Pranks; Number

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Song of the chapter-

DNA by Little Mix

Omg guys someone commented this little poem thing (ValentinaMacuka) And I loved it so much I had to put it in the beginning of this chapter. Where did you find it babe? (ValentinaMacuka)

"I read her eyes like paragraphs and her tears like chapters because she didn't have much to say with words, but rather, silence. And never let them tell you that silence, isn't beautiful. Silence is what happens when words fall asleep and you must carry the belief that one day, they will wake up inside of you."


When Eleanor came over that next morning I was a little embarrassed as she apologized over and over again for scaring me in her car. I mostly just wanted her to stop talking about it, because it made me think about it. I assured her that it was alright and she didn't need to be sorry, because it was really my problem that made it such a big deal. But I didn't want her to know why I'd broken down on the side of the road when it had happened, because I didn't want to tell her.

I guess I could trust her to know, but Harry knows and that is enough for now. It's when she'd began to gush about how I'd spoken when I had realized that's the first time she'd ever heard me. It made me blush as she began to get excited over it, and once we had gone over all the apologizing and all El's talk of me speaking, I had a good time hanging out with her. I worried about how I would feel while Harry was working but with Eleanor I was okay.

Her company isn't the same, but it's enough to help me be distracted. We watched a few movies and ate the only junk food that was in my apartment which was cookies. She's started to scan my shelves of books and was curious enough to ask which ones were my favorites. I got up and showed her with points of my finger, smiling when she asked if she could borrow one of them.

"Maybe I'll try out reading." She'd told me as she pulled one out after I'd nodded my head.

She'd picked out one of my favorites that I showed her named Six Months After, and I was happy with her choice, because that's a good book to read for her. Since Louis was out with the rest of the boys, Harry not included since he had to work, she stayed for a while longer.

She sits on my couch reading the first page of Six Months After, so I had plucked a book of my own choosing to read, sitting at the other end of the couch with my knees to my chest. It was then that I realized this is also a way to distract myself, because all you do is try and picture what's going on in the book, trying to make it play out as a movie in your mind as you read the words. But once Eleanor sighed and sat the book back down on the couch I knew she'd had enough of reading, glancing up to her from my own book.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" She asks me with a smirk. I raise my eyebrows in question, hoping it will be something that can continue to keep my mind astray and maybe something fun.

"We should go mess with the boys' apartment." She tells me with a giddy, mischievous grin. I hop up and follow her out the door.


While planting a few little pranks here and there, we were in fits of laughter even though they weren't that great and not that unique or mischievous.

We'd taken their body wash from the shower, retrieving one of mine from my apartment before squeezing all the boyish smelling soap from their's, which was a familiar scent for me since Harry must use it, and replaced it with mine, squeezing the same clear liquid as the one we'd dumped down the sink into their bottle. But it just smelled like lavender.

Eleanor chose the road of an all too used prank and pulled all the laces from Louis shoes and hid them behind the shelves of books in their apartment, which I doubt none of them read, saying he won't find or even look there for them.

I go into Harrys room to try and come up with something to do while she goes to Nialls room. When I enter it smells like him and it brings a smile to my face, making me miss him a little also. I started by doing something completely amateur, un-pairing each and every one of his socks in his top drawer. It amused me that they were paired in the first place, mine aren't even paired.

I open up some drawers, spotting a few of the books that I had leant him when we had first met. I left them there, because whenever he opens those drawers he will think of me. There was nothing much to work with in his room besides taking all the laces from his shoes, but I didn't because El had already done that lame prank to Louis. But I shouldn't talk, because I just unpaired his socks.

As I turn to make my way out I see something sat upon his made bed, sticking out a little from underneath his pillow. I walk over, realizing its my journal I had given him. I pick it up with a smile plastered on my face, opening it up to the pages I had written for him, thinking about how he must have been reading it again since it was underneath his pillow. When I turn the next page, rereading what I had written in here, I see a different writing than mine on the page beside it, in red ink instead of black.

Dear Alex,

It reads, making my eyebrows cross in a curious manner. I flip the page but there is nothing more to see but blank pages. Is he writing something back to me?

The thought made me get butterflies, a smile sliding across my lips and a blush occurring on my cheeks. Before Eleanor could begin to get curious of where I'd went I shut the journal, setting it back under his pillow and hoping to be able to see inside it soon again.

