Knowing She's Mine; I Miss You

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Song of the chapter-

Not Broken by Goo Goo Dolls

Sunday Morning by Maroon 5

Please don't complain about the baby name I chose:)


My hand stretches out beside me in bed as I feel for Alex, soon realizing she isn't in bed at all. I sit up, looking around the dark room. Just as I'm about to get out of bed, I hear a familiar wail of cries descending from the hallway to our bedroom. I sit up further, and when Alex appears in the doorway with a crying Ebony in her arms, tears streaming down her own face, I stand.

"Harry, she won't stop crying. I've done everything. I've changed her, I've fed her, I gave her her blankey, I rocked her-"

"It's alright, let me see her." I approach Alex, and take the sobbing baby from her arms, as well as the pacifier dangling from her fingers.

She runs her hands over her wet cheeks, and calms herself as she watches me try to compose Ebony. She sits at the end of the bed and lets out a heavy breath, Ebony's cries still sounding in the room.

"Hey, it's alright baby. What's wrong?" I coo down to her, her five week old hands hitting my bare chest softly as she wriggles weakly in my arms.

I sigh as I adjust her so she's lying against my chest, my palm pressed to her back to keep her secure there. I coo little nothing's to her as I move side to side in slow motions, and after a few minutes her crying settles down. I place the pacifier in her mouth, and she takes it willingly.

"I guess all she wanted was her daddy, yeah?" Alex asks from the bed, where she now sits criss crossed at the end.

I smile tiredly, and glance to the clock on my nightstand to see its three in the morning. Alex's eyes are still a little red from crying, and I can see how tired she is. Her hair is up in a messy bun which is falling in pieces around her pretty, but tiresome face.

"Lie down and try to get some sleep." I tell her from across the room, where I still hold Ebony.

"I can't." She sighs, using her fists to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Why not?" I ask quietly, not sure if Ebony is drifting off to sleep or not.

"It's just, I never just get to lie in bed with you anymore. It's like we sleep at total different times of the day, and I can never sleep long without you with me." She confesses, plopping down onto her back.

I smile to myself, not minding the idea of what she just said, but also not liking the matter that she's lacking in sleep.

"Maybe she doesn't like being alone either." I speak, and Alex raises her weight onto her elbows to look to me.

"Come put her here with me." She pats the spot beside her, and my feet move across the carpeted floors as I do as she wants. I place Ebony beside Alex. She turns onto her side, supporting Ebony with an arm as she cuddles her softly to her chest. Ebony seems content there in the warmth, so I climb back in on my side of the bed.

"Just move the pillows away from her." Alex murmurs quietly, being cautious for her safety. I scoot my pillow away, back to my side of the bed, and throw the few strays onto the floor.

I turn onto my side to face them both, and see Alex's eyes closing. I reach over and push her hair from her face, back with the mess of a bun at the back of her head. A small smile occurred on her lips, and I glance down as I see her arm move. She puts the hand that she isn't holding onto Ebony with out for me to hold, our fingers being interlaced beneath Ebony's small frame as Alex drifted off to sleep.

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