Thanksgiving; Ten Inches Or Not?

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Song of the chapter-

Come To Me by The Goo Goo Dolls

How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding (I just love it so much omg)


I hold the phone to my ear and peer to the bathroom door across my room again just to make sure Alex is still showering, the voice on the other end of the phone still talking to me.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I say.

"But listen, she's going to be out soon so I've got to go." I speak.

I hang up the phone with a small smile, and lay back onto my bed with my arms behind my head. Despite the sound of the shower water, I can still hear Alex humming. She's been doing that lately, I've noticed. Humming while doing dishes, cooking, watching tv. It's a beautiful sound.

I hear the water cut off and sit up in bed, admiring the way the water drips off Alex's skin as she emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped under her arms.

"You take awful long showers." I inform her.

"I was starting to get lonely." I smile.

She shakes her head with a small laugh as she walks across my bedroom, her hair leaving drips on the carpeted floor.

"Didn't want to smell like dust all day." She murmurs with a soft smile as she looks at me over her shoulder.

She worked at the book store today. I know this because I helped her clean out the attic of it today, hauling out book after book.

"What if I liked that smell on you?" I joke.

She ignores my statement and instead says, "Can I use a shirt." While opening my dresser drawer.

"No, you can't." I say sarcastically, watching as she rolls her eyes and pulls out and old band T-shirt of mine from a Goo Goo Dolls concert.

The logo of the baggy shirt rests on her chest, long hair almost touching her bum as she pushes it off her shoulder and walks to the bathroom to hang the towel on the door. I smirk with a chuckle as she pulls her panties up her fair skinned legs, cheeks flushed as she catches me looking. Chills are visible on her skin, the winter air making her cold. It seems as if last winter was just a week ago, but so much has happened, so much has improved since then. I still wake her from nightmares maybe four times a week, but it's still a major improvement for her.

"I think I want to cut my hair." Alex informs me in her usual soft tone as she brushes her hair at the edge of the bed, her weight rested on one leg.

"I like your long hair though." I tell her.

"It's getting in the way." She huffs as she flips her hair over, brushing the back, making her shirt lift up to reveal just a little of her black underwear.

"Like when you sit on it?" I laugh. She's always tugging her hair out from behind her when she sits down.

She flips it back up and runs her hands through it to make sure there are no tangles.

"Yeah." She laughs softly.

She lays down with me after putting the brush away. We watch tv, and her skin is cold on mine due to the chilly air in the room. She scoots closer, and I know she must be colder then I m because she has wet hair.

"I'm going to go turn the heater on." I tell her, lifting my back off the mattress.

"Hey Harry?" She asks.

I turn to look at her, and smile at the way she looks at me, knowing she wants something.

"Bring me back some tea?" She asks with a grin, making me smile a little more.

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