Chapter 12: Romano and the Frog

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(Name)'s POV

So being in detention for the first time in my life was nothing like I imagined it would be. It was a lot less ruckus-like I'll say that. The teacher wasn't as strict as I thought he was going to be but he still was firm. Of course it wasn't really my fault for being in detention. If anything it was (c/n)'s fault. Here's what happened earlier; 

Earlier that Day

I just got out of bed and made my way downstairs to get some breakfast. As I started cooking the eggs, my phone went off. I lowered the heat on the oven and went to answer the phone to see it was Sarah. I put her on speaker phone; 

"What's up Sarah?" I asked her. 

"Just calling to tell you that our Science teacher, Mr. (t/n), is gonna be out today...and the rest of the year." she reported. 

Immediately I stopped cooking. Mr. (t/n) was the strictest teacher in the whole school! He would've been better suited to be a Gym teacher or a Sergeant for JROTC than a science teacher. If you so much as sneezed during one of his lectures he made you do 30 push-ups outside of the classroom. And if you missed an assignment, even if you had an excuse signed by the President, you would get a detention. If you argued back then you would get double detention. No one could stop his reign of terror. No one ever told the principal because everyone was too scared to tell him. 

"What happened?" I questioned Sarah.  

"He ate some really, really, really bad steak and got bad food poisoning. He's gonna be out for the rest of the year." 

"Wow. So who's our sub?" 

"Not sure yet." 

Well it was good news for me because Romano was my lab partner for science and we all know how he gets. He got twelve days of detention from Mr. (t/n) alone and was getting ready for his fourteenth, since he liked to talk back he got detention in quantities of two for each "offense" he committed. Anyway, when it came time for science, Romano and I walked to the classroom with a quick pace. I told him the news and he seemed less grumpy than normal, which was an improvement in my opinion. When we got to class our sub was Mrs. (o/t/n), the nicest sub know throughout the entire county. 

After everyone sat down, Mrs. (o/t/n) introduced herself; "Hello class, I'm Mrs. (o/t/n) and I will be your teacher for the rest of the school year while Mr. (t/n) is out," she said. 

The whole class cheered after hearing that. They would've had a party if Mrs. (o/t/n) would've allowed it. 

"Now then, we shall continue with the lesson he left off on, which is Biology. Today we will begin our Lab where we will be dissecting a frog." 

Shivers ran down my spine after I heard that. I knew this lab was coming up but there was no way I could avoid it. The entire class got set up for the lab, getting on our safety gear, and then looked at our instructions. Romano looked at the dead amphibian and then gagged. "I am not cutting this open," he said. 

"Well I can't touch it," I told him. 

I wasn't as bad as (c/n) though; "Eww, eww, eww!" she cried. "There is no way I'm touching that disgusting little thing!" 

No way was I gonna be on the same page as her. I gulped down my fear, put a plug on my nose, and then began to cut the frog open. Romano looked ready to throw-up before I even touched the creature's skin. When it was finally open, I excused myself out into the hall, took a breathe of fresh air, and then went back inside. Sooner or later, Romano did actually help me, but he wasn't happy about it. 

Of course (c/n) wasn't happy about us getting ahead of her. She noticed us working well and decided to do something that completely crossed the line; she got an unused frog and threw it right at me when the teacher wasn't looking. It hit me right on my back and I cried out in fear. Romano glared at (c/n) and then picked up our frog and threw it at her. She ducked and it hit her partner, who got really upset. The next thing I know someone shouts, "FROG FIGHT!" Soon, frogs were being thrown all across the room. I ducked underneath a table as the Mrs. (o/t/n) tried to diffuse the situation. Then, after frogs flying for a good five minutes, the door opened and in walked the principal. He was not happy in the slightest. 

"What is going on here?!" he shouted. "Who is responsible for all of this?!" 

Being the devious girl she was, (c/n) spoke up; "Mr. (p/n) it was (Name)! She threw a frog at me!" 

"No I didn't!" I protested. "She threw it at me!" 

"That witch started it!" Romano yelled, pointing at (c/n). 

"That's enough!" the principal shouted. "Now Mr. Vargas, I'm already aware of your record and I am finding it hard to believe that an exemplary student like (c/n) would do such a thing. I'm sorry (Name) but I'm going to call your parents and you will spend the rest of the month in detention." 

"But sir, I-" I tried to protest. 

"Not another word! To my office, now!" 

He didn't even let me give my side of the story. Mom and Dad didn't believe I would ever do something like that and planned to go to the school board when they got back from their trip. I was stuck sitting in detention without actually committing a crime while (c/n) got off Scott-free. As I was doing some homework, the door to detention opened and in walked Romano. He gave a paper to the teacher who then told him to sit down. He sat down right next to me and then handed me a note. It read as followed; 

"I got back at (c/n) for you. She walked right into a thing of tape, knocked over a painter, and then got paint all over her stupid new outfit."

I looked at Romano with wide eyes and he just shrugged his shoulders as if to say that it was no big deal. I smiled at him and then wrote on the other side of the note and then gave it to him. This is what it said; 

"That was really sweet of you to do that for me. You're such a nice guy Romano. :) ." 

Romano blushed a bright shade of red and then turned away. I softly giggled and then went back to my paper as I imagined (c/n) complaining about her outfit being ruined. 

Aww Romano is so sweet~. So this is for my 1,000 followers and for Spring Break! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Have a good day.

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