Chapter 13: The Beauty Pageant

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(Name)'s POV

I just have to get this off my back now; I HATE beauty pageants. They irk me so much! So what does Sarah do? She gives me a flyer for a beauty pageant at the mall!

"It'll be fun," Sarah insisted. "Come on (Name)."

"N-O! No!" I replied. "There's no way I'm doing some stupid beauty pageant. Besides, (c/n) is signed up and we both know she wins every years."

"But (Name)-" Sarah persisted.

"My answer is clear. I'm not doing it and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise." I crossed my arms over my chest, determined to stand by my answer.

"...Okay then. If you're so set on not doing it. You should know that they changed the prize from a clothes shopping spree to a 1200 dollar scholarship for (f/college)."

My eyes widened after hearing that. It wasn't a lot of money in the grand scheme of things but scholarship money was still scholarship money. "So, when's the pagaent?"

"Not so fast (Name); if you really wanna do this then you need some help."


(Timeskip brought to you by the latest fashion trend)

I went over to Sarah's house the next day to do a trial-run for the talent show. She had out her make-up kit, a stack of dresses, a line of swimsuits, and...."Francis?!" I shouted when I saw France in Sarah's living room.

"Bonjour (Name)~," He greeted with a wink and a smile.

I was absolutely mortified when I saw France. It's not that I think France is a pervert it's just...he has his habits. I wouldn't feel comfortable if he saw me trying out different bathing suits and dresses. "Excuse us for a moment," I spoke before dragging Sarah into the kitchen to talk to her. "Sarah, what is Francis doing here?!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"I asked him to come," Sarah replied.

"Why would you ask him to come?!"

"Two reasons actually; 1, he's from France and knows a lot about fashion; and 2, I can't do this by myself. I need help too you know. Now do you want to win or not?"

This was something that I needed to bonder over; I could not do this but lose out on a scholarship for college. On the other hand, I could do this and be in an outfit that France would choose. Scholarship or dignity?....Man, I'm gonna regret this, I thought. "All right, let's do this."

Sarah smiled and then pushed me out to the living room. France had a bikini already picked out for me to try on for the swimsuit competition. "Zhis one vill be perfect for you," He said.

I felt my face turn red at the sight of it. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

(Timeskip brought to you by beauty pageants)

Following a week of beauty pagaent practice, it came time for the big night. France and Sarah caked my face with make-up and then Sarah got me into a (f/c) cocktail dress. Sarah applied my eyeshadow and then revealed my reflection in the mirror.

"You look beautiful," Sarah commented.

"You think so?" I asked as I turned my head to get a better look at myself.

"Almost," France reached for a (f/flower) and then placed in my hair just right to complete my new look. "Zhere, now you're perfect."

I blushed a bit at the compliment and then tried standing up in my new high-heel shoes but found myself wobbling. France helped steady myself out.

"Be careful now. We don't need you falling now do we?"

I turned my attention towards the other contestants to avoid making eye contact with France. I felt they were all far prettier than me but I didn't say anything out loud. (C/n) practically had the paparazzi swarming her as she flawlessly out make-up onto her cheeks.

"Will all the contestants please make their places to left stage?" The host requested.

I slowly but surely made my way to the line-up and stood next to none other than (c/n) as we walked out onto the stage. "Here are your young Miss (town's/name) contestants!" the host announced and the crowd clapped. Some pervs in the audience whistled and some girls blew kisses at them. I saw the countries near the middle all seated in a row and I smiled at them as I made my way off stage to get changed into my swimsuit.....I hate beauty pageants.

After a few rounds of stupid outfit changes and reapplying make-up over and over again, it was down to the final round and you probably know who the final two were right? Well it was me and some other girl that wasn't (c/n)! (C/n got disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct after not getting a perfect score during the talent competition. Apparently looking pretty doesn't count as being a talent).

This other girl I was going against was actually pretty nice. Not once did I see or hear her complain about something like a bunch of the other girls had done. We had just finished the talent competition and now it was the intelligence contest. The other girl went before me and gave a good response on global hunger and then it was my turn. I walked out onto the stage and prepared for whatever question I was going to be asked;

"Ms. (Name), what are your views on deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?" (A/n: I couldn't think of a less controversial issue).

"I feel that deforestation is an awful thing and if we keep things going the way they are we will lose a beautiful piece of our world," I answered. "In a few decades there might not be a Amazon Rainforest left."

The audience clapped and then it was time to wait. France and Sarah were more nervous than I was. "Zhis vill be close," France muttered under his breath.

An hour later, the girl and I were called out onto the stage. We both wished each other luck and then stood next to each other as the judges got out the crown and flowers for the winner. "And the winner is....(o/g/n)!"

The audience cheered and I smiled, glad she had won. Just as they placed the crown on her head, the host walked up to us and gave us an apologetic look before turning to the audience. "Folks, there was a bit of a mistake. I read second place instead of first. The true Miss (t/n) is Ms. (Name)!"

The crowd errupted into a huge roar as they put the crown on my head. The other girl clapped for me and I had my picture taken several times before I made it back stage. Sarah hugged me right away and France congratulated me. "You were wonderful," He commented after Sarah left to get the car around front.

"Thanks," I thanked, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. "It was all because of you though. I don't think I'd have won without your help."

"Oh please (Name), you were amazing out there. Zhere was not much I could've done to change that."

Just then, Lily came running up to me. She hugged me tightly and jumped up and down. "Big sis, you were amazing!" She told me.

"Thanks Lily," I smiled and picked her up.

"Can I wear your crown?"

"Sure." I placed it on her head but it slid right over her face, making me and France laugh.

"Looks like you will 'ave to grow into it Lily." France chuckled her.

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