Texting; Eye Candy

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I wake up to something tickling my nose, scrunching it up as I open my heavy eyelids. I instantly remembered where I was as I see Alex still asleep in my arms, causing my tired features to form a smile as I softly brush away her hair which had tickled my nose in my sleep. I hear my phone vibrate on the couch next to me, and glance down to Alex to make sure it hadn't awakened her before grabbing it.

*Where are you at?*

I read the text message from Louis, and after glancing at the time on my phone I mumble a few colorful words before realizing that if I don't get up right now I will be late for work. I managed to remove myself from Alex without waking her up. When I see her phone lying on the coffee table I decide to put my number into it as well as hers into mine.



When I woke up alone I was disappointed. I wondered why he would've just left without saying goodbye, but then remembered he had to work. I took a shower and decided on going out to breakfast so I don't coop myself up inside all day.

So after putting on a light yellow summer dress which tightens at the waist, and flares a little at the bottom I put on sandals and leave my apartment after grabbing my belongings.

When I hear my phone chime in my bag it surprises me, because it never makes any noises whatsoever because I never really talk to anyone over the phone. I pull it out and a smile instantly overtakes my face.

*Sorry I wasn't there this morning when you woke, I had to leave for work. I'm here now.xx -Harry*

I don't know when he had gotten my number and put mine into his, but I'm glad he did.

*No worries, I understand.*

While walking to a coffee shop we had sent a few more texts back and forth, and I found myself missing Harrys old beat up car that he seems to hate as my feet ache. When I take a seat at the normal table I sit at when I come here, a waitress named Katy that knows my regular order brings it to me. A coffee and banana muffin.

I sipped my coffee and nibbled at my muffin while continuing to text with Harry, agreeing with happiness when he asked me if I could meet him at the local gym in town so we could go out for lunch for his break. It would be two hours until that time, so I waste a while longer at the coffee shop before tossing my trash and leaving. Harry told me that his class was about to start, so we said goodbye and I shoved my phone back into my purse. I hoped time would fly by if I walked around town for a while, but I found myself getting extremely bored and tired of walking. So I decided to start walking in the direction of the gym to save myself some walking, and hoped I wouldn't get there too early so I walked slow. Even though I took my time I arrive about fifteen minutes early, and noticed that his class wouldn't even be over yet. So when I walk into the gym I sit down on a chair by the check in area. I people watch for a while and notice that the class Harry is teaching is in clear view from where I am. The gym is one big open room, and in the very back is a classroom with glass walls. My cheeks flush for an odd reason as I spot Harry at the front with loose gym shorts hanging off his hips, black tank-top hugging his top half.

I see his lips moving as he holds an arm out in front of him, demonstrating an upper cut punch in slow motion and seeming to be explaining to them how to do it. I didn't want people to see me staring so I shift in my seat and force myself to look away. I know all the girls in the class are probably ogling over him and whispering to each other how cute he is, but I tell myself that he seems to like me, but that only made me feel a little better. I couldn't help but notice how fit they all were.

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