Chapter 39

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--Chapter 39--

My eyes were closed completely shut as my hand was steady on the knob. My surroundings went mute. Suddenly, there weren't anymore disturbing groans and moans from Olivia.

"Olivia?" I called out, questionably.

Once I had opened the door, I was surprised to see Harry blocking my view. His eyebrows looked fierce as he frowned intimidatingly.

"Melissa, are you fucking crazy?" His hands shook my shoulders, attempting to knock some sense into me.

I was speechless, astonished as to where Olivia went. I looked passed his lanky body to where Jade and Aiden held onto Olivia's weak body. Their tight grips left Olivia locked in place.

I looked down at my ruffled sleeve. My arm was so exposed. I can't believe I was really going to let this chick bite me. I slowly pulled down my sleeve down to cover my wrist. Then, I looked up to meet Harry's green eyes.

"I don't know, uh, I just..." I uttered. Man, what was I thinking?

"Don't ever do that again." Harry urged. "Don't ever give yourself up like that. You're going to drive me insane with your stupidity." I felt like a child. He soon turned around back to Jade and Aiden as he pulled out a blood bag. "Look Olivia, you're going to love this."

I followed him out of the room to meet with all of them, including my almost-killer. Although, she seemed completely distracted. She squeezed the blood bag intensely, making sure to suck every drop out. Nonetheless, she would be quenched.

She threw the bag down as soon as she felt satisfied. All I could focus on was the stain around her lips. She had a smile on her face. This felt like a miracle.

"Oh my god." She said happily. "Amazing. Absolutely amazing." She laughed, laying happily on the floor.

"Glad you like it." Harry spoke. They all seemed relieved. I know I definitely was.

I sat on the sofa quietly, trying to comfort my body as well as my mind. I just watched Olivia devour a bag of human blood! Blood that belonged to another person; someone like me. It bothered me a bit.

"The patient died yesterday, Melissa. Don't worry, we do our research." Jade spoke, obviously reading my mind. That sentence put me at ease. I'd hate to think they'd steal blood from a perfectly healthy patient.

"Oh." I let out quietly.

Aiden stood up and paced around the room, looking for something. He stopped in his track when he touched the glass of wine that was evidently just sitting there. "You're one brave chick if you were really willing to rescue Olivia, but you are also just as clueless. She would've not stopped if you gave her the chance. You have to realize that, Melissa."

"I don't know what I was thinking honestly." At this moment, Human by Christina Perri would've been perfectly fine to play. How ironic would it be? Especially in a room full of vampires. Jade came to sit next to me and rub my back assuringly.

Olivia suddenly jolted from her spot, provoking me to jump up in result. As fast as she was, she appeared on the other side of the room.

"Wow! I'm faster than Usain Bolt!"

My heart was racing. I was ready for whatever she was going to do. I felt Harry grip my thigh as if he was ready as well. He was ready to protect me.

"Olivia," Harry sighed.

"Catch me if you can!" She exclaimed, positioning herself for another trial run. Next thing I saw was Harry pin the front door closed as she appeared next to it, attempting to leave. My eyes weren't fast enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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