Chapter 22: Rescue Time!

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(Name)'s POV

We wasted no time in going to the old Lake View's cosmetic factory by the ocean. Sarah met up at my house and we planned out our course of action; after printing out a map of the facility, the three of us, i.e. Hungary, Sarah, and I, got all dressed in black and drove to the location. (I wasn't going to let Lily anywhere near the 2Ps).

When we got to the gate that surrounded the factory, we parked the car, went through an opening in the gate and went towards the factory. The three of us looked through a window to see what was inside. The room they were looking in was empty.

Hungary slowly opened the window, allowing us to sneak inside undetected.

3rd Person's POV

Inside the factory, the countries were tied to chairs and had cloths covering their mouths. They all struggled and tried to break free but were unable to do so.

This is bad, Britain thought as he tried to reach for the knot in the rope. He looked over at Wales and noticed him trying to break free as well. What are those blokes up to?

Then the 2Ps came into the room with smirks on their faces.

(Name)'s POV

"Nothing in here," I reported from another empty room.

"Nothing here either," Sarah stated from another room.

"Or here," Hungary added.

We had searched several rooms now and there seemed to be no trace of the guys, or the 2Ps, anywhere. It was very odd. "Hmm, this is strange. We haven't seen anybody yet," Sarah said after we searched the first half of the building.

"Could they be somewhere else?" I suggested. "Maybe I misinterpretated the clue?"

"No, I know this is the place," Hungary reemphasized. "We just have to keep looking."

That's when we heard shouting. The three of us made our way over to the shouting, making sure to stay quiet and hidden, and peaked into a room to see countries and 2Ps in an all-out brawl. There were chairs being thrown, people getting punched, and plenty of profanities that should never be repeated in front of children.

"Should we get involved?" I asked.

"I think we need to stay out of this," Hungary stated.

"So we're just gonna watch them beat the tar out of each other?" I questioned.

"I think they'll be fine," Sarah said.

I wasn't so confident. (I know they can take care of themselves but I was worried). Since the door was locked, I reached for a crowbar that was lying on the ground and worked on prying the door open. When it did open, I made my way inside to get a closer look at the fighting that was taking place. (For some reason the way that were fighting made them all look like they were in chibi form).

No one had noticed us at this point and they didn't for a few minutes. Then Kuro, who was sword fighting with Japan- where they got the swords is still a mystery- noticed me out of the corner of his eye. He smirked and was able to push Japan back for a brief moment before he shouted, "Ruciano, she's here!"

Luciano, who was fighting Germany, stopped for a brief moment, turned to look at me, and smirked. I gulped. This is not good at all, I thought as he took something out of his pocket and three it to the ground. It was like a smoke bomb had gone off. I started coughing along with everyone else. Shouting followed;

"Move it you idiots!"

"Hold still you!"

"It is time to be crushed, da?"

"Let go of me aru!"


Sarah, Hungary and I found an exit and ran towards it to get some fresh hair. We all choked for air while the fighting continued inside. As the smoke disappated, I looked back inside to find the 2Ps on the ground, unconscious, and the countries standing, for the most part, victoriously. "And now to send you wankers back to where you belong," England stated. He said some spell in Latin and then a portal opened and sucked the 2Ps inside before disappearing.

"Is it over?" Sarah asked.

I smiled and nodded. "It's over."

*****(Timeskip brought to you by...I don't know, Pizza or something?)

We took the guys back to the house and started patching them all up. They were all bruised and scratched up from the fight. Something was bothering me though; with everything, it seemed that Luciano wanted to get caught. But why? It didn't make sense.

As I was lost in thought, I was patching up Germany and accident my pushed a bit too hard on one of his bruises and made him wince in pain. "Sorry," I apologized.

"It's fine (Name)," Germany replied.

"Well I'm almost done with your shoulder."

While the three of us, four if you count Lily, were patching the guys up, my parents came in and freaked out. "What happened?!" Mom asked after seeing the guys.

"Um, there was a bit of a fight," I said. "It got ugly."

"Do I need to call the police?" Mom asked.

"Do I need to get out my guns?" Dad asked.

"No, No, No," I spoke. "The guys that attacked, uh, ran off. In fact, I can guarantee that they won't be coming back anytime soon."

"Well, if you're sure," Mom shrugged. Mom wasn't totally convinced, but she was convinced enough to the point where she didn't need to call the police.

That night, as I made my way to bed, I noticed Canada whispering to France about something. I was confused and wondered what they were talking about. I pretended to round the corner so they wouldn't see me and tried to hear what they were saying but couldn't. When they were done talking, I pretended I wasn't paying attention and walked right into Canada. "Sorry Canada," I apologized.

For a split second, it looked like Canada was angry at me. Then his sweet, shy smile returned. "Oh it's all right (Name)," he insisted. "I should just watch where I'm going."

"Okay, goodnight," I made my way to my room and closed the door, unsure of what was going on.

3rd Person's POV

After the sisters and Hungary had gone to bed, the countries, besides Hungary, gathered in the living room. They all sat down in the room. Italy was the last person to arrive and a smirk formed on his face when he arrived. He opened his eyes to reveal a magenta color. "So then, the plan has gone off without a hitch, ve?"

What is happening?! Even I don't know! (Well, I do but I'm not gonna tell yet.) What I do know is that things are about to get interesting.

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