Lockers; Gym

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Song of the chapter-

Cold coffee by Ed Sheeran


"Wakey wakey, sleepy head."

My fingertips run through Alex's brown hair at the top of her head, attempting to probe her from her heavy sleep as I stand beside the bed.

Her face is nuzzled further into the pillow on her bed at my words, incoherent words being mumbled into the pillow, making my lips twitch up and curl at the corners.

"The sun is up, and that means that you should be up." I give her the cheesiest thing I could say, knowing that she will look up to me if I had.

And she did, eyebrows crossed, lips twitched up in a sleepy smile.

"Guess where you're going today?"

I knew the duffle bag draped over my shoulder and the loose sweats hanging off my hips would give that away, but I asked anyways. She groans, shutting her eyes and shoving her face back into her pillow.

"Put on your sweat clothes and lets go." I chirp over excitedly on purpose, giving her bum a little encouraging slap over the covers.

Her legs shuffle underneath the covers as she laughs a sleepy laugh, looking up to me with an amused twinkle in her eyes.

"I mean your workout clothes." I chuckle, knowing what's running through her mind.

"If you don't get your pretty bum up I'm going to get in there with you and-"

Her hand shoots out from underneath the covers to grumpily wave me away, making me turn around with a quiet chuckle to leave her be. When I look over my shoulder she is tiredly kicking the covers that are tangle around her feet off. I walk back into her kitchen and proceed to make my morning coffee, spooning another bite of yogurt into my mouth. While waiting I make Alex a bowl of yogurt and granola, sipping at my coffee. I check my phone to see if any of the boys have texted, seeing one from Niall expressing how his and Brianna's date went yesterday since I haven't been back at my apartment since yesterday.

I almost spit my coffee back into my coffee cup as I see Alex walk out of her bedroom, her dark hair still messy from sleep, but the clothes that hug her body.....

Her eyes are tired as she glances at me from the kitchen door, her eyebrows pulling together in confusion at my most definitely agape mouth.

"I, Uh." I run my hand over my lips.

"I've never seen you wear those before." I gesture to the tight fitting workout tights she wears.

The confusion was still clear on her face.

"I mean, what I mean is that it makes your bum look absolutely fucking fantastic." I tell her, adoring the way her cheeks heat at my words before she turns away from me with a roll of her eyes.

I like the way she becomes shy when I compliment her or curse in front of her. It's another way that she reminds me of her innocence.

"You know-"

Her body stiffens as I come up behind her, by chest pressing to her back.

"You should wear these more often."

I couldn't help myself from trailing my hand over the curve of her backside, making her jump in place in the process of picking up her yogurt bowl.

I laugh, her shoulders relaxing and the spoon being lifted to her soft lips to take a bite. My hands trail over her arms and shoulders, soothing her tired body as she eats. She wears a loose t-shirt, so I push the fabric down her shoulders so rub them. Her calming breaths symboled that she was appreciative for it, setting we bowl down once she'd finished.

She turns around and kisses my lips, her lips tasting like vanilla from her yogurt. When her fingertips trail down the skin if my neck I sigh.

"We gotta go." I murmur against her lips.

She pecks me once more before nodding her head, walking from the kitchen to probably retrieve her things.


"Out of how long you took to leave you didn't bring a sweater?" I chuckle while driving, noticing the way Alex is shivering in the passengers seat of my car.

She rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head in playful annoyance, doing a bad job at it as she leans into me over the center concle between us.

"You should put my sweater on." I tell her as I stop at the stoplight, leaning into the backseat to retrieve it from my duffel bag. I was reminded of me and Alex's 'activity' back there.

I hand it to her and she slips it on, snapping her seatbelt off to do so. She settles back into her seat as I take off again, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other resting on her leg.

"Put your seatbelt on." I tell her absentmindedly, protectively, as I glance over to her for a brief moment.

I hear her murmur something under her breath and chuckle, smiling widely.

"What's that?" I ask her, making her look up to me after buckling up.

She shakes her head to brush me off, and I squeeze her leg in response, making her giggle cutely.


Walking back to the lockers with Harry, I watched the way his back muscles move. I find myself wondering what it would be like to watch him teach his class, but knew I would soon find out as I watched him shove his duffel bag into a locker.

"I should already be in there." He chuckles, putting his phone back into his sweatpants pocket before turning to me.

I lean against the wall of lockers, being completely and utterly caught of guard as he attaches his lips to mine in an abrupt movement. It was a want-filled kiss, his lips taking my bottom one between his, copying the knee-weakening actions with my top lip as he leaned his body into mine, arms holding himself up on either side of my head. I can tell by the way he's acting what he wants, and I think these yoga pants have a little something to do with that.

I hear a smacking sound, causing both of our hungry lips to stop moving, Harry gasping against my lips. And it's when I open my eyes that I notice someone had whipped him with a sweat towel, a blue eyed boy in our presence.

"Damn you Jared." Harry mutters as he lifts himself off the lockers wall and turns around, reaching forward to punch the boys chest.

