Chapter 20: Kidnapped? By Who?

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(Name)'s POV

As Italy and I sat there, Lily came out of the house in her pjs and with her Miku doll in her arms. "Big sis? Can you come tuck me in?" Lily asked.

"Of course," I replied, picking her up. I turned to look back at Italy and smiled. "Good night Italy," I told him.

"Buena notte (Name)," Italy said to me as I carried Lily up to bed.

She kept asking me a bunch of questions. "Did you and Mr. Italy kiss? Are you and him gonna go out on another date? If you got married, would that Mr. Italy my big brother?" she asked.

"Lily, it was just dinner and nothing more."

"That's not what Sarah said."

Dang it Sarah! I thought. "Look Lily, we'll talk more in the morning, okay?"


Then I went off to bed.

*****(Timeskip brought to you by Pasta)

The next morning following my date with Italy, I woke up to find the house eerily silent. Usually, I would hear something going on, anything really. I went to check the kitchen and living room and found nothing. There was not a trace of the countries anywhere.

"Where is everyone?" I wondered as I walked around the house. When I couldn't find anyone, I tried calling their cells to see if they would answer. I heard the phones ring but found no one attached to them. The only person's phone I didn't find was Japan's. (Japan's ringtone is World is Mine by Hatsune Miku! :) ) This is weird, I thought as I was starting to worry.

When my search beared no fruit, I called Sarah to see if they were over at her place- though I was highly doubting that they were. Sarah was mad that I woke her up but when I told her the situation she began to freak out. "This is not good, (Name)," Sarah told me. "You're sure they didn't leave a note or something?"

"Positive," I replied. "I looked everywhere for them. I don't have any explanation."

"Do you want me to start looking around for them? I could get a look at my side of town."

"Sure, that sounds-" Just then, the front door slammed open. I jumped and turned to find Hungary on the other side. She looked like she had been through a war zone; her hair was messed up, her clothes were dirty and torn; and she had scratches all over her. "Hungary?!"

***(Timeskip brought to you by Gilbird)

I helped Hungary get to the couch so she could lay down. By this time, Lily had gotten up and saw Hungary all war-torn. (Good thing Mom and left to do bargain shopping). "What happened?!" She asked Hungary, who was panting. She must've been running.

"Water...need water," she panted.

"Okay," I said, running to the kitchen to grab her water.

She practically drank it all in one gulp. When she was finished, I started tending to her wounds. "Okay, what happened?" I asked. "Why are you all beat up?"

"...We were all kidnapped last night," Hungary muttered under her breath.

"What?!" Lily and I shouted. "By who?!"

"....The 2Ps."

My throat quickly felt dry and my heart dropped into my stomach. I couldn't believe she said the 2Ps had kidnapped her. "B-But how? How is it possible that the 2Ps are even here?! What actually happened last night?!"

"Here's what happened...."


3rd Person's POV

Hungary had just finished getting into her pjs when she (Name) walk to her bedroom looking completely love-struck. That made her giggle. She looked out the window to see Italy still sitting on the porch, looking up at the sky. Then she saw something move in the bushes not too far by. Hungary blinked a few times but then shrugged.

As she turned away, she heard movement outside. Hungary quickly turned to see someone holding Germany in a head lock. She couldn't see too well because it was dark but this person looked to be about the size of Germany.

Thinking quickly, she raced to get all the other countries up and then bolted outside to get the stranger that was holding Italy. She smacked the man upside the head the head with her frying pan and he released Italy to deal with his head injury.

What shocked Hungary was how much the man did look like Germany after she got a better look. Then she gasped in shock. "You're-"

Before she could finish her statement, Hungary and the others began to cough on knock-out gas. Hungary tried to stay awake but was finding it hard to do so. Then she was knocked out.

*****(Timeskip brought to you by unconsciousness)

When Hungary woke-up, she found herself tied to a chair and all alone. Hungary found that she was in warehouse (of course) that was run down and abandoned. She tried to break free from the bondage that held her but was unable to do so.

"Don't even bother," A voice from behind spoke. She looked to see that it was Al. He smirked at Hungary while she growled at him. "Those ropes are meant to keep you here doll face. You're not leaving anytime soon."

"Says you!" Hungary shouted. "Where is everyone else?! If you hurt them, so help me I'll-"

"Calm down lady," Al said as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. "They're fine....for now anyway."

Hungary growled as she tried to figure a way out of this mess. She tried to use her nails to cut through the rope but they weren't sharp enough to do so. What now? She thought as she glared at Al. There's gotta be a way out of here.

She was stuck there for several hours until she was somehow able to reach the knot on the rope and untie herself. She slipped out of the ropes, with no one in the room, and started sneaking around to look for an exit. When Hungary finally found an exit, she tried to get out without being noticed when a knife flew by her face and got stuck in the door. It left a cut across her cheek and caused blood to trickle down her cheek. "Stop her!" Luciano shouted at the rest of the 2Ps.

Hungary wasted no time in running from the men who outnumbered her. She ran as fast as she could, even though she wanted to stop and fight them, towards the woods, where she ran through some bushes and a stream to lose them. Then there was a new problem, she was bruised due to falling down several times, bleeding, and she had no idea where she was. She wandered for hours through the woods and when she finally got out it was morning. Soon, Hungary spotted the neighborhood where (Name) lived and soon found her house.

End of Flashback

"And that's what happened," Hungary finished her story.

Just then, (Name)'s phone, which (Name) had placed on the coffee table, rang. The caller ID said it was from Japan. (Name) quickly picked it up and answered. "Hello?! Japan?!"

"Nope, sorry bella~," Luciano greeted on the other end of the phone, making shivers run down (Name)'s spine. "You are (Name), si? We have so much to talk about."

The 2Ps have the guys! Can (Name) save them?...Maybe? We'll find out!

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