Bathtub; More Than He Can Comprehend

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Song Of The Chapter-

Ready For A Fall by P.J Olsson

Kiss Me by Sixspence None The Richer

Kiss Me Slowly By Parachute

Mature content in chapter


"That one goes with the T's, babe."

I look down to Alex who sits in the aisle beneath me at the bookstore, the books that are stacked around her looking like a natural habitat for her, even since she has her glasses on too. I let my hand drop down from where it was going to place the book.

"But it's The Fox and The Hound. So wouldn't it go with the F's?" I ask.

"Why would it go with the F's?" She laughs, reading the front of a book and setting it upon the stack in front of her.

"Because- you know what, never mind." I chuckle, pushing my stupidity aside and moving over to the T section.

"If we are staying at the house tonight we need to go at least get curtains from the store." Alex tells me, pushing her glasses to the top of her head, her long waves framing her face.

"Why? We live basically in the middle of no where." I say.

"First off, we don't live there yet. And second, it will just make me feel better." She tells me.

"Alright." I chuckle.

We've only been doing little improvements around the house, just touching up the light brown paint on the walls and touching up the baseboards with white paint. A cupboard had fallen of its hinges yesterday, and Alex found a dead bird in the hallway closet and nearly scared me to death as she'd screamed bloody murder. But it's the little things like that that we will remember, and anyways, we are a broke engaged couple that can't really afford to buy different cupboards to fix the old ones.

"I get paid today." I tell her, realizing that I will have to leave in a while to get back from my lunch break.

"We can just go to the discount store or something, get some cheap curtains." Alex shrugs her shoulders.

She doesn't care about materials, and that's something I love about her.

"I can but you curtains love, I'm not that broke."

She smiles up at me, and I swear my heart stops beating at she nibbles on her bottom lip and puts her glasses back on.


"Louis, just pick up the damn end!" Niall shouts in irritation as we all stand in my old bedroom at the-now-boys' apartment.

"The end is heavier, so you come help me." He says.

Niall huffs and puffs on his way over to the end of the bed, and I roll my eyes and curse their bickering internally as I pick up the front of the bed while they pick up the end. I don't know where Zayn is, but Liam is with Katy so it is just us three, doing the task of bringing this bed to Alex and I's house so we have something to sleep on tonight.

I ignore their nagging voices as they argue like children over how they are holding the bed, and only interrupt them to say one thing.

"The thing is guys, the front is actually heavier, it has more headboard." I inform them, my throbbing arm muscles proving the point.

"See, I told you Louis!" Niall shouts.


The water swishes in the bathtub, the abundant amount of bubbles in the water covering Alex's creamy skin as she looks at me from the other side of the tub, her long hair straight from the water instead of wavy. She holds a book in her dry hands, her glasses on, the blood in my veins pumping at the sight of her current appearance.

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