T-Shirt; Sweeten Your Own Coffee

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Song of the chapter- Young and beautiful by Lana Del Rey


"Do you think you would want to go camping? The boys and I had planned a trip a while back but haven't even gone yet." Harry speaks from underneath me, the way his chest rumbled against my cheek sending sensations of goosebumps across my skin.

I nod my head softly, lying my hand flat against the slightly tanned, warmed skin beside my head, feeling his muscles tense beneath my touch before relaxing almost instantly.

"Maybe you could come along. I would want you to." Harry admits. I tilt my neck up to smile at him, as in telling him that it sounds like fun.

I place my cheek back in its place. We had started the movie over so we didn't have to lay in silence, but we are instead engrossing in lying with each other, Harry speaking softly to me in his bedroom that is getting darker by the minute.

I trail my hand down to feel more of his heated skin, feeling a sense of satisfaction as his muscles ripple once again underneath the gentle trails of my fingers. I watch curiously and innocently as I feel over his V lines in a feather light touch, noticing the way his arm which is wound around my waist shifted as I did so. I don't plan on these actions leading into anything, and I think Harry knows the same. I just want to touch him. I just want to feel his smooth skin beneath my fingers and let myself be captivated by him all over again.

"You're making me tired." Harry chuckles softly, my fingers stopping at his hip bones.

"No, don't stop." He murmurs lightly.

"I like it." He admits almost shyly.

All I want to do is bury myself underneath the sheets with him, letting his arms hold me to his hot skin to keep me toasty warm. I just... Care about him so much. So much that it scares me.

So I ignore the pounding of my heart at just the thought of how much I care for Harry, and let my fingers wander where they want. I didn't even hesitate on my actions as I pressed the span of my hand flat against his lower abdomen, trailing up all the way to his collar bones until trailing back down, liking the way his skin moved against mine so flawlessly.

"I don't want to fall asleep yet."

I could hear the lack of energy in his husky voice, lifting myself onto my elbow to shift up to him. When I reach his face I couldn't help but smile just at the small lifted corners on his pink lips. I reach my hand up to stroke his cheek, laughing softly as he lets his eyes flutter closed, his lips pulling into a lopsided smirk as he groans, realizing that he's fighting a losing battle against his sleep. When he pulls me against him my body molds almost shockingly perfect into his side, taking my fingers to trace his color bones while resting my head on his shoulder, telling that my gestures are helping him lure into sleep.

"Thankyou for staying the night with me Alex."

He didn't have to thank me, because maybe I have to thank him instead. To thank him for finally making me feel wanted since a while. To thank him for making me want to break free of my shell. To thank him for letting me love again.

Instead if speaking these words I lean up to press a kiss to his now familiar lips, his eyes remaining closed but his lips responding to mine in the most perfect way.


A while later Harry had fallen asleep, his once firm hold on me loosened the slightest bit. But every now and then he would jerk in his sleep, his arm tightening around me as he would do so before relaxing again. I found myself awake for a long time just lying in his arms, trying to find the want for sleep within me but soon finding it wasn't there. So then I found myself untangling his limp arm from around me, biting my lip to hold in a giggle as he turned onto his side at the lack of my body warmth against him, hands blindly feeling for a blanket, or maybe even for me.

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