Romano's Scenario

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Next up, we have our favorite cussing, tomato-eating Italian country, Romano!

3rd Person's POV

As fists were flying and legs were flailing, Romano soon found himself outside of the group of fighters. He groaned in annoyance, realizing he had been accidentally knocked out of the fight by Spain, who had been aiming for his own 2P and not the Italian. "That jerk!" Romano growled, standing up and getting ready to be pulled back into the fight at any moment. That's when he noticed (2PName) wasn't there. Where did she go? he thought before looking over to where the 2P serum was and finding it gone. Well isn't this just great. 

He quickly left the others to fight and went to find (2PName). There was no way he was letting her do whatever she was planning to. He soon came to the last door in the hall and found it locked. "She must be in here," he said. He tried to open it but found himself unable to do so. He tried this for several minutes and then cussed in annoyance when he couldn't open the door. 

"This no good- AGH!" He yelled. Then he remembered the advice (Name) had given him about staying calm and clearing his head before rushing into a situation. As he calmed down, Romano really started to think about (Name); she had been so kind to him and didn't mind his attitude like a lot of other people did. She never really lost patience with him and he really appreciated that. Just thinking about her made a faint blush come to his face. Focus! You have to stop (2PName) from doing- well whatever it is she's doing! 

As he paced the outside trying to figure out a strategy to get inside, he heard a mechanical voice say, "5 minutes until satellite launch." 

"Crapola! This is just great; I'm running out of stupid time!" Romano complained. Not really thinking things through, Romano charged at the door at full speed, expecting his body to hit the solid piece of wood soon. He had his eyes closed as he charged the door but was unaware that it had opened and he had run inside only to hit the wall on the inside. Romano slid to the floor in pain and groaned. "Oww." 

(2PName) had decided to open the door up to let some air into the somewhat stuffy room, not expecting the older Italian brother to come charging in at full speed. He whizzed right by her and hit the wall with a loud thud, which made (2PName) wince a bit. "Oh, that's gonna hurt," she said to herself as Romano tried to get himself up. 

When Romano was completely up, he looked over at the 2P and growled. "Okay you, you're gonna get it now!" Romano growled at her. 

(2PName) stared at Romano for a moment and then yawned. "I'm sorry, did you say something? I don't really pay attention to cowards too well," she stated, making Romano turn red with anger. 

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me," she said. "You're nothing but a coward who hides behind others whenever he gets scared." One of her hands was behind her back, holding a crowbar in her hand. She was prepared to use it to knock Romano out when he decided to charge at her. All he needed was a little more of a push.

"Oh yeah? And what makes you think that?!" 

The 2P smirked. "I've seen (Name)'s memories; you're a coward all right Tomato Boy. She thinks so lowly of you." Now that should give him the push he needs to go right over the edge. 

Romano glared at (2PName) and then realized what she had said. He then chuckled, confusing the teen. 

"What's so funny?" 

"You're lying. (Name) doesn't think that way about me," he told her. "She's one of the most honest people I've met in my entire life. Not only that, she's strong too. She can beat you no problem." 

"You really believe that?" Taking the crowbar out from behind her back, the 2P decided to charge at Romano first, taking the opportunity to try and bash his head in. "Let's see if you're right about it." 

If there's one thing Romano knew how to do, it was run. He was able to avoid (2PName)'s attacks like she was going in slow motion. This frustrated the girl while Romano smirked. It still wasn't enough to get (Name) to break free of her control though. Plus he was running out of time: 

"3 minutes until satellite launch," the mechanical voice reported. 

"Come on (Name), snap out of it already!" he yelled. "I know you can hear me!" 

"She's too scared to come out"! (2PName) told Romano, trying to swing at him again but missing by just about an inch. 

"She's not scared!" Taking charge of the situation, when (2PName) went in with another swing of her crowbar, Romano grabbed the metal, yanked it out of the girl's hands and threw it across the floor and then reaching for her hands, having a surprisingly strong grip on her. 

"Let go of me!" 

"Make me! I don't care what you say; I'm getting (Name) back!" Romano then slammed his lips onto (2PName)'s in a bit of a harsh way, although that was not his intention at all. The 2P tried to break free of the lip-lock but found her body not complying with what her mind wanted. Come back (Name). Come back. 

Romano? A voice in the girl's head spoke. Then the girl's eyes went back to their original (e/c) color. 

Romano leaned back from the kiss and saw those eyes. "(Name)?" he asked, wanting to be sure it was really her. 

(Name) nodded and smiled at Romano before she passed out into his arms. Romano had no time to figure it all out since the mechanical voice gave him another status report; "1 minute until satellite launch." 

"CRAPOLA!" Romano yelled, running over to control panel to try and stop the launch. "What am I gonna do?!" He searched around the panel and accidentally pushed the wrong button that sped up the countdown but quickly found the off button at the last second. "That was too close." 

***(Timeskip brought to you by tomatoes) 

(Name)'s POV 

I woke-up to find myself staring at in a hospital bed. To my left was a basket full of tomatoes and to my right was a snoring Romano. I smiled a little and then whispered to Romano, "Psst, Romano, wake-up." 

Romano groaned and slowly woke up and then turned to see me. "(Name) are you feeling?" he asked rather nervously. 

"Like I was involved in the world's fastest high speed chase," I replied. "But I feel better all things considered." 

"...Well, I wasn't know what I-" 

I interrupted by giving Romano a kiss on the cheek, making Romano turn tomato red. "Thanks for not giving up on me." 

"Uh, uh, uh," he stuttered. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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