Snow Angels; Don't Be A Smart Ass

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Song of the chapter-

Feels Like Home by Chantal Kreviazuk

How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding

Never Saw Blue Like That by Shawn Colvin


With Harrys hand clasping my clammy one, I mill through Anne's house with him through all his family members. His broad back is in front of me for guidance as he leads us to Gemma and Jeremy in the corner of the room, the lace of my white dress skimming across the skin of my legs.

We sit and talk with them on the couch, until Harry has his head leant against the back of the cushions bordelly. When he stands, I look up to him.

"Get your coat, we're going outside." He smiles.

I didn't second guess anything as I got up and followed him upstairs for our coats, wanting to get out of the people-filled house anyways and get some fresh air. I put on my black jacket, not caring what I will look like as I put on my purple rain boots, discarding my black flats for them. I'd take rain boots and snow over pretty flats and looking proper any day. Harry slips on his jacket after we put on beanies and mittens, and I admire the way he manages to look flawless while doing anything, even just rolling the cuffs of his jacket as he does right now.

"What?" He chuckles, looking sideways to me.

"Nothing." I murmur softly, and gather my hair in one hand to take it off my shoulders.

He kisses my jaw before leading me out of the bedroom door, downstairs, and then outside into the freezing, inviting, and somehow comforting weather. Nobody noticed our leaving the party, so we left without questions. The snow crunches beneath my rain boots and Harrys familiar brown ones as we walk, the cold air nipping at my cheeks, brining blood to the surface.

"It was beginning to get a bit too senior-ish in there." Harry tells me.

"Senior-ish?" I laugh.

"Lots of old people." He explains with a grin.

I shake my head and lace my fingers through his without an ounce of hesitation, and swing our interlocked hands as we walk away from his house.

"That's not the only reason why I wanted to come out here though." He informs me.

"And why's that?" My eyes gaze admiringly at the snow that falls around us, not minding the feeling of the cold air whipping through my hair and sinking into my clothes.

"I just wanted to be alone with you for a while." He tells me.

I smile over to him, and murmur an I love you before kissing his hand which is still locked with my own. His response of the three worded phrase was a familiar sound, making the corners of my lips raise.

The street is deserted because of the snow, and we even walk passed the lake he took me to last year. I don't bother on asking where we are going, because there isn't much we can go instead of a field covered in snow. I like that they don't have neighbors, it must be nice, and peaceful.

The snow begins to be high enough to reach my ankles as we walk, and I stop in place as Harry releases my hand. I laugh as he sits in the middle of the snowed out field, a sigh escaping from him as he plops back into the snow. His nose and cheeks are pink, and it's times like these that are my favorite. When it's just me and him in a peaceful place, with no phones and no people to disrupt our time. Just us.

When he beckons me to join him I do, and huff when I sink into the snow beside him.

"I used to come out here all the time when I was a kid. When my mom was pissing me off or when Gemma was being a twat." He tells me.

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