Chapter 24: Lily the Spy and the Escape Attempt

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(Name)'s POV

"I don't know Sarah," I told Sarah on the phone. "Something just seems different about the guys."

"(Name), you're over reacting," Sarah insisted. "Or maybe you're stressed because of the whole "2P" situation."

"Maybe you're right," I sighed. "Maybe I am over-reacting."

That's when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I called. "I gotta let you go Sarah. Talk to you later."

After I hung up, Italy walked into the room. "Ciao (Name)~," he greeted with his happy-go-lucky smile.

"Hey Italy," I greeted back with a smile and a blush. I hadn't really talked with Italy since the 2P incident about our "date". I sat down on the bed and ushered Italy over to sit next to me. "Listen Italy, I wanna talk about the others know?"

"Sí, they found out," Italy sighed in defeat.

"...So, what does that make us? A couple?"

"Well, if you want to be a couple, then yes!"

"That's the thing though; I don't know how I feel. I mean, technically speaking, I've gotten to go on a date with each of you guys or have been in a situation where I've gotten close to you guys." My feelings were all jumbled. The 2P incident really got me thinking about each of the guys and how I had a connection with them in some way shape or form. "I don't know who I like. I don't know who's right for me...I'm sorry I'm so indecisive. I know you must think badly of me now."

"Not at all," Italy replied, surprising me. "In fact, if you need time to think, then you need time to think. I can respect that, and so can everyone else."

I smiled and then hugged Italy. Things seemed to be going my way.

*****(Timeskip brought to you by 2Ps...Yeah, I'm running out of ideas for this)

3rd Person's POV

The sisters were asleep, or so the 2Ps assumed. They gathered in the living room that night to discuss the plan.

"Luciano, how much longer do we have to this stupid plan?" Al asked as he leaned against the wall. "I'm sick of pretending to be pork chop!"

"I agree with Al, for once," Matt scoffed. "Why don't we just grab the girl while she's sleeping?"

"It wouldn't be hard, da?" Viktor pointed out.

"You are all simple-minded," Luciano sighed. "Don't you understand that it's about building her trust? Then, when she finds out the truth, it will be amusing to see her get furious about being tricked." A sadistic smirk formed on his face.

"Luciano, you are one evil son of a gun," Lutz said.

Luciano chuckled. Then he glanced over at Hungary, who was gagged and tied to a chair after she went snooping around. (Before she got caught, Hungary was actually kicking most of the 2Ps to the cirb). She struggled in her restraints but was unable to break free. This time, the 2Ps made sure to keep her from escaping.

"So when do we move in on the next part of the pran?" Kuro questioned.

"Soon," Luciano answered.

"That sounds wonderful~," Flavio cheered. "That means I can take (Name) shopping, sí?"

"And her and I could make cupcakes together~," Oliver squealed.

"There's not a snowball's chance in heck that she would want to do any of that stuff aru," Xiao grumbled.

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