Chapter 2

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--Chapter 2--

The bell rang, signaling us to go to lunch. The crowds of students rushed to the cafeteria in chaos, like always. Lunch is always the best part of school hours even if they didn't have the best food.

The students entered the cafeteria in groups, heading to the lines. I always decided to go after the crowds were calmed and first went to our group table.

I sat down at my usual seat, setting my bag down. "Hey guys." I greeted, letting out a big, exhausted breath.

"Hey." Joey smirked, with following 'heys' coming from around the table. Joey's always had a sensitive side for me. Basically, he's fancied me since we were in the 7th grade when we first met. Junior year and he still can't seem to let me go.

Anyways, he asked me out to the 8th grade graduation dance and told me his feelings, but I let him down easy. We stopped talking until last year, sophomore year.

That's when we slowly became friends again. I never wanted him to stop talking me, its just I didn't have the same feelings. But good thing that we're in a good place right now.

"The line seemed to shorten, we can go now." Nina insisted before we stood up to head over to the lines.

We each got a plate, placing what we wanted on them and headed to the register. Nina tapped my shoulder, leaning over to me as she whispered something. "Did you know that Harry's in my biology class."

I suddenly got the feeling that he was somewhere in the cafeteria, that's why Nina told me.

I looked around, searching for him when I then saw his familiar, perfectly sculptured, pale face from the other side of the building.

"Oh, really?" I asked as if I was concerned.

"Yeah and he only sits two seats away from me." She smirked, giving me the impression that she liked him.

"Looks like somebody has a little crush." I retorted, smirking back at her before glaring over to him and watching him pick up a plastic plate. He always looked as if he was shooting a movie, his actions and movements were so fluid and movie-like.

"Well, I'm not going to hide it." She said with a quick glance over to him.

Joey suddenly interrupted us. He was behind Nina in the line of the register, so I'm guessing he was hearing us the whole time.

"So, what are you two girls gossiping about?" He teased, acting as if he wasn't here all along.

"The hottie at 9 o'clock." She spoke. Joey gave her a confused look. This was basically girl talk which was suddenly being talked with a boy.

I chuckled after a couple seconds of Joey's continuous search for the hottie Nina was talking about. "Look to the left, Joey." I insisted.

He turned and furrowed his eyebrows, looking disappointed. "Oh. That Styles kid?"

"Harry Styles." Nina frowned.

"Whatever." He scoffed.

I snickered as I scanned my ID and headed back to our table.

When they both arrived at our already full table, I moved my bag to provide more room for them.

"Looks like you might have a chance with him." Joey told Nina.

"Aw, really?" She pouted, blushing.

"What do you think of him, Melissa?" Joey directed to me as I squeezed my ketchup on my sandwich and looked up at him, concerned as to why he would ask me.

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