Chapter 19: A Date?!

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(Name)'s POV

A week following the chibi fiasco, Germany, Japan, Italy and I were leaving art class when I forgot my textbook for my next class. "I'll catch up with you guys later," I told them. "I gotta get my book or my teacher will yell at me."

"All right then," Germany said. "Ve'll catch up vith you at lunch then."

"Sweet!" I quickly turned around and went back to the art room to get my art book. I got it off of my desk and then quickly exited the room, hoping to get to my next class without being late. I ran out the door and right into someone. When I looked to see who it was, I saw that it was Italy that I had run into. "Italy? What are you doing? I thought you were going to class with Germany and Japan."

"Oh, I was," Italy said nervously. "But, uh, I had to tell you- actually, ask you- something first."

"What is it?" I asked as I helped him pick up his books. When I looked at Italy, I saw the sweat running down his forehead and how he was shaking like a leaf, which meant he was nervous. "Italy?"

".....(Name) would you like to go to dinner with me?" He quickly asked.

My face began to pale as the question settled in. He asked me out on a date.....Feliciano Vargas asked me out on a date! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I thought. Italy just asked me out on a date! This is every fangirl's dream!

"Bella?" Italy asked, getting me out of my trance. "So, what do you say?"

I started rubbing the back of my neck, trying to keep my nerves from going all crazy, which I was failing at, and give Italy an answer. I was able to give him an answer after I finally untangled my tongue; "Yes, I would love to go out to dinner with you Italy. How about Friday around 7 at that Italian place down the road from the store?"

"Si, that sounds great," Italy agreed.


An awkward pause came and Italy and I ended up doing an awkward goodbye before heading to our separate classes.

*******(Timeskip brought to you by the Box of Tomatoes Fairy~)

"AHHHHHHHH!" Sarah squealed, er, shouted, after I told her the news on the phone after school. "You're going on a date with Italy!"

"Shhhhh," I shushed her. "If you're not quiet, then there's a chance the other countries will hear you."

"What's the big deal?" Sarah asked.

"Uh, the big deal is that if the other countries find out, then they'll be there when Italy and I are having dinner."

"Oh." I plopped onto my bed as I started to really think about this date with me and Italy; there was no way that the other countries wouldn't hear about it. If they heard about it, then they were going to follow us, which would make things even more awkward.

"What am I gonna do Sarah? I can't do that to Italy," I told her.

"Well then don't tell anyone you're going out to dinner," Sarah suggested.

"Even if I don't tell them, they'll be suspicious if I go out with Italy by myself."

"Right, right......I got it; take Lily with you!"


"Let Lily tag along with you and Italy out the door. Then, I'll meet up with you guys at the restaurant and then take her off your hands."

I was going to interject to the idea when I really thought about it; it wasn't a bad idea. It could actually work.

When Friday came around, I made sure to cover my nice outfit with a hoodie that was slightly over sized and walked out the door with Italy and Lily to head to the restaurant. When we got there, Sarah was there to take Lily to a separate table that was on the other side of the establishment and allowed me and Italy to enjoy dinner in peace.

3rd Person's POV

After (Name) and Italy took off their over sized coats, they sat down in their nicer outfits and ordered dinner. Then Italy gave (Name) a bouquet of flowers he had bought her. "Here you go bella, they're for you," he told her as he gave her the flowers.

"Aww Italy~, they're lovely," (Name) said as she took them. "Thank you so much."

"No problemo~."

As Italy and (Name) talked, Lily kept asking Sarah if her sister was really on a date with Italy. "Is Big Sis really on a date with Mr. Italy?" she asked Sarah.

"Yep," Sarah replied.

"Does that mean she's going to marry him?"

Sarah spat out her drink she was sipping. "I don't know if it'll go that far."

Just then, the remaining countries walked into the restaurant.

"Oh boy," Sarah said when she saw them. "Time for plan B!"

(Name)'s POV

Italy and I were having a really good time. He kept making me laugh and smile, which I hadn't done on a date in a long time...Well I hadn't been on a date in such a long time so I don't know if that counts or not.

Anyway, I soon reached for Italy's hand and held it, which made us both blush. Then Italy started leaning towards me. I started leaning towards him. Just when we were about to kids each other, Sarah came over and pulled up a chair from an empty table and placed it at ours. "Uh, Sarah, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, I just thought that Lily might want to be with her big sister," Sarah nervously said. Then she whispered to me about the countries being here and I quickly understood the situation.

"You don't mind, do you Feliciano?" I asked him.

"Not at all," He gleefully replied.

So the date turned into babysitting. Italy and Lily were having fun, and I did too, but I guess I was looking forward to a little alone time with Italy. (At least the others weren't spying on us.)

When dinner was over, we took Lily back to the house and then I went up to bed. I was about to get into my pjs when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and found Italy on the other side. "Italy?" I whispered.

Italy smiled and then took me outside. He sat me down on the porch swing and we both did star gazing. We watched as a shooting star whizzed across the sky and just chatted with each other.

"Sure is pretty, huh?" I said.

"Si, really pretty," That's when I felt Italy's arm wrap around my shoulder, making me blush. Then Italy leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, making me blush an even darker shade of red. It was an absolutely perfect moment.....too bad it didn't last.

What is coming? Why was the moment ruined? We'll find out.

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