Chapter 9: Study "Date"

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(Name)'s POV

I felt confident going into Math class. The teacher told us that we were getting our quizzes from the other day back. I felt very confident in myself. I studied into late hours of the night for the quiz. (Lily had to practically drag me up the stairs so I would go to bed). 

When we walked into class, Sarah walked by and told me how she did pretty good on the quiz; B+. "Nice job Sarah," I commented with a smile. 

"It was a hard quiz for sure," Sarah said, slipping the paper back into her binder. "I gotta get to History. See you later (Name)." 

After Sarah went to class, I sat down at my little group table with Canada, Romano, and Spain. Then the teacher went to front with a big stack of papers, which were our quizzes. "Now I must say that I am very surprised at the grades that some of you got," she said, taking one quiz and looking at it before putting it back in the stack. "If you wish to retake it either Tuesday or Friday after school you can. I recommend that many of you do it." 

I smirked confidently. The teacher always gave me my well-deserved grade, either A- or B+'s. I rarely did poorly on quizzes and tests. 

The teacher then passed out our quizzes to the whole class. When she gave it to me, I gasped in shock; it was a C-! This is impossible! I thought as I looked at the quiz. I studied like crazy for this!

I glanced at Romano to see him fuming with rage. He got a D+. Spain had a smile of relief on his face. He got a B. Lastly, I looked at Canada....He got an A+! An A+! No one had gotten an A+ in Mrs.(T/N)'s class all semester! I am not joking with you. 

At lunch, I went to probe Canada to see what his secret was; I sat next to him at lunch and started asking him questions; "Canada, how in the world did you get such a good grade on that quiz?" I asked. "It was pretty hard." 

"Not really," Canada admitted, taking a bite of his lunch. "I understood a lot of what the quiz was asking." 

"B-But how?!" I asked. 

Canada chuckled a bit. "You know, I could help you study," he suggested. "We could go to the library later tonight."

"That's actually perfect," I didn't have any other homework besides math and I needed to study for this quiz retake. "So I say we head there at around 5 or 6 o'clockish?"

"S-Sure. That sounds like a date to me."

I froze a bit when he said that. "A data?"

Canada laughed nervously. "W-W-Well not a real date of course. You know, just studying." 

**********(Timeskip brought to you by Kumajiro)

I rummaged through my book bag and got out all of my math stuff. As I bundled it together, Lily made her way into my room. "What'cha doing?" Lily asked as I got my things all bundled together.

"I'm getting ready to head out to the library with Canada," I explained to Lily. 

"You mean like a date?" she asked. 

A huge blush formed on my face after she asked that. I hadn't really thought about it like that. It wasn't a date...right? "Lily, it's not a date. Well, it's a study "date", but it's not the kind of date you're thinking of. We're just studying math together. Nothing more, nothing less." 

Lily gave me a skeptical look and placed her hands on her hips. "Then why do they call it a study date?" 

"Sometimes people use studying as an excuse to be around someone, but I'm just studying with Canada." 

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then left her in China's care while I went with Canada to the library. There, we looked over Polynomials and Quadratic functions. He helped me factor and group them in a way that Mrs. (T/N) had never taught us. As we worked out a problem, I noticed how close we were. I mean, he had to be close to show me how to work the problem, but it was a little strange was all, yet somewhat cute and sweet at the same time. 

"Okay, you're getting this down pretty well, but you're still messing up a bit on the grouping," Canada explained to me. "It's confusing but once you get it you'll be an expert." 

"With Mrs. (T/N) though, she's bound to take off points for the tiniest of mistakes," I muttered under my breath. 

"Trust me (Name), this way works." 

Soon, his hand grabbed a hold of mine and he helped me write out the steps for the next part of the problem. A blush formed on my face and, from the corner of my eye, a blush formed on his face as well. I looked at him as my face heated up and his did as well. 

"Uh, I um..I'm so sorry (Name)," he stuttered. "I-I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." 

"N-No, it's fine," I replied. "I-I'm just surprised is all." 

"Oh...Uh, so back to Polynomials?" 


**********(Timeskip brought to you by Awkwardness)

After we had finished our studying, Canada and I made our way back home to find China and Lily sitting on the porch. China was reading Lily a bedtime story and she yawned cutely as it was read to her. However, she perked right up when she saw me and ran to hug me. "Lily, you should be getting into bed," I told her, picking her up and carrying her up the steps. 

"But I wanted to wait for you," Lily said. Then she whispered into my ear; "Plus I wanted to know about your date with Mr. Canada." 

I growled in a bit of anger but dropped it. I was too tired to care. China took Lily upstairs, leaving me and Canada alone. 

"So, about earlier (Name)," Canada began. 

"It's fine Canada. And I really appreciate you helping me with math. I think I'll actually do well on this retake quiz." 

"I hope so." Canada and I blushed as we looked at each other and had to look away. We then hugged and said goodnight to one another before heading to bed, my face still feeling all warm and fuzzy. 

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