But they both chuckle, and I watch them with heated cheeks.

"You need to get a room Styles." This new stranger Jared tells him, and I can tell he is an employee here because of the logo on his shirt.

"I've never seen you bring her around before. This your girlfriend?" He asks with a nice smile.

"No, I was just making out with a stranger." Harry laughs.

Jared chuckles and leans forward to shake my hand, and I return it with flushed cheeks. His blonde hair is spiked up in different ways, his blue eyes giving off a sweet vibe.

"You came to take his class?" He asks me.

I nod my head with a smile, and jump in place when I feel Harry take my hand, pulling me in a rushed matter.

"My class which I'm ten minutes late to." Harry mutters in realization, dragging me off before we can even say another word to his co-worker Jared.


"That's the girl from the club....and the one that gave me her number."

My eyes were set on the girl waving to him from across the classroom, my hold on his hand tightening in a protective, pathetic way.

He had leaned down to whisper that in my ear when we walked into the room, and so when he lifts his head he smiles brightly and friendly to the people inside that had come to take his class. The unnamed girl lifts her hand to wave to him, and I wanted to march over there and wipe off the lipstick from her smile held lips. He lifts his hand and waves to everyone in return, not only her.

"Hello guys, how are you this morning?" He asks loud enough for everyone to hear, and his hand slips from mine, making me watch him as he walks away from me.

I see him get a mat from the back of the room, murmuring greeting to people along the way who are saying hi to him. I can see the unnamed girl who seems to fancy him very much, her eyes trailing after him. He comes back to me with two mats, setting one sideways towards the front of the classroom for me, one at the upmost front for himself. I realized he set it sideways so he could make sure everyone's posture was correct. By the way all these little old ladies are looking at him, I can tell that he thinks he's just the cutest things there is. Which he is. They seem like the type of old women who would pinch his bum, which I remember Harry told me that's happened once on our lunch date.

"I know I'm late, I just got caught up in something this morning and lost track of time." He explains for his absence as he walks to the front of the class, my cheeks painted pink as he glances over to me for a brief moment.

"So we probably won't be doing everything we normally would do, but we can try and squeeze it all in."

My eyesight turns to the direction that I see a hand being held up for a question, causing Harry to do the same. It's that girl again.

"Yeah uh, Jessica is it?" He asks, his voice holding a bit of annoyance to it. But I would be the only one able to hear it.

I knew he knows her name, and that made me want to laugh that he made it seem to her that he couldn't even remember it.

"I was wondering if we would be stretching. I can't workout without stretching before-hand."

I felt like sticking out my tongue and mimicking her like a child, but I didn't. I never thought of myself to be a jealous person, but I now knew differently. And Harry wasn't even doing anything to go along with it to be making me jealous. It's just....her.

I don't know what it is besides her ogling over my boyfriend right in front of me, but something makes me not like her. I guess it might be the way she wears the most revealing workout attire there could be, or the heavy makeup covering her face. But my disliking for her was there. And I didn't even know her.

"I suppose we can, if we get started soon enough." Harry answers.

Jessica nods her head and smiles her too big smile, and Harry looks away from her with a look that I would only be able to place. He seems weirded out by her, and it makes me want to laugh.

"Okay, lets just start with stretching our leg muscles out."

He flashes me a smile before leaning down to touch his toes, so I do the same, leaning down as far as my unflexible body would allow me, fingers barely reaching the tops of my shoes.

And when I turn to my side to Jessica right beside me, her hands are touching the floor. I stand up straight as everyone else does, my heart beating fast as I catch Harry looking at me. When he bites his bottom lip before glancing away from me and bringing his attention back to his classroom, the burning sensation that I'd had in the locker room returned.

"Okay, now lets spread our legs out and do as we did before." Harry tells everyone.

Everyone goes into about a half-splits kinda thing and rests their palms on the floor underneath them, making my eyebrows pull together as I wonder how the hell they are doing it. So I spread my legs and lean down, the very, very tips of my fingertips touching my mat. When I turn my head to the side I see that Harrys hand are pressed flat to the floor. Who knew he was flexible, definitely not me.

"Alright, stand up and grab a hold of your foot."

I hear Harry say this and stand up, already out of breath like an out of shape person should be. What can I say? I'm not a working out kind of person. I take my foot in my hand and pull it back until it touches my bum, feeling the stretch at the front of my leg. When I switch onto my left foot which has less balance, I noticed Harrys lips pull up into a smile as he noticed me almost fall over. I laugh softly, and set myself back on two feet to be safe.



Sweat was everywhere that it could be and I felt out of breath. More than I ever have been in my life.

But Harry, I couldn't stop swooning over him every time I laid eyes on him. Which was a lot, because he was at the front of the class with a sweaty shirt that I knew a toned chest was beneath; and baggy sweatpants that hung off his hips in the most delicious way. I couldn't blame all the girls for ogling him, because he was a damn sexy person.

