Chapter 7: Prussia's Plan

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(Name)'s POV

The concert was amazing. America and I were jamming to the music and we even met up with Sarah, who winked when she saw that I was with America. "Now isn't that cute?" Sarah giggled.

The whole time we were at the concert, America had an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I blushed as we enjoyed the concert. 

3rd Person's POV 

Prussia was steaming mad. No, mad couldn't even begin to describe how he felt. How dare America think that he can vin over (Name) like that?! He thought as he paced around the living room, making sure to stomp his feet as he did. This woke-up little Lily, who had been put to bed by China hours earlier. 

"Mr. Prussia," she yawned as she came down the steps. "Why are you being so loud?" 

Prussia looked over at the little (h/c) girl on the stairs and felt guilty for waking such a little angel from her sleep. "I'm sorry Lily," he apologized, walking over to her and picking her up. "I did not mean to vake you up." He then placed her back down on the stairs and walked with her upstairs. "You should get some rest." 

"Okay Mr. Prussia," she yawned before crawling back into her bed and sleeping with her Hatsune Miku doll. 

Silently, Prussia left Lily's room and went back downstairs to fume; this time more quietly of course. Then his two best friends, France and Spain, came downstairs after hearing the commotion from earlier. "Prussia, mi amigo, why are you still up?" Spain asked as he rubbed his eyes. 

"Do you 'ave any idea what time it is?" France questioned as he stretched. 

"Sorry guys," Prussia apologized. "I'm just having trouble on how to vin (Name) back." 

Spain and France looked at each other in confusion then at Prussia. "Since when did you have her to begin with?" Spain asked. 

"Since the beginning!" Prussia silently shouted. "Now America thinks he can just waltz in and steal her from me! Vell I don't think so!" A boastful smirk appeared on his face. "And vhen that happens..." (A/N: We are about to dive into the mind of Prussia. You have been warned.) 

Prussia's Mind

(Imagine one of those cheesy soap opera things) (Name) was in a strapless (f/c) dress and was in Prussia's arm. "Oh Prussia," she said dramatically. "I hope you can forgive me for thinking that America was awesomer than you. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" 

Prussia smirked coolly. "Of course frauline," he said suavely. "But please, call me Gilbert." 

"Oh Gilbert. Kiss me." 

"Don't mind if I do." 

End of Prussia's Thoughts. 

"That's exactly how it's going to go!" Prussia shouted. 

France and Spain weren't so sure about that. 

"And I know just the plan to make her fall for me once again." 

(Time Skip brought to you by Puppies. Because they're so darn cute!)

(Name)'s POV 

Lily and I were walking home from library. You see, Lily wanted to go there for the story time that takes place while I did some much needed studying. It's not that I wasn't studying at home, it was just that I was finding it hard to study, what with there being twelve hot, yet very loud, guys in my house, sometimes yelling and throwing stuff at each other. 

Anyway, after getting caught up with that and school work, and checking out a book for Lily, we were both making our way home when it felt like something, or someone, was following us. Lily was too busy not trying to step on cracks on the sidewalk to notice that I was on edge. Then it happened; barking. I quickly turned to see a huge, foaming at the mouth, rottweiler charging at me and Lily from behind. 

Thinking quickly, I picked Lily up and started running like there was no tomorrow. The dog barked as it chased us and followed us all the way to the park, where I climbed up a tree with Lily to escape its sharp teeth. When we were safe in the tree, Lily began to cry a bit. "Is the dog going to eat us?" She asked. 

"N-No Lily," I stuttered, unsure if I should tell her the truth or not. I honestly didn't know what the dog was going to do to us. If it had rabbis, which I really assumed it did, then that was going to be trouble. I just knew it. "I'm gonna call for help." 

"There von't be any need for that!" a voice shouted. 

I looked down to see Prussia down at the bottom nearing the dog with a...stick? Why didn't I realize that this was a Prussia plan to begin with? "Prussia, what are you doing?" I shouted. 

"I'm here to save you frauline!" he shouted as he got closer and closer to the dog. "Now back you beast!" 

After poking it just once, the dog growled and jumped on top of Prussia. Prussia screamed and I, thinking quickly, slid down the tree, took off my shoe and hit the dog on the head with it. He whimpered and ran away. I huffed and then ran over to Prussia, who was still lying on the ground. 

(Timeskip brought to you by rabbis)

So it turned out that that dog didn't actually have rabbis, it was just shaving cream in his mouth. Prussia had gone to a pet store and had requested to borrow it. It was later caught after it was found peeing in someone's yard. Prussia was in a bit of a bind with me. I would've been a bit angrier with him than I actually was, but he did get bit on the hand by the dog. 

"Here, hold still," I said as I wrapped his hand with the gauze, tightly mind you. 

"Oww!" he winced in pain. "Don't be so hard!" 

"Well next time, don't do something so stupid!" I yelled. "You didn't just scare me, you scared Lily too! And look what happened?! Seriously Prussia!" 

Prussia just stared at me in shock. He had not expected me to yell at him the way I did. But I was genially mad. 

"Plus, you could've gotten seriously hurt. Then what? Huh?!" 

Still, nothing. 

I sighed and then leaned in and gave Prussia a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me in shock and surprise. "I heard about the little bet between you and America. Now you're even. So don't go doing something that stupid again!" 

Yep. Prussia's in trouble! But he got a kiss. Will he and America's rivalry end here? And will the other countries get roped into this too? Probably....Yes. Welp, until next time! 

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