Sweater; Discoveries

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Song of the chapter-

My loves like a star by Demi Lovato

Half a heart by One Direction

Read authors note at end please it's important


"Harry, are you going to help?" Niall accuses, his hands working to hold up one of the tents that he and Louis are attempting to set up.

I sit back in my lawn chair, tugging my jacket tighter around my chest.

"You guys are big boys." I tell him, making his laugh echoe throughout the deserted area we had chosen to camp at by the lake about seven hours away from home.

Zayn and Liam are off trying to find wood for a fire, and I sit here pouting over missing Alex. And it hasn't even been a day.

I lean my head back and close my eyes, remembering the way I had clamped my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet as I drove my hips against hers relentlessly just this afternoon, her teeth biting into my hand as I did a particularly deep thrust that had her shaking beneath me.

"Be a good girl for me and don't scream." I'd grunted into her ear, releasing my hand from over her mouth, her lips clamping shut as I rocked into her again and again, my hand reaching down to rub her where we met to help her reach her high.

I knew she had reached her climax as she'd arched her back off the mattress, her lips parting and moans fleeing from them as she went through her stage of bliss, mine soon coming next.

"Harry, will you help us stack this wood?" Zayn asks from a little bit away, wood stacked in his arms as he brings it over to the place we'd decided to make the fire pit in.

"Yeah." I answer, standing up from my chair, cursing him for interrupting my day dreaming.


"I don't know why this movie always makes me cry." I look over to Eleanor who's curled up on my couch with me, glancing to my tv which plays Up the cartoon.

I giggle at her, pulling my thin blanket closer around my body so I can warm myself some more.

"You never cry! It's like you're a robot." She murmurs.

I laugh, because only if she knew.

I haven't heard from Harry all day and I wondered if its because he doesn't have service wherever they are, but I already miss him desperately.

I can still feel the way his warm hands caressed my skin, the way he had said so many dirty things to me that it made my head spin uncontrollably a mere long hours ago.

"You like it rough huh?" He'd growled into my neck, his words rough but his hands as gentle as ever upon my hips, his voice raspy.

"You like it when I'm inside you, don't you?" He's said, making me whimper as he bit my neck, sucking on the sensitive skin until I knew he'd left a mark.

"Talk dirty to me, baby."

His words gave me courage to speak my mind.

"Faster, deeper, harder Harry." I whimpered, making him grunt in satisfaction as he thrusted into me once again, bringing all my wants.

"Are you tired?" Eleanor's voice brings me back to reality, the smug smile on my lips vanishing as I force my inappropriate thoughts away. It was harder than it seems.

I shake my head no, and she turns her body so she's facing me.

"So I'm going to ask a question, and you don't have to answer or follow through." She starts to explain.

I nod my head slowly for her to continue.

"Did you and Harry have sex in his room this morning with everyone in the apartment?" She asks me.

My eyes widen and my cheeks flush, and I jolt as she slaps my leg with a laugh.

"I'm joking I'm joking!"

I breath out in relief.

"Although I know it's true, because that love bite proves enough." She adds on. I lift my hand absentmindedly to feel over the bruise, wincing at the sting it brought.

"My real question, is why don't you talk to me?" She asks me.

"I mean, we're close. And I have a feeling that you talk to Harry, even though I know that's a whole different kind of relationship." She tells me.

"Because that day when we got in that accident-"

I swallow hard at the memory.

"You talked, you said his name, remember?" She asks me.

I nod my head.

"But anyways, it's just been on my mind." She murmurs, brushing it off.

"El." I catch her attention vocally, making her attention shoot back to my direction. A smile spreads across her face.

"You're a great friend."

That's all I had to say for her high pitched, girly squeals to echoe around my apartment, her arms latching around my neck in a happy hug as I laugh.


A few morning later when I woke up, Eleanor was still asleep on the opposite side of my bed, her body hogging all the blankets and taking my warmth. I get out of bed and tug on a sweater, my bare feet chilly against the floor as I walk into my kitchen.

I made breakfast and once El got up we ate, and she offered for me to go out shopping with her and the girls but I really wasn't up for it. Once I was alone and curled up in the warmth of my bed again I pull out my phone, deciding to try and text Harry.

Missing you

I press send and pile the covers over my body to keep my warm, although its not the kind of warmth I'm seeking, it's Harry. When my phone buzzes my heart speeds up in a pathetic way.

Missing you too :(

I smile, my heart warming at the few words. My cheeks tingle as I imagine him here with me, in my bed. Just two more days.

I don't have you here to keep me warm

Not even a minute goes by before he responds to me.

Get my sweater from the apartment, it'll keep you cozy ;)

I giggle at his cheeky wink and gently push the covers off my legs to climb out of bed. I hold my phone in my hand as I go over to the empty apartment across the hall, my lips pulling into a sad pout when I walk into his bedroom, smelling his cologne that is usually in my nostrils at all times. I force myself to stray away from my journal I'd given to him to peek again, containing myself as best as I can as I open a drawer to his dresser. After looking through the drawers and not finding a sweater, I was about to text and ask where I could find one, but I change my mind as I see his duffle bag sitting beside his dresser. I know he brings sweaters to work so I lean down to unzip the bag, smiling like a giddy girl as I pull out his black, familiar sweater. I can't help but lift it to my nose to inhale the hypnotizing smell. I clutch it to my chest as I stand up and smile to myself when I think of something. I open his desk drawer and pull out a paper and a pen, deciding to hide a little note in his bag for him to find sometime at work.

I love you Harry, and don't forget it.

PS, you owe me a banana muffin


I fold it into a little square and make my way back to his duffle bag, squatting down to place it inside. I don't want to put it right where his clothes are because he will find it too soon, so I decide to put it in a side pocket. As I reach in to put it inside I feel something against my skin, fingers grasping the paper that'd already been placed inside. It's creased from being inside the pocket, I realize, as I unfold the torn piece of paper.

My eyes scan over the writing scrawled onto it, a phone number written in pen.


I read beneath it, biting my lips nervously, curiously, and unsure as I see a heart next to the girls name.

Don't think the worst Alex. Don't do it.

I take a deep breath and swallow deeply as I close my hand around the note, placing mine inside the pocket quickly and fleeing his room as fast as I could.

And even though I told myself not to over think it, I couldn't stop myself from doing just that.


From all the messages I've been getting of copying another story of wattpad, I've went back and changed the beginning of the story just a little bit because some of you can't believe I got my ideas from an actual book I've read called So much to tell you by John Marsden.

The author of the supposed copied story messaged me also and I explained, so I hope my story doesn't get hated on for much longer, I hope you all still read because I honestly haven't even read the other authors story. So go back and read the new and improved Heartbeat, it's only the first few chapters and it didn't change much.

But I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you still read. Love you all. Xx

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