Strong; Then Do It

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Song of the chapter-

Feels Like Home by Chantal Kreviazuk (I know I use this one a lot, but I feel it describes it well)

When You Say Nothing At All by Alison Krauss

Crazy For This Girl by Evan and Jaron


6 months later

I sit at the front desk in the book store, my index finger being slipped into the crease of my book to hold its page as I hear the bell ring, the signal a customer has come in. As the owner of the store since Shan passed away, I now cannot sit in the aisles with Harry, reading and organizing books. I have to man the front desk, and welcome the customers that rarely ever come.

And speaking of Harry, I see its no customer, but him, who walks in. I push my glasses to the top of my head with a smile, and rest the book in my lap, but still keep my page in place with my finger.

"I got off early, I can do that now that I'm manager." Harry says proudly, setting his duffle bag on the floor beside him, before he leans over the desk to give my lips a peck.

"Can you lock up? Just leave a little early?" He asks me.

"Only a few people have came in today. So I guess it should be fine." I shrug my shoulders, and finally fold a crease into my book page, mindlessly setting it on the desk for tomorrow.

"On our way home we need to stop at the grocery store, though. I'm going to try and make something new for dinner tonight, chicken pot pie." I tell him.

"Yes ma'am." He smiles, and I shake my head at him with a small laugh as I retrieve the store keys from my purse, and after put its strap over my shoulder.

Harry takes the key from me and locks the door once we are outside, because the key always gets jammed in the lock and it's hard for me to get out. Settling into his car, Harry turns on the air, and I curse inwardly that the weather is still warm. It's September, and I'm grateful that summer is just about over. I aim an air vent at me as Harry starts the car, it takes a few tries, but it does it's job.

"I'm telling you, I'm getting a new car as soon as possible. I thought I'd be rid of this thing when I got married. And I'm sure as hell not going to drive around our kids in this piece of shit."

My heart warms at his words, and my cheeks heat a little also because he cursed. And all I could think was, well, you may not have to wait long for the kid part. My period was due a week and a half ago, and I'm not even sure if it could be for that reason, and that's why I haven't spoken to him about it. Not after last time when it was late just from stress. We had agreed that I stop using birth control, but still be safe. But I guess we weren't one hundred perfect safe. That's only if I really am pregnant. I'm broke from my thoughts when I hear Harry say that we are at the store, and secure the strap of my purse on my shoulder before getting out of the car.

"Put this in your purse?" Harry asks, handing me his wallet.

I roll my eyes jokingly and do as asked, used to having him stuff things that he doesn't want to carry into my purse. His arm wraps round my shoulder, and the dress that I wear skims the skin of my legs as I walk, kicking a pebble in Harry and I's pathway. Harry grabs a cart, and I trail along beside him as we wander down the aisles.

I stay as limited as I can, getting all off brand ingredients for our dinner tonight, getting a few other things here and there. Like hair gel for Harry, and mascara for myself, since I used the last of it this morning while getting ready for work. As we pass down the feminine care aisle, I spot the pregnancy test section. I take my bottom lip between my teeth, wondering if I should just come back myself another day and get it when Harry isn't with me. Because why get him excited if I'm not even pregnant in the first place?

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