Chapter 11: The Sick Day

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(Name)'s POV

Right after I got my license, people started asking me for some rides to school, even kids I didn't even know! Of course I told most of them no, since they just wanted a ride and not to get to know me better. I still gave Sarah, my other close friends, Lily, and the countries to school, but not all at once. The thrill of being able to drive to school was short lived though because I soon got very sick. At first, I thought it was a simple cold but it developed into a really, really, really bad cold complete with barf and all. It all came to realization one night during a study session with Japan; 

We were studying the feudal era of Japan for art class since our art teacher assigned us a project. It involved doing an art piece inspired by a certain era from any country and Japan and I were working together since Italy insisted in doing one with Germany on the Renaissance in Italy. We were going to do a large painting that had samurais and cherry blossoms on it. 

As we were drawing out the plans for it, I began to have a bunch of coughing fits for no apparent reasons and had to turn away from the table several times. Japan seemed very concerned when after I began sneezing as well. "Are you arr right (Name)-san?" he asked me after my 12th sneeze. 

"I-I'm fine Japan," I insisted, trying not to worry him. "It's just a, *sneeze* a bit of sneezing." 

Japan wasn't very convinced by what I was telling him because he placed a hand to my forehead and felt it. "(Name)-san, you are burning up," he told me after taking his hand away from my forehead. "I think it wourd be best for you to get some sreep." 

"But we have to finish the project," I reminded him. 

"Not when you're sick." Japan ushered me up the stairs and to my room. He made sure I went straight to bed as soon as I got in the room and covered me in a blanket to keep me warm. "We can pick up the project when you are feering better." 


**********(Timeskip brought to you by Colds. Aren't they just the best?)

The next day was absolutely awful. My head hurt, my throat was scratchy, my nose was stuffed up, and I felt like I was burning. China stuck a thermometer in my mouth and took my temperature. "Ai-yah!" he exclaimed after he took it out. "(Name), you have a temperature of 102!" 

"It's not *cough*, that bad," I tried to persuade him to believe but to no avail. 

"You're staying home today and that's that,"

I groaned and fell into my pillow. I hated being sick because it meant three things; taking a butt load of medicine; having to deal with the constant coughing and sneezing; and having to make-up a bunch of school work. It just sucks. 

"Looks like one of us will have to stay here and take care of you," America said. 

"No, no, you guys don't have to do that," I said. "I can *sneeze* take care of myself."

"Nonsense love. You need to stay in bed and rest," Britain spoke. "One of us will stay here and take care of you." 

"I wirr stay here with (Name)-san and take care of her," Japan offered. 

"You will?" I asked. 

"You will?" the other countries asked. 

"Can I stay home too?" Lily asked. 

"No!" I answered, making her pout. "You're not sick so you're going to school." 

"But it's not fair." 

After finally convincing Lily that she had to go to school, the other countries left to school and left me and Japan at the house. I wanted to try and sleep but I was burning so much that I couldn't get any sleep. A few minutes after everyone had left, Japan came into the room with a cup of tea and a plate of little red things that I couldn't really recognize. "Here," he said, placing the plate on my nightstand along with the tea.

"What is that for?"

"It is Umeboshi, or Pickred Prums. They wirr herp bring down the fever arong with the tea." 

I slowly sat myself up in my bed and adjusted myself in my bed. Japan then gave me the bowl of pickled plums to eat along with some chopsticks. "Uh, where did you get these chopsticks from?"

"The store. It took me a whire to find them but I did. Now you should really eat your prums."

"Okay." I used the chopsticks to pick up a plum and as soon as it hit my taste buds, I had a sour and salty taste overcome my tongue. I tried not to spot it out but it was hard to swallow. "Why is it so salty and sour?"

"It's to help drive out the fever. Now for the tea."

Adding the tea into the mix kinda upset my stomach but I did the best I could not to throw up. When it was all settled in my stomach, I fell asleep peacefully in my bed, only to be woken up an hour later to throw up. I came stumbling out of the bathroom and Japan came to help me back into bed. After getting all cozy again, Japan came in with my little DVD player and we watched anime together. We finished the first season of FMA: Brotherhood and were even able to get in one of the movies before we both fell asleep. 

3rd Person's POV 

Lily raced up the stairs after coming home from school, excited about all the things she had to tel her older sister. "Big sis! Big sis!" she shouted as she thundered up the stairs and made her way to her older sibling's room. She opened the door just slightly and peaked inside to see her sister fast asleep in bed and Japan sleeping in a chair right next to the bed. "Huh, I guess it's still nap time." 

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