Replayed Memories; Lace

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Song of the chapter- Tip Of My Tongue by The Civil Wars


Your Song by Ellie Goulding (I know she is not the original artist)

Early update!!!


After kissing for a while in Alex's bed I'd urged her to get out of the warm sheets with me, telling her to meet me across the hall before going to my apartment to get dressed while she does the same. When I enter through the door I hear Louis yell,

"There's the birthday boy! Guys he's here!"

And then, silly string came from all different directions, sticking to my hair, face, clothes, and some even getting into my mouth. But I laughed anyways and put my arms up for protection, scurrying into the living room as they continued their attack on me. When I hear the door open I knew it was Alex coming to meet up with me again, their wrath being aimed to her.

"We surrender, we surrender!" I shout, hearing Alex's laugh from behind me.

"I'm out of bullets!" Liam jokes, making Niall laugh quite loudly at his lame joke as he throws his empty can to the floor.

"Well now that that is over, happy birthday mate!" Zayn exclaims, multiple pairs of arms wrapping around my silly string covered body as they group hug me.

"Thanks guys." I laugh, voice being muffled by their bodies squishing mine.

When they release me and I look over to Alex, she's picking pink, green, blue, and yellow silly string out of her hair with a small smile aimed at all of us.

"Sorry about silly stringing you, it was a heat of the moment type thing." Niall tells her with a chuckle. She shrugs her shoulders with another smile.

"Well, I'm going to go get dressed now." I chuckle, throwing silly string off my body as I walk to my bedroom.


I liked being back in my worn out, stupid, unreliable car with Alex. I doubt she knows where I'm taking us, but she doesn't seem to care. The heater is broken in my car, so she has her sweater sleeves pulled over her hands, blue eyes fixed on the rain covered windows, whiteboard hidden beneath her leg to be used at any moment.

I turn on the windshield wipers, but the rain drops occur after mere seconds of being wiped off.

The way she looks out her window with her pink lips curled up a little at the edges I can tell she's feeling happy.

"You like the rain, don't you?" I wonder aloud to her.

She tears her attention off her window, looking over to me to nod her head yes with a pretty smile.

"I can tell." I smile back. Her cheeks are pink from the chilly air in the car, her nose slightly pink as well as I take one of her cold hands in mine.

"I think I'll get a new car soon, this one isn't very accountable is it?" I speak, stating the obvious.

She giggles, taking her whiteboard from under her leg. I smile amusedly at how she doesn't release my hand, balancing the whiteboard atop of her thighs and uncapping her marker with one hand before writing down,

I like your car

I laugh at what she'd written.

"What is there to possibly like about it? The chipping paint, the worn-out seats, or wait, is it the fact that the air conditioner and heater don't work?" I chuckle.

I see her smiling from side profile as she erases the words with her wrist. It's as if her right hand and forearm are just permanently purple, making me smile to myself.

No, it's just got memories

I squeeze her hand as I read the words. I took her on dates in this car, we laid on my hood after swimming in the lake, which is ironic since that's the dirt parking lot that I'm just happening to turn into.

I see her perk up in her seat, looking at our surrounding knowingly. She gives me a curious gaze as she looks back at me.

"I just wanted to go somewhere that I like today." I answer her thoughts, making her smirk softly as she un-latches her seatbelt.

"And no, not because of my embarrassing skinny dipping story, but because of our memory here." I inform her, knowing what is probably running through that head of hers.

She nods her head along with my words as she laughs.

"Now come on." I laugh, opening my door to get out. She lets herself out before I get the chance too, her breath being seen in the air as she lets out a sigh.

When I reach her I take hold of her hand and we walk down to the end of the dock, Alex's hair blowing around a bit at the wind, the rain dampening both of our hair as we set ourselves down on the wood, feet dangling off the end.


I was cold, very cold, but with his hand in mine, and the way I leaned into his side it was enough to stay right where I was and listen to the soft rain drizzle around us.

When I feel Harry turn himself around I look over to him in wander, eyes widening as I see him kicking off his shoes, jacket coming off next as he smiles down at me mischievously.

"The water is calling my name." He tells me with a smirk, making me scramble to my feet as he slips his shirt off his torso.

I shake my head furiously, wanting to shout 'Are you crazy?! It's freezing and you will get sick!'

He laughs at me, backing away from me as I try and hand his shirt back to him that I'd picked up off the dock.

"You'll get in with me right?" He asks as he lets his shirt fall back into the floor.

I instantly shake my head no.

"Even for my birthday?"

I roll my eyes at him, a silly grin taking over my lips as he comes to stand before me, fingers hooking onto the end of me sweater.

