Chapter 17: Spell Gone Wrong (Again)

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(Name)'s POV

So coming back from spring break was a bit disappointing, since I would've preferred it if we had stayed at the hotel a little longer. Still, we had school to go to and everything like that so I couldn't really do much. The Saturday we got back, Britain made an announcement and brought everyone downstairs in the middle of the night.

"What's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" America complained after being woken up.

"I've figured out how to get us home," Britain announced to all of us.

We all let out a collective sigh. "You're sure?" I asked.

"Yes," Britain replied. "I found a spell that should do the trick."

"The last time you said that, Lily got turned into a cat," Germany pointed out.

"I can guarantee this time will be different," Britain promised.

"It'd better be, aru," China huffed.

As great as this was that the countries were going to get home, I was saddened by this news. I had gotten to know the countries better than I had thought I would and now they were going to go home, possibly for good this time. Plus, Lily was going to be so heartbroken by this news. She really liked the countries and had gotten attached to them. I knew she was going to cry when it was time to say goodbye.

*********(Timeskip brought to you by turtles)

3rd Person's POV

The next morning, after (Name) and Lily's parents went to work, the countries all gathered in the backyard. Lily was crying as each of the countries said their goodbyes to her and her older sister. "But I don't want you guys to go," Lily sobbed. "Why can't you stay here?"

"Lily, this isn't their home, they have to go home," (Name) told her with tears in her own eyes. "They have friends and family there that miss them a whole lot and are probably worried sick. They need to go back, do you understand?"

Lily nodded and then gave each country one last long hug as they each gathered around Britain. Some countries were in tears and others were trying to hold back tears as Britain did a chant in what sounded like Latin. When he was done, a bright surrounded the countries and blinded the two sisters. (Name) covered her and Lily's eyes as the light blinded them. When it died down, (Name) was the first to open her eyes and find something wrong; the spell had failed.

"Uh oh," she said when she saw the results of the spell; the countries were not sent home but were turned into their younger chibi-selves.

(Name)'s POV

When I saw the chibi countries in my backyard my jaw dropped to the ground. Each country was a chibi and in different attire; i.e, Prussia was dressed like he was a Teutonic knight and Italy was dressed like he was when he was a servant for Austria.

"This is not good," I muttered as I went over to the now shrunken countries. "Are you guys okay?"

The little chibis all looked up at me with confusion and then at each other.


"Who are you Miss?" Chibi-Italy asked.

Oh you have got to be kidding me! I shouted in my head. They lost their memory too?! This is even worse than I thought!

"What is this place, aru?" Chibi-China asked as he looked around.

"It's so warm, da?" Chibi-Russia commented with a smile.

"Where's my big bruder?" Chibi-Germany asked as he looked around. (And no, he was not dressed like Holy Rome! He was actually in a cute little outfit that reminded me of Austria's, except his was for a little kid).

"This is all your fault frog!" Chibi-England shouted at Chibi-France.

"No it's not!" Chibi-France argued.

"Stop shouting Artie!" Chibi-Wales yelled.

"That stupid jerk abandoned me!" Chibi-Romano shouted.

"Does anyone have any tomatoes?" Chibi-Spain asked.

"Bow before the power of the awesome Teutonic Knights!" Chibi-Prussia shouted.

"You couldn't do one job you idiot!" Chibi-Hungary shouted.

Chibi-Japan didn't say anything; he just observed the scene.

Chibi-America and Chibi-Canada started crying out-of confusion and Chibi-Italy did the same.

"Why are they all small now (Name)?" Lily asked me.

"Britain must have messed up the spell," I answered. "He did guarantee that it would be a different outcome though so it's not like he lied." I told Lily to go get my phone while I dealt with the now chibi countries; "Okay, everyone look at me."

The little countries turned their attention towards me and all became quiet to hear what I had to say.

"Okay guys, my name is (Name), and I'm gonna take care of you guys until we get this thing all sorted out, okay?" I told them.

They all looked at me for a moment and then they all nodded, which made me sigh in relief.

"Good. Now, let's all go inside, okay?"

The chibis all filed into the house and went to the living room. Once there, it was a mad house with some countries jumping on the couch and others complaining that they were tired or hungry. Lily soon came up from my room with my phone and gave it to me. I called the only person that I knew could help me and that was Sarah.

*******(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi countries)

Once Sarah arrived, she was shocked to see the little chibi countries in the living room. "Oh. My. Gosh. They're all so cute~!" She squealed as she hugged a few and then put them down. "Where did they all come from?"

"Um, well you see," I tried to explain. "...They're, um...I don't know how to explain this."

"They're the chibi version of the countries, aren't they?" Sarah asked, making me look at her with the most dumbfound look while she smirked.

"You knew that they were countries this whole time? Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Come on (Name), I'm a Hetalia fan. I can spot the Hetalia characters from a mile away. Besides, I thought it would be fun to play along with this for a while."

"Okay, but now what do we do with a bunch of chibi countries? We have to get them back to normal."

"Well I'm not too sure, but I'll come up with something."

Oh boy...this was going to be a long day.

Yep...Chibis....Well, until next time guys!

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