, he's gonna freak out! Go upstairs and tell the others to keep it down while we're talking to our parents please."

"Sure thing," Canada replied, quickly heading upstairs to tell the others. Lily and I plopped onto the couch to sit down. I grabbed the laptop and placed it on my lap and answered the call.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad," I greeted with a smile.

"Hi (Name), Lily," Mom greeted. "How have you two been?"

"We've been good," Lily answered. "When are you coming home? I miss you guys."

"We miss you too sweetie," Dad told us. "We should be home in about a month."

"That's good," I said. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Lily's school called and asked us to ask you if you and some of your friends would help plant a garden at the front of the school," Dad explained.

"A garden huh?" I pondered on the idea. I had never planted a garden before so it was sure to be an interesting experience. Plus it was volunteer work, which was a good thing for me to do. "Okay, sounds fun."

*******(Timeskip brought to you by plants)

So I looked up all the effort that went into making a garden and it sure was a lot. I decided the best course of action was to buy flowers that were already in pots and then buy some seeds to plant. Russia, Lily, and I went to the store to buy the items. Lily was standing up in the cart, acting like the cart was a pirate ship sailing through the sea of aisles. "Look over there!" she shouted in her best pirate accent. "There's the plants! Steer faster first mate Big Sis!" 

"Lily, you are not a pirate," I told her. "You haven't said "Ahoy!" or "Argh!" yet." 

"Oh," Lily realized. "Got it. Argh!" 

I chuckled and so did Russia. "The little sunflower seems to be full of the energy," Russia commented. 

"Yeah, she can be a handful," I replied. "Makes me wonder how you all took care of her." 

"Oh it was no trouble. She was like a little angel, da?" 

I looked at Lily and saw her giving me the most innocent smile she could muster. I rolled my eyes laughed. Soon, we made our way to the plants. "Now let's see, which ones should we get for the garden?" 

"Oh, how about a bunch of dandelions?" Lily suggested. "Then when they're all planted, everyone can pick one up and make a wish on them." 

"I don't the school will want us to plant dandelions, Lil. They're pretty, but we also need other flowers in the garden as well." I explained. 

"Okay," Lily plopped down in the cart and puffed out her cheeks in frustration, like she usually does when she doesn't get her way. 

"Do not worry little one," Russia said to her, rubbing her head. "We will make sure to get nice flowers for your garden." 

I smiled at the little scene. Russia was really sweet, once you looked passed his somewhat intimidating stature. He was like a big, sweet teddy bear. I let Russia push Lily around in the cart as I got the flower seeds, some plants, and then a few bags of manure. Russia helped me put the manure in the cart, which Lily thought was gross, and then helped me pick out the last of the flowers. "Which ones should we get?" I asked him. "We have roses, daffodils, petunias-" 

"I believe we should get some sunflowers, da?" He reached for several pots of the yellow flower and placed them in the cart. "They will make the garden much more brighter, da?" 

I should've known that he would've picked sunflowers, I thought. He loves those things. "Sure, sunflowers sound like a good idea." 

*******(Timeskip brought to you by sunflowers, da?) 

The day came where it was time to plant the garden. The countries, Lily, Sarah and I made our way to the elementary school and got to work. We first got the rows ready and then decided who would plant what flowers where. I ended up helping Russia plant the sunflowers. He and I carried the flowers to the plot that belonged to them and began patting the dirt around them. In the process, we got dirty. 

"(Name), you have dirt on your face," Russia pointed out after we had planted the third sunflower in the ground. 

I went to wipe it off when Russia's gloved hand came and did it for me. My face heated up really quickly and I tried to get it to stop. Please don't let Sarah see this, I thought. She's gonna start shipping it! (It's not that I was embarrassed of blushing, I just knew Sarah was going to blow it out of proportion.)

3rd Person's POV 

Meanwhile, over by the roses' section, Wales and Britain were getting into a bit of a disagreement; "Arthur, give me the trowel!" Wales shouted. "I've asked you six times already!" 

"For the last time Wales, you don't need it!" Britain insisted. "You have gloves, I don't." 

"Oh, are you afraid to get your hands dirty then?" 


"Then let me see the trowel!" 

As Britain and Wales argued, Britain had the trowel in his hand and he got a little dirt on Wales' shirt. Well, Wales wasn't too happy about that and grabbed a handful of dirt and slugged it at Britain. Britain ducked and the dirt hit Prussia in the back of the head. 

"Hey, vho just hit the awesome me?!" Prussia yelled. 

Britain tried to defuse the situation but got a face-full of dirt from Prussia instead. Prussia laughed and then got dirt down his shirt from Hungary for doing that to Britain. Soon, it was an all-out dirt war between everybody. Some people got worms down their pants, someone ended up swallowing dirt, and at the end of it all everyone was dirty and had to get rinsed by the hose and wait for themselves to dry before heading home. Miraculously, the new planted garden was left untouched. 

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