"You know what we could do to make Niall go ballistic?" El asks me as I walk from Harrys bedroom.

"Take the food from the fridge and stash it in yours."

So that's just what we did. There wasn't much, but we knew he'd still throw a fit when he sees there is nothing in there. We began to laugh as we were walking back and forth between apartments with food, wondering just how bored we were to make us do this. But it was fun, and I was having fun and that was enough.


Most days I enjoyed teaching my classes, appreciating the sweat that trickled down my body as I did so. But today I was impatient and annoyed while waiting for time to pass by so I could teach it, and then I was impatient and annoyed as I taught, even though I didn't let it show. I wanted to go back to my apartment, because for some reason I didn't want her alone.

I feared that Alex would be sad or something while I was gone, which bugged me because I know I can't be there with her every single second of every single day and that I just need to not worry about her so much, but I just can't help it. When girls come up to me to ask 'questions' after class I'm used to it, answering their 'questions' as settle as I can before dismissing myself. But today I didn't think I would be able to handle them doing that, so I escaped right when the time was up and went to my locker to retrieve my things. While walking there I thought of when Alex came to meet me here, and while being at lunch she'd written on her white board that all the girls probably checked me out while I taught. And it reminded me if how I wanted her to come to a class sometime.

My shift was over and I wanted to go, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder to head to the doors. But then I feel a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around with a slight impatient look on my face. A girl stands behind me, and I internally groan as I recognize her from my class.

Girls like this bug me. I mean is it necessary to wear tiny little shorts to the gym? Do you have to have your butt that's not even there hanging out of them? I couldn't help but notice that while in class when I saw her, thinking with a secretive smirk that Alex's bum is much better.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks me. I acknowledge that she's even wearing fucking makeup to the gym, her blonde hair that seems to be ratted and tangled pulled into a high pony tail, dark makeup on her eyelids.

"Shoot for it." I try and sound as nice as I possibly could, itching to walk through the door which my hand rests upon the handle to.

"How many times is this class held a week?" She asks me.

I wanted to roll me eyes, because she's been to every one there is for about the past month. I know that because I always laugh to myself at how dressed up she gets for a class.

"Three times a week." I answer her, my hand pushing the door open a little.

"I was also going to ask if you were free this weekend." Her bright pink lips pull up at the corners and I wanted to walk out the door right then, sucking in a breath to begin to talk and tell her I have a girlfriend.

"Look, just take my number. I've been so nervous to talk to you so just, here." She rushes, placing a piece of torn paper into my hand which dangles at my side, squeezing my hand into a fist to hold onto it with her cold hand; nothing like Alex's warm ones, before prancing away in her tiny shorts which aren't attractive and do her no good at all before I could even speak a word.

I push the door open and the cold air blows across my clammy skin. I shove the torn piece of paper the girl had
given me with her scrawled handwriting on it into the side pocket of my duffle bag to rid my hand so I could tug, or force, the backseat door open. After throwing my bag into the backseat I pry my drivers door open and climb into my seat, my fingers freezing as I turn the key in the ignition.

The whole ride home was cold, freezing really, and I got out of that stupid, idiotic, unreliable, annoying, and shit piece of car as fast as I could, warming up a little as I carried my duffle bag up the stairs to my apartment. I walk into my empty flat and toss my bag onto the floor, a little smile taking over my lips as I begin to walk over to Alex's.

Giggles is what I hear when I approach the door, and it instantly made me feel
better, knowing she isn't all alone. I knock on the door with my fist, leaning into the door and saying, "Mailman" in a voice that doesn't sound like mine a bit.

The giggling ceased and I hear footsteps approaching, stepping back for when she opens the door. Alex opens it, her eyes lighting up as she sees me standing outside, her arms
wrapping around me with a laugh.

"Hey babe." I murmur into her hair, palm pressing into her lower back to hold her to me.

When she pulls away leads me into her apartment with her fingers laced through mine I glance to Eleanor who is sat on her couch.

"How's it going Harry." Eleanor smiles.

I plop down on the couch with Alex, my arms slinging around her as I glance to the book in Eleanor's lap, running my fingers over the pages.

"Wow, you're reading?" I tease her.

"Shut up." Eleanor snaps, hand slapping my arm, Alex giggling into my shoulder.

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