"So on Friday we will make up for what we couldn't do today, sound good to everyone?" Harry says, receiving nods from girls and old woman taking swigs of water.

I felt like falling on the floor and lying on my mat and not getting back up for a whole decade because of how exhausted I was. But as Harry begins to approach me, I wanted to fall for a whole other reason.

"Did you have fun?" He laughs.

I shake my head, shoving the hair that sticks to the sides of my face away.

"Oh come on, you did good." He smirks.

"And you looked good while doing it."

I blush furiously at his words, his body at a close proximity to mine since he'd leaned into me to murmur that into my ear. I take a step back, his presence overwhelmingly exhilarating. He chuckles and comes closer, the murmurs from the room becoming mere buzzes in my mind as I looked at his lips, his sweaty chest, his hands....

But then I'm broke out of my daze by hearing a throat being cleared, snapping my head to the source of the sound. Or should I say, the girl.

"Is there going to be a class Friday?"

Harry clears his throat as he takes a tiny step back from me, since our chests had almost been touching. I wanted to say myself; didn't he just say that a minute ago?

"Yes, as usual." Harry tells her, hand making its way around my waist, tugging me into his side.

I proudly leaned into him, her eyes flicking to me with that weird, too big of a smile again.

"And I had fun last weekend at the club." Her eyes are on me as she says this, until finally looking to Harry, her hand on her hip, chest sticking out.

Harry chuckles under his breath before speaking. "Fun doing what?"

"Dancing of course." She chirps.

It seems as if she's trying to provoke a reaction from me, probably thinking Harry had tried to keep it a secret from me and this is new news for my ears. But he'd rejected her. I put on even more of a show for her and lift my hand that's not wound around Harrys waist, resting it on his chest. Harry doesn't respond in the way she wants him to, as in saying he had fun to. Instead, he says something different.

"This is my girlfriend, Alex." His arm squeezes me as he says that, her eyes settling on me again.

Her smile fades, but not long enough to show her harsh exterior for long until she plasters it back on.

"This must be your first time in his class right? I saw your stretches in the beginning, and I know that if you've been taking his class as long as I have, you become very, very flexible." She says this cheerfully, a fake cheerfully.

And when she said very, very flexible, she set her eyes on Harry and shifted her weight onto her other hip.

"I think she did fairly well for her first time." Harry tells her before I could form any kind of response for myself.

"Maybe she will get better over time like I have." She smiles.

It's like she is trying to shoot me down as best as possible, and Harry is defending me; but both are doing it with the most casual and nice voices they have even though they are probably bubbling inside.

"Well for what I know, she is pretty flexible for what we did in the backseat of my car yesterday."

And at that, my cheeks flush and Jessica's mouth falls open for a mere second before she contains it.

"But anyways, we should get going." And before I knew what was happening his hand was tugging me from the room.

"Man, she bugs the shit out of me." I hear him grumble as I stumble behind him.

I giggle, and he looks over his shoulder to me to realize in struggling to keep up with him, so he slows his pace.

"Her face was priceless when I said that." He chuckles.

I laugh in agreement, although it embarrassed me greatly. I have to say it was funny though. And it made me feel great.

"And she just had to interrupt us before I was about to kiss you."

We were alone in the locker rooms now as he kissed me to make up for it, his hands roaming to my hips to push me back against the wall of lockers like before in a gentle way. I was shocked when he put his hips against mine, making me worry for someone to come around the corner and see our heated make out session like before.

"I swear, you were driving me insane in there." His hot breath is tumbled across my lips as he whispers against my skin.

"I almost got a hard on just looking at you."

I always find myself at a loss for words more than ever when he speaks dirty to me. But it gave me a burning feeling in my stomach, a feeling that makes me want to take control of him and kiss him hard and rough. But I knew I couldn't do that here, so I settled with pulling at his curls as he kissed me again.

I found myself gasping for air as grunt came from the back of his throat, his lips plump and red as he pulled my lips between his teeth. I couldn't ignore hardness that was now pressing against my thigh.

"Come with me." He mumbles, his face so close to mine that I could feel each breath of oxygen he released against my cheek.

My heart was beating fast with excitement from him, but soon with nervousness as he walked towards the back of the locker rooms where the bathrooms and shower rooms were, his grip on my hand tight as he took me with him.

He opens the door to the showers to my surprise, and makes me gasp in shock as he pushed me against the wall with impatience, lips attaching to my neck.

"Locke the door for me, baby."

With shaky breaths and trembling hands I did as he told me, my heart beating too fast and my heart running too wild to over think this situation or even think of us getting caught in any way. Because it was just him and his hands and his lips and his sweaty body.

He didn't waste time of taking off my shirt, revealing my sports bra which had my breasts pushed so tight to my chest that they pushed out the top. But I didn't wear a revealing shirt like Jessica had been, so Harrys eyes trail over the new sight.


From my experiences with him I've learned that he curses during physical activity, and I find it hot and sexy.

My breathing was erratic as he pressed wet kisses to the top of my chest.

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