Chapter 10: Driver's Test

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(Name)'s POV

"What?! You got your license Sarah?!" I yelled over the phone a little too loudly. Sarah had called to tell me she had finally got her license.

"Yep, I got my license, (Name)," she answered confidently. "It wasn't easy though. I had to do a lot of different driving sessions with my Dad."

I sighed. My parents weren't going to be back from their trip for another few weeks so it wasn't like I could ask my Dad to take me driving.

"Why don't you ask one of those guys to help you?"

Of course, why hadn't I thought of it sooner?! "Thanks Sarah. Gotta go!" I hung up and was getting ready to head down the stairs and stopped half-way to the door. I was about to rush downstairs and just ask whoever was closest to help me practice my driving. Wait a minute, I can't just go ask anyone to help me drive, I thought. I need to think this out.

I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down all the countries' names. Then I began crossing names off the list that I didn't think would be good for me to teach me how to drive. Italy and Romano were immediately crossed off the list for their, uh....quick jumps to acceleration? Japan was next off the list since he wasn't much for handling fast speeds. Then Britain, since he drove on the wrong side of the road. So I went on crossing names off the list until I was down to one name. "Of course, why didn't I think of asking him first?" I lightly facepalmed myself before heading downstairs to ask Germany to teach me to drive.

3rd Person's POV

"Higher Mr.Germany. Higher!" Lily proclaimed as she was being pushed on the swing by Germany. They were out in the backyard where Lily wanted to play on the swing set her Dad had given her for Christmas. Lily wanted to soar as high as the birds and wished for Germany to push her higher.

"Okay Lily," Germany told the child, pushing her higher on the swing until she was really soaring.

As Lily was catching some air, (Name) made her way outside and smiled at the scene in the backyard. It was good to see Lily and Germany having fun. It made her glad to know that her Lily sister was taken care of very well by the Germany when she was in the countries' dimension.

Anyway, (Name) got herself off of the porch and made her way over to the two, avoiding Lily as she soared higher and higher on the swing. "Hey Lily, hey Germany," she greeted.

"Hallo (Name)," Germany greeted back.

"So, listen Germany, I need to ask a favor," (Name) began. "I know how you are about driving and I need a really good driving instructor for my driver's test coming up. Is there any way that you could help me practice my driving?"

(Name) bit her lip in nervousness, not really sure how Germany would respond to her request to take her out driving. She honestly expected him to tell her no. However he surprised her; "Ja, all right. Vhat day vould vork best?" Germany asked.

"Saturday around noon sounds good with me."

"All right then. I vill see you then." Suddenly, there was a crash from inside the house followed by Italy crying. "Oh boy. Now vhat?" Germany rushed inside to see what had happened to Italy, leaving Lily and (Name) outside.

"Big sis," Lily said, getting off the swing. "Can I go with you and Mr. Germany to go driving?"

(Name) shook her head no. "Sorry Lil you can't. Remember the last time you went driving with me? I almost crashed into that tree because you distracted me."

"No I didn't!" Lily argued, puffing her cheeks out.

"Lily, you spilled juice in the backseat and got it all back there."

"Well I didn't mean to."

"I know hon, but you can't go. I need to really focus."


(Name)'s POV

When Saturday came around, Germany and I got into my Mom's car and made our way to the park near the house to do my practice driving. Germany got out of the driver's seat and sat in the passenger seat while I got in the driver's seat. I gulped as I got myself ready.

"You seem to be a bit nervous," Germany pointed out as my arms shook.

"M-M-Maybe just a little," I stuttered. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. I had done practice driving before so this should've been a piece of cake.

Germany sighed and then scooted closer to me. He took a hold of my hands and readjusted them on the steering wheel, making me blush a bit. "You need to make sure your hands are at ten and two," he told me after he had finished moving my hands.

"O-Okay," I stuttered. Then I began to do my practice driving. I actually did pretty good with my driving, making sure to use my turn signals, looked over my shoulder, worked on my parallel parking, all that stuff. Germany gave me a few pointers here and there, like adjusting my speed to go a little faster and how to ease on the break when I needed to come to a stop. I was able to drive us home from the park and got to parallel park in front of the house.

"You did very vell (Name)," Germany commented after we got out of the car.

"Thanks," I replied with a smile. "Maybe I'll be able to pass my driver's test and get my license."


(Timeskip brought to you by German Cars)**********

A few days following my practice driving with Germany, I went in for my actual test. I passed the written test no problem. Then came the road test. Sweat trickled down my back as the instructor penciled down notes on his clipboard. When it was all said and done, I came to park and then waited for the instructor to tell me if I passed or failed. He took a few more notes and then handed me my paper. I was in stone-cold shock as I walked out of the car and made my way inside, where Germany was actually waiting for me.

"Vell, how'd it go?" he asked.

I just handed him the paper and then had a huge smile come to my face. "I passed!" I shouted with glee before hugging Germany. "Thank you so much Germany!"

When I realized I was hugging him, I quickly let go and blushed.


"...Ja, uh..."

I looked up and Germany and smiled at him. "I really do appreciate you helping me out."

Germany smiled back. "It vas nothing."

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