Chapter 14

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--Chapter 14--

Most of the days that I came to school, I didn't even want to be here. Screw it- it's actually everyday that I don't want to be here. But there's just those some days that school is the last place you'd want to be. Those days where all you think about is staying home all day and stuffing your face with chips, and either watch movies the entire day, or sleeping. Today was one of those days. Except I didn't want to sleep. More like I was just throbbing to watch a romantic Nicholas Spark's movie.

As I walked down the hall, my eyes caught up to the two figures engaging in a conversation from afar. Nina took a glimpse in my direction before Joey followed her stare. He was back in school, in crutches as Nina stood beside him.

I didn't decide to go over to talk to them, considering their lack of effort to talk to me either. I just basically looked away as the bell rang right on queue.

The first half of the day went by smoothly, through the toughest obstacles. It's awkward being in class with people you're fighting with; with people that you can't even talk about school work with; sitting in a different lunch table because if it was the one Nina and Joey were sitting at, it would bring out the worst vibe.

But I found it even worse to present a project that's suppose to be fun, with a boy who basically hates you at the moment. Also, it's extremely weird to help him out unwillingly with the crutches in front of the audience. We didn't even talk to each other once while presenting, more like talking to the audience. If we did at some point, it was probably an accident or unintentional.

I really hate being with Nina and Joey like this, but there really isn't much I can do about it.

I was now sitting in my Chemistry seat, waiting until the other students arrived. It was weird- I was finally the first one in class, beating Harry finally. It wasn't long until he finally came in, walking over to his seat right next to me as more students came in after him.

"Looks like I beat you to class this time." I remarked, looking at the side of his head as he was faced forward.

"I was held up, don't get used to it." He smirked, turning his head quickly towards me right before the last bell rang.

"Hello students-" Mrs. Steel started, being interrupted quickly by the door opening and revealing an unfamiliar face that came in.

She had two books in her arms and a shy smile, looking into the group of people sitting at the desks. Her hair was wavy, both shoulders being covered by her dark brown locks as she strolled towards the teacher and handed her a note.

Mrs. Steel took a moment examining it until she looked back up, smiling at her. Then turned back towards the class.

"Class, looks like we have a new student. Her name's Olivia Justice." She informed us, proceeding to search the room for any extra seats and finally laying her eyes at the empty table behind Harry and I.

"Olivia, hun, you can sit right over there." She pointed, "Our class is sort of un-even now, so you won't really have a partner."

Olivia soon walked over to the seat behind us, setting her stuff down and looking back towards Mrs. Steel.

"If you need any help, Melissa and Harry are right across. Just ask." She continued, with a rushed nod from Olivia as Mrs. Steel restarted class.

Our attention was turned back over to Mrs. Steel as the interruptions were now gone, leaving us in the torturing feeling of knowing we'd have to do some kind of work or paper, and I was right.

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