"C'mon babe, please?" He asks me, lips pouting in the most fake way ever, but in the most cutest way too.

"It's not going to be that cold, its probably still a little warm from summer." He tries to convince me.

And I couldn't force myself to stop him as he began to pull my sweater over my head, giggling as it gets caught, taking it upon myself to tug it from my body.

"You too missy." He tells me as he begins to tug down his pants, making me slap his bare chest before listening to him and pulling my pants off my legs. It's déjàvu really, being here with him and stripping out of my clothes.

He remains in his boxers the next time I look up at him. "I'm sorry, but this time these aren't staying on."

I blush furiously at his words, struggling with pulling my skinny jeans off my right leg.

"Well." Harry murmurs, making me look up to him with frustration at my jeans being stubborn.

"Those are.....amazing." He mumbles, eyes fixed on my legs. I look down to where his eyes are fixed, blushing even more as I realize what he's getting at.

I'd worn the white lace for him and completely forgot, not really thinking it would be revealed this soon, maybe later tonight but not right now. He smiles amusedly at my flushed face, walking over to me again as I finally pull my pants off my leg, chucking them to the floor in annoyance.

I feel his fingers caress my skin as he takes it upon himself to take my shirt off my body, his eyes glued to the revealed flesh and white bra as he peels it off.


He clears his throat, eyes flicking up to my most likely pink face.

"This is....." He couldn't finish his sentence again, making me bite my bottom lip to hold back a giggle.

"See, oh my god." He speaks quickly.

"How can you stand here, in lacy lingerie while biting your fucking lip, and look so pure and innocent?" He exasperates.

My mouth opens in a gasp against his lips which are now smashed against my own.

"You drive me crazy you know that right?" He mumbles.

I laugh, batting him away from me as his hands grab at my behind. He backs away from me with a giddy grin, making me squeal and turn away from him as he begins to tug down his boxers. I hear him laugh loudly.

"You've seen it all before, Alex!" He exclaims. And then, I hear a splash.

He's already in the water, making me peer over the edge of the dock to see him below me.

"Come on in, it's not bad." He tells me.

"No matter how much I love that lace it's gotta come off." He informs me cheekily.

I signal for him to turn around with the twirl of my finger in the air, his eyes rolling as he does as told. I slip the underwear off my legs as quickly as possible, reaching behind me to unclasp my bra before settling into the cool water. Harry turns at the sound of my hands running through the water to get to him, the water reaching just above my chest. The first thing he does is kiss me, hands resting onto my bare waist but not roaming any further than that.

"Happy birthday to me." He mumbles happily against my lips.

"And I love you." He reminds me.

I look down between us, picking up one of his hands from my waist. I bring it to my lips, pressing a kiss to the skin, my fingers lacing through his in the process as I whisper,

"I love you, too." Against the skin of his hand, the smile that lights up his face making it worth it. I feel as if my voice is hoarse and scratchy, but Harry doesn't seem to care or even tell.

"But I love you more." I could hear the pure happiness in his voice as he spoke, making me smile as I let our intertwined hands drop to rest between both our chests.

"Mm-mm." I shake my head in-differently, humming a no.

"I would prove it to you, but right now I just want to kiss you." Harry speaks softly, lips brushing in the matter of seconds.


I don't know how long it was until we got out of the water, he had talked to me, telling me how much he liked the journal I'd given him this morning. He told me he liked my voice, which made me blush. I made him turn around again when I got out of the water, putting back on my damp undergarments before allowing him to turn around. He'd given me a playful glare as I made him do all that, but he did it for me anyway.

He climbed out in front of me unashamed and comfortably, making me turn my face from him before he had his boxers on. My pants had gotten the most wet from the splashes which had gotten onto the dock, so I just pull my sweater over my body which reached just a little down my thighs. Harry put his pants on, his shirt being soaking wet since we'd discovered it'd fallen in the water.

He puts his arm around me as we trail back to his car holding our other clothes, chills raising on my arms as we settle into his cold car again. I watch him as he starts the engine, mumbling under his breath as it takes a while to do so. He drives with one hand, his other holding mine as he turns off the dirt parking lot and onto the pavement road. And as he lifts our laced fingers and presses the back of my chilly hand to his warm cheek, I knew I have one more present for him today.

Sorry for any spelling errors I'm a bit tired and I wrote a lot of this chapter in the bath btw hahaha. Tell me what you think please(: The last chapter has gotten over 200 comments and I'm so surprised!! It's shocking me how much positive feedback I'm getting on this!

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