Chapter 6: Lunchroom Drama and a Concert

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(Name)'s POV

As I thought things were going to be "normal" I saw (g/n) walk into the cafeteria with her little "clique" right behind her. She looked around like she was searching for something. I ducked my head down, thinking it was me she was looking for. Please don't be looking for me, please don't be looking for me, I thought as she got closer and closer to the table.

As soon as she stopped at the table, I groaned and felt like disappearing. (G/n) smirked at me and then ushered her clique to come over to the table. "Well now, I found you (Name)," she said. "I need to have a word with you about what you did to (b/n) the other day."

I rolled my eyes and went to take a bite of my sandwich when I felt something spill over me. I looked to see that (g/n) had "accidentally" spilled the milk from her tray onto me. I was covered in white milk and everyone in the cafeteria, except for Sarah and the countries, laughed at me.

"Oops, my bad," she falsely apologized. "Sorry (Name)."

As I dripped with milk, I felt something drop over my head. I looked up to see that Germany had gotten me a towel from my Gym bag so I could dry myself off. "Here (Name)," he said.

"Thanks Ludwig," I thanked as I dried myself off.

While I was doing that, America, Prussia, and Russia blocked (g/n) and her entourage from me. They each had their arms crossed over their chests and glared at the group of girls.

"That was not cool what you did to (Name)," America growled.

"It was just an accident," the preppy cheerleader defended.

"Really? It doesn't seem like it, da?" Russia spoke. His dark aura surrounded him as he glared at the girls and the girls hid behind (g/n).

"If you try anything like that again, it vill not be pretty," Prussia threatened.

(G/n) glared at the guys and then huffed and turned away. As she walked away, I had a theory pop into my head that made me figure out why she had come in the first place; I walked over to (g/n) and have her a piece of paper that was in my pocket. It was a ticket to one of the coolest concerts that was coming up in a few days; Pentatonix. My ex had given it to me before we broke.

"Take it," I hissed. "I wouldn't be caught dead at that concert with him."

(Timeskip brought to you by Milk)*****

After the mess in the cafeteria, Sarah gave me a spare change of clothes to change into in the bathroom. Once I was done, I came out and walked with Sarah to class. "You know (Name), you're a lucky girl," she told me.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at my best friend in confusion. "Lucky?" I questioned. "I don't call having milk dumped on my head and the whole cafeteria laughing at me, lucky."

Sarah chuckled. "No, I don't mean that," she clarified. "I mean with those guys back there. They protected you from (g/n). They must really care about you."

I hadn't really thought about it that way. The way the countries were there for me was very sweet. After (g/n) had left, Italy went up to me to hug me. He didn't care that I was wet, he just helped me feel better. Britain took off his jacket and placed it on me since my shirt was wet after all. Then, Romano, Canada, France, Spain, China, and Japan escorted me and Sarah to the bathroom so that there were no peering eyes. I can't believe they did all that for me, I thought.

Later that day, after school had ended, the countries and I got onto the bus and made our way back to my house. As soon as we got there, Lily's bus pulled up and my little sis came running off the bus. I put on a fake smile to hide the fact that I had a bad lunch, and hugged my little sister.

"Big sis, I had a great day at school today," Lily told me with her arms out wide to emphasize what she meant.

"Oh you did, huh?" I asked.

"Yep. It was so much fun!"

I chuckled a bit. Lily could always bring a smile to my face.

(Timeskip brought to you by Pentatonix)*****

So the day of the concert came. Sarah tried to convince me to go with her to the concert but I told her it was fine. Plus I didn't have a ticket anymore so I couldn't go. Sarah insisted on staying home with me but I told her to go have fun. Besides, I had to take care f Lily.

A few minutes after she left for the concert, Britain, China, Japan, Lily and I were in the middle of a game of Uno when America came down the stairs with my purse, jacket and Pentatonix T-shirt. "America what are you doing?" Britain questioned as he looked up from his hand.

"Getting ready for the concert," America answered with a smile.

I looked up at him with confusion. "What on Earth are you talking about?" I asked.

America smiled at me before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulled something out of it. I gasped when I saw tickets in his hand, two to be exact. They were for the concert. "America, how did you get those tickets?" I asked as I went over to him.

"I got 'em off of a radio contest," He replied with his heroic smile. "Now hurry up and let's go."

"But America, who will watch Lily?"

China coughed and I turned to look at him. "I'll watch Lily. You go have fun, aru," China insisted.

"Thank you so much China," I thanked before heading to change. I came out in my shirt and jacket with my purse on my shoulder. America and I walked out the door and went to my car. "America this is so sweet of you. How can I thank you?"

America chuckled and pointed to his cheek.

"Oh okay." I leaned in and gave America a kiss on the cheek. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulders and then walked me to the car.

3rd Person's POV

Prussia watched from the window and saw America get a kiss from (Name). He growled in frustration. Don't think that this is over America, He thought. (Name) vill be mine.

So here's the update guys, just before Christmas. Hope you like it.

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