Fun In The Rain; Breakfast

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Song of the chapter- Love Drunk by Little Mix


With Alex's hand in mind and the sound of the rain pelting the canopies we walk beneath, I can see my breath in the air as I turn to talk to her; big baby blue eyes looking up to me as I do so.

"You hungry?" I ask.

After we had escaped to my room later that morning after getting our coffee, we drank it up while leaning against the headboard of my bed, legs tangled as we watched Tom & Jerry; the show Alex had insisted on watching. I had soon realized that Niall and Louis would be returning to the apartment sooner or later, and decided on going out with Alex so our day did not have to end.

When she nods her head in answer to my question I begin to look around us, trying to spot a diner close by us while we walk through the streets of town. When I spot one just across the street from us, I point it out to Alex.

"We can walk down the rest of the way and then cross so we don't get wet." I tell her, referring to the coverage we will have instead of being soaked from head to toe by walking across the street.

When I feel her hand tugging upon mine, attempting to tug me out from underneath the canopies without ease I turn to her. "What are you doing?" I laugh, keeping up my walking pace easily, un phased by the initiated pulls on my hand.

By the smile on her face I know what she wants, and I really just can't say no to her. So I let her pull me out into the street into the pounding rain, her laughs enough to make me forget about the cold rain soaking through my jacket and shoes as she keeps her hand clasped around mine while skipping in front of me; my arm extended out to keep our fingers linked as I stumble behind her with my long legs.

"Slow down!" I laugh.

When she looks over her shoulder to glance at me I once again realize, and appreciate, the fact that she does not wear makeup, the raindrops on her pink cheeks and bare eyelashes making her seem happier somehow. Most girls would be taking their purse right now, just like the one that hangs around Alex's shoulders, and would be shielding their hair from the rain. But Alex just continues to skip carelessly through it. When we reach the other side of the street I tug her over to me so she doesn't scurry ahead again, pulling her into my side.

"You are just a tiny bit crazy." I tell her sarcastically, the shrug of her shoulders I feel against my chest telling me she thinks differently. I'm sure she's thinking amusedly in her head, or maybe you are just boring, her smirk and body language giving off her playful mood.

"And we are going to go and eat like this?" I question with a hint of sarcasm, looking down to our wet jeans and jackets, hair and shoes.

But I knew we were as I open the diner door that we had now reached, Alex walking through the door before I trail after her. Alex leads us to a booth at the back of the diner, and I slide into it across from her.

"Now you're cold huh?" I chuckle, noticing that her nose is a bit red, as well as her cheeks.

She nods her head with a seemed to be joyful smile, making me smirk at just how happy she seems to be right now. Her hair is much darker from being wet, making her blue eyes brighter.

"I would offer you my jacket but, you know, it's kind of soaked."

She laughs, and sets down the menu she had been glancing at, my eyes trailing after her as she scoots out from her side of the booth, sliding in next to me instead. She peels her wet jacket from herself, setting it aside before tugging at my zipper to initiate for me to do the same. And once the clothing is off, she winds her arms around my torso, her warmth sinking into me.

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