But Beautiful; Frosting

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Song of the chapter-

Adore you by Miley Cyrus

Heartbeat by The Fray


The music echoed throughout Alex's small apartment as she cooked in the kitchen, the small Christmas tree she'd made me help her set up lit up brightly in the corner of her living room with a few presents beneath it. I can smell the chicken pasta from out here as I scan through the albums on the slightly dusty shelf by her record player, the Tony Bennett album I had given her which seems like so long ago playing already.

I remember how much of a mystery she used to be to me back then, curious and eager to learn and get to know her better. Now I know everything there is to know.

The CD player Louis gave her for her last birthday, along with all the CDs, are in her closet in her bedroom, having not used it once.

My Foolish Heart plays around me, and I know Alex can hear the music clearly from the kitchen, and when But Beautiful starts to play, a small, happy smile etches its way onto my features. It's the song I told her to listen to. I wonder if she remembers.


I knew that he was aware of the same thing I was as I felt his fingers tickle up my arms, making me smile as I stir the chicken pasta, chills rising upon my skin right when he'd silently entered the kitchen and stood behind me.

"Recognize it?" He murmurs into my ear.

I nod my head and turn, cheeks tingling at the breath taking smile he wears. When he takes my left hand in his right as I stand in front of him, I giggle as he rests his hand on my lower back.

"C'mon, don't be shy now." He smiles down to me.

I shake my head softly with a laugh at what he's offering, and give in, resting my head on his chest as he begins to sway us to the music, the familiar lyrics and rhythm wrapping around us. This is the song that made me cry in this apartment all alone, deciding to give life another try.

"I still can't dance you know." I mumble into his shirt, nose nuzzling into the fabric.

"I can tell, you've already stepped on my foot." He chuckles softly.

It amuses me that he will still dance with me even though it only brings his feet getting stepped on. But I love him for it

My cheeks flush softy as he twirls me around, my hair falling into my face as he pulls me against his chest straight after, back pressed to his chest. I stay there willingly as he rests his chin on my shoulder, smiling to myself because I know I'm the luckiest girl in the world.


2 weeks later

"Babe, it's already clean. You did that just this morning." Harry tells me this as I wipe the kitchen counter in my apartment again, making sure it's spotless before we leave for his mothers house.

I ignore him and rinse the rag out in the sink, wiping the coffee counter. I hear him murmur something about OCD but decide to pay no attention to him because he is only adding to my nerves. As I bustle passed him to check the living room again, his hand touches my elbow.

"Stop, come here." He murmurs with a smile.

His hand takes my wet ones from wiping counters into his, and pulls me onto his lap on the stool he sits upon.

"It's clean." He assures me with a small chuckle.

His lips press to the back of my neck and I ease up just a little, letting my tense muscles relax. Today is December 22nd, and it feels as if this last year had passed by in the span time of a month. The feeling of his fingers slipping up and down my sides made my head cloud, and when I catch sight of the time on the clock across from us, I jump off his lap, realizing we leave in less then a half hour.

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