Its A Wonderful Life; You're My Family

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Song of the chapter-

Feels Like Home by Chantal Kreviazuk

When You Say Nothing At All by Alison Krauss


That next morning I woke up to Alex lifting herself out of bed, unwinding my arm from around her, leaving the warmth of sheets and tangled limbs.

"Where are you going? It's too early." I grumble as I see the morning light seeping through the window across my room, glimpses of white flashing acrossed it.

"It's eight o'clock." I hear Alex say, my arm reaching out blindly to grab her and pull her back into bed, but getting nothing but air.

"I'll get coffee alright?" I hear her laugh softly, and that's enough to make a tired smile make its way onto my face.

"Okay." I answer,and shove my face into my pillow, wanting to fall back asleep, but the pillow I would prefer us downstairs making coffee.

Only minutes later I hear a cup being placed on the nightstand beside the bed, the mattress sinking in, symboling Alex has climbed back in with me. I sit up, and am greeted by her warm smile as I lean against the headboard.

Alex bites the inside of her cheek to stifle a laugh, and I'm about to ask what for until she reaches out and smooths down my hair with her hand.

"Is my mother and sister awake?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, and I roll my eyes.

"Then tell me again why we are up?" I laugh.

"So we can do this." She says.

"Do what?" I chuckle.

"Dink coffee. I like doing that in the mornings with you." She smiles, snatching the white sheet that's crumbled in my lap to cover her bare legs, leaving me with boxers and a bare chest revealed.

"I like doing other things in the morning." I cheekily state, making Alex's cheekbones flush pink before she takes another drink of her coffee.

I laugh, but she brushes it aside and moves to sit beside me, criss crossed and back against the head board, taking the sheet with her. My eyes flash over her face from side profile, and I'm reminded again of how beautiful she actually is.

"Hey." I catch her attention, and she looks up to me over the rim of her coffee cup.

"Love you." I tell her.

She smiles bashfully, and leans her head against my shoulder.

"Love you, Harry." She answers.


We spent that morning helping my mother and sister setting up for the party tomorrow, again, and Alex and I got dusting duties like last time, my mother saying that should be a tradition now. Even though I don't know how that could be a fun tradition at all.

"There music in there?" I hear Alex ask from across the dining room.

When I look to her she's pointing to the piano bench. I shrug my shoulders and walk over to open the seat up, music books piled inside. I see a small smile slip onto her face as she picks up a Christmas book, flipping through the pages, notes and black signs that make no sense to me capturing her attention.

"You going to play me something?" I ask her.

She shakes her head with a laugh and puts the book back, but that's before I snatch it up myself, flipping through it.

"Play me this one, yeah?" I ask her, setting the book on the piano, Winter Wonderland in view.

"Harry." She laughs shyly.

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