Whiteboard; The 'V'

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"Ni, shut up she's still sleeping."

"No she's not, her eyes are like, fluttering Harry. Look."

The whispers made me turn on the bed, or wait, what am I sleeping on? I slowly open my eyes to see none other but a bed, but not my own.

"Oh, Alex you're awake." I hear Harry say, looking over to see him and Niall in the doorway. I lift my hand from the bed sheets, waving tiredly at them.

"I'm gunna.....go make breakfast." Niall mutters, fleeing from the room. I sit up as Harry pushes himself from the doorframe, strolling into the room.

"You fell asleep during the movie so I just let you stay in my room. I didn't know if your apartment door was locked or not, and I didn't want to wake you." He laughs. I nod my head in understandment, smiling softly to let him know it was okay. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch during What Happens in Vegas.

"So there is breakfast out there if you want to come eat." He tells me, backing out of the room slowly as he waits for my answer. I nod my head with a small smile, getting off of the bed when he exits the room. Now I know Niall was just trying to leave us be, because breakfast was already made.

I shuffle into the bathroom where I find a comb on the counter, running it through my tangled hair. I rinse my mouth with hot water before leaving the bedroom, being greeted by the other four boys as they sit at the kitchen table, along with Harry.

I smile as I sit down into a seat beside Harry and Niall, watching as Niall grabs me a plate of pancakes from the middle of the table before setting it in front of me. "So, Alex." Louis starts.

I raise my eyebrows at him, taking a bite of my pancakes. "I know this is a random time to bring this up, but have you ever thought about using a white board or something to talk?" He asks me.

Yes, that has came to mind but I've never needed one to talk to people. There's nobody to really talk to around here anyways. Well at least until now. I just shrug my shoulders, taking another bite.

"Well look, I've got one if you ever want it. I just think it would be easier." Louis tells me.

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to Lou." Harry says in defense.

I shake my head to tell him it's okay, looking to Louis. "You want it?" He asks me.

I nod my head and watch as he gets up, coming back with a small whiteboard and purple marker. I set the contents on my lap before returning to my breakfast, listening to the boys talk about a camp trip that they have planned to go on in a few weeks. And then Louis starts to say how Eleanor has a interview for a job- wait.

Work. The library!

I drop my fork onto my plate, making all their eyes trail onto me. I slide off my chair, scanning the room for my shoes that I had taken off in the living room last night before watching Lord Of The Ring. Once I find my flats I shove them on my feet, the boys asking what's going on from the table. I scurry to the table which I had placed my whiteboard on, scribbling 'work' down onto the board in purple letters before waving a quick goodbye at the shocked boys before leaving.

I don't even bother on changing my clothes when I burst into my apartment, just grabbing my purse and running down the hallway to try and reach work on time. I really can't lose this job. I love it.

Harrys POV:

After Alex had ran out of the room we sat there confused, until Louis reached over and grabbed the whiteboard that she had wrote on. We read what had been written on the board, now understanding why she had fled so quickly. And then I notice that she had left her whiteboard here.

"I thought that she had finally noticed what a freak you are Hazz." Zayn tells me, receiving a punch to the shoulder from me. I take a bite of my pancakes while chuckling, turning to Louis as he speaks up.

"Oh, I almost forgot, El wants to go out to dinner tonight." He tells all of us, taking a bite of bacon.

"And she also had said that you guys should invite Brianna and Candice." Lou says, motioning to Zayn and Niall.

"But guys, won't that be weird since we're just friends?" Niall asks all of us. We all roll our eyes at him, shaking our heads.

"We all know you both like each other! So just make the girl yours already!" Liam exclaims, making Niallers cheeks turn a shade of pink before he looks down to his plate of pancakes, jabbing them with his fork.

"Oh Harry, she told me to tell you to bring Alex too. El really liked her." Lou adds.

"See Niall, Alex and I are friends and I'll invite her too." I nudge him.

He nods his head, still murdering his pancakes with his fork. "Yeah but not friends for long." Zayn chuckles from across the table.

Now it's my turn for my face to heat, throwing a piece of bacon straight at his face, feeling a twinge of satisfaction as it hits his forehead. He shoots dagger eyes at me before picking up the piece of bacon that had fell to the table, taking a big bite out of it.

"Are Louis and I the only ones who are able to admit feelings for our woman?" Zayn jokes, wrapping an arm round Louis who nods his head playfully with pursed lips.

"You have to be true and honest with your woman to ya know...." He trails of, weirdly pelvic thrusting the air from in his chair. The rest of us boys break out into laughter, shaking our heads.

"That's not all that its about though." Niall tells them, still chucking a little bit.

"He's right." I point to Niall with my fork, still holding laughter in of my own.

"So you're saying that if you had the opportunity to have at it with Alex you wouldn't? Same with Brianna Niall! And for you Liam, whatever lady friend is in your life right now, which is none by the way because I would know." Louis says.

"I mean yeah but it's not all what I'm after." I answer him, a giddy smile still plastered on my face from all of our laughing highs.

"Yeah." Niall agrees, Liam nodding his head.

"Yeah I know that too." Louis chuckles.

"I just wanted you guys to admit that you want the V." He laughs, high fiving Zayn.

"Whatever." Liam laughs, standing up to bring his plate to the sink, while Niall begins to eat his mashed up pancakes.

I push my plate away before standing up, grabbing the whiteboard and marker, heading for the door. "Where you going?" Liam asks.

"To bring her whiteboard back to her." I announce, slipping through the door. I knew she would be working still, so I scribble down the restaurants name, time, and set it in front of her door.


Authors Note-

I know it's short but here's an update!!:)



Guys, also read my complete fanfic called 'Start It All Over Again' <33

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