Omg i cant

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Guys last night I was brain storming and omg I got an idea which I'm not going to use because it came from the black pits of my soul but I've just gotta share because I can

I was sitting there and thinking how I wanted it to end and I got this idea of going ahead a few years later and Alex is like way worse than she was before, and she doesn't talk at all anymore because she learned to drive and one day she got in a car crash and had to go to the hospital so omg and then I thought of them having a little baby when all this happened and that Harry basically had to do everything because Alex was depressed and traumatized from her car crash and then when the kids older (like 5) he/she asks "Daddy, why doesn't Mommy talk like you?" And he doesn't know what to say and the kid asks, like, "Why do I hear mommy screaming at night?"

And Harry just doesn't know what to do anymore because he already went through it all with her once and she won't go to therapy again and he still loves her but he can't HeLp

And omg I couldn't do it thought because I don't want a sad ending for this story

Sorry if you thought it was an update I just had to share this dark piece of work from my mind

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