Talking; Well I dont have to hold back then

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"Oh and don't forget the one time that he woke up naked in the park." Zayn whispers softly, making me break out into a fit of soft giggles.

"Harry is seriously the worst drinker on the planet. It takes so little for him to get drunk. Unlike me, who's the Irish man." Niall says softly, glancing around us to make sure that Harry isn't close enough to hear.

Liam had gone to bed, Louis had gone to walk El out to her car, and Harry had said he had to take a 'wee' as he called it. And right when he left Zayn and Niall had started to tell me embarrassing things about him.

"One time we bought cheap beer and brought it back to our old flat which we all used to share, and Harry of course got drunk first while the rest of us were just starting to right? He tried to convince us that he had a mustache and said that he-"

Zayn gets cut of by a pair of large arms wrapping around his neck in a head lock.

"Why are you emberassing me, huh?" Harry laughs aloud.

"Don't listen to anything that they say to you." Harry glances to me from behind the couch; his muscular arms still wrapped around Zayn's neck from behind.

I shriek back into the couch as Zayn brings his arms up to Harry, gripping his shoulders to make him fall over the side of the couch which he sits on; pinning him to the floor straight after.

"This happens a lot." Niall tells me as he watches the wrestling boys on the floor.

I nod my head with raised eyebrows as I watch Harry switch the roles on Zayn, pinning him to the ground and sitting on his stomach. Lets say that I wouldn't mind being Zayn right now.

"And then one time when we were playing ding dong ditch he didn't run fast enough and an old man beat him with his newspaper and the-"

Zayn's yelling gets cut of by Harry shoving a hand over his mouth, "So not true." He laughs towards me, struggling to keep a wriggling Zayn beneath him.

I laugh as Zayn pushes Harry off him, standing to his feet quickly; out of breath.

"I'm going to bed you idiots." Niall announces, slapping each boy on the back of their heads as he passes by them.

"Good to meet you Alex, see you soon yeah?" Niall asks me.

I smile with yet another nod, watching as he closes his door.

I hear a phone ringing, jumping in surprise as Zayn takes off into a run, hopping over the couch in a hurry to get to the kitchen counter where his phone lies.

I watch as he grabs hold of it, instantly picking up the call and bringing it to his ear. "Hey babe." He says breathlessly, walking across the living room to the front door, giving me a goodbye wave before he starts to speak into his phone again.

"That's his girlfriend Candice." Harry laughs.

I nod in understandment as I stand up, now that it's only Harry and I, I bet he wants to go to bed.

"You don't have to go, we can still talk. I mean, if you want?"

I think for a second before sitting back down softly, making him smile.

"Do you work?" He asks, sparking up a converstaion.

I nod my head.


My cheeks flush as I know I'm not able to properly answer his question. I'm seriously not going to break out into charades.

"Oh wait, I've got an idea." He smirks.

I watch as he leans over to the coffee table, opening the drawer to pull out a piece of wrinkled paper, and a pen.

"Here." He laughs.

I shake my head in laughter as I take them from him, scribbling down one word onto the paper.

"Ah, library. It's because the books isn't it?" He smiles.

I laugh softly with a nod. Next, I raise my eyebrows and point to him.

"I, uh..." He laughs, seeming embarrassed.

I nudge him with a laugh, his embarrassment only making me more interested.

"I teach a defense class for women at the local gym." He tells me.

I smile, thinking of how cool that is.

I give him a small smile as I scribble down on the paper again, lifting it for him to see.

"I guess it's 'great'." He laughs at my use of wording.

"How old are you?" He questions.

Once again I write down my answer on the paper, revealing it to him.

"Eighteen huh? I'm almost nineteen, well in about a couple months." He smiles.

"Hold on." He tells me with a smirk, standing up to stride over to the large shelf to the right of him.

I just watch him as he flips through all his albums, stopping at the one he had been looking for before placing it in the record player, placing the needle down.

"Remember when I said this ones my favorite?" He asks me, the song that had brought me to tears in my little apartment all alone sounding throughout the apartment.

This song made me want to be happy and content with my life, and I feel that I'm actually starting to try.

I nod my head once again, making his dimples appear on either side of his cheeks as he offers me his hand. My cheeks heat as I laugh under my breath, my fingers reaching out to grasp onto his before he pulls me effortlessly from the couch.

He pulls me in at a safe distance, doing the simple swaying in a circle routine that made me relieved, because I'm not a girl for dancing.

"You know you have pretty eyes?" He asks me.

My eyelashes flutter as I look down the the floor, trying to hide my pink cheeks from his view.

"I've bet you've already heard that one though." He chuckles.

I shake my head as a symbol that I've never heard that from a boy before, making him pull me a little bit closer to himself.

"Just to get this thought out of my mind, you don't have a boyfriend do you?" He asks me.

I shake my head, taking myself by surprise as I let my head rest against his shoulder, my body jolting with nerves as he pulls me into him even more, our chests touching at the close proximity.

"Well I don't have to hold back then." He chuckles softly, making me laugh quietly into his shoulder.

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