Chapter 18

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--Chapter 18--

I woke up on the cold leather couch that I recalled sitting on earlier. I was brought back to Harry's house. All I remembered was collapsing on the ground after watching all that blood gush from Harry's arm and cure itself in seconds; beyond the bounds of boundary. I still refused to believe what I actually saw.

I tuned into the disembodied voices that I started to hear. I knew that there were more voices than just Harry and Landen. I tried staying at rest and pretending that I was still sleeping. I really don't know what they'd do if I were to wake up.

"I just can't believe you let this happen, Landen." I could tell it was Jade's voice scolding Landen. "Do you understand that you can't just make someone your meal?"

I heard him chuckle, "Well he brought the pizza too late."

No one sounded as amused as he was about this situation. It was was quiet for just a few seconds before Harry muttered something.

"She's awake..."

I felt the room grow even quieter as I started to feel a burning sensation. I knew they were looking at me, but the best I can do is just not give in. They can't possibly be so sure I'm awake.

It didn't last long until the terrifying silence was interrupted once again.

"We know you're awake." It was Aiden's voice speaking.

I decided to turn myself over their direction and sit up on the couch, every second intimidating me as I met each of their eyes gazing at me. I didn't know what to say or do. I needed to be careful if I did say or did something. If I scream, they might just kill me. But I'm way too afraid of them to just let this pass easily.

I looked at Landen, who I can tell wanted to smile or laugh oh-so bad from the pure awkwardness. Right next to him he had the pizza box. He should feel extremely guilty right now, shouldn't he? No matter what the answer is, I can't stand to even look at him.

"We should go- I don't think she feels comfortable with Landen around." Jade muttered to Aiden as I watched Landen smirk and stand up, grabbing the pizza. All three of them left as they closed the door behind them to go outside while Harry and I were left inside.

He started to pace around, probably wondering how he was going to tell me whatever it is that happened as I sat still on the sofa and watched him carefully.

"You're probably really confused." He brought himself to say, stopping right in front of me. "And scared." He added. It was no question- he was a hundred percent right.

It seemed like he was hurting to get this out, but I've waited long enough. "What are you?" I questioned frustratedly.

"I don't want you to be scared."

I didn't have a choice. I was already scared, and I'm pretty sure I didn't have a higher level of fright. "Tell me." I said in between my teeth, a sudden bravery appearing.

He sighed, sitting down next to me while I shifted away from him, trying to get as far away from him as I could. He noticed my discomforting gesture and stood back up, relieving me.

"Aiden, Jade, Landen, and I are vampires." He breathed.

No they're not. This would be a perfect time to just laugh- although I'm still not able to form any amusing expressions across my face since I'm still mad and bewildered. Did he expect me to believe this? This isn't possible. None of this happens in real life. These people are just sick.

"No you're not." I stood up, denying him. Or at least, hoping that it wasn't true.

He rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his head of curls frustratedly. "You don't believe me?" I shook my head.

He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his bare forearms as he looked up through his eyelashes to meet my brown eyes expectantly. "That cut I made earlier, is gone. The acid burn that you dropped on me is gone also." He told me. I furrowed my eyebrows, stunned.

"I'm not going to prove it to you the way you want me to prove it to you." He continued. I didn't want him to prove it by drinking blood, I already knew that he and the others were different.

"What happens when you smell blood?" I asked him curiously. I hated the fact that he told me he hated it before. Actually, I hate the fact that he's been around me all this time when he could've killed me.

"I try to get away from it and come back home for blood bags" He stated broadly. "Jade and Aiden didn't actually go food shopping; they went to get more blood bags since we ran out." He looked down in shame.

"And what about them?" I asked, realizing that I needed to be clearer.

"Jade is half witch and vampire, she has advantages that we don't. She know's how to control us. Before, Jade used to be completely witch until Aiden witnessed her dying from too much power use, and turned her into a vampire. They lived here for years and brought me in."

He paused, letting me set everything into place. "There are also vampire hunters around here that we still haven't identified yet, because we can't enter their house without permission." He informed, then chuckled. "I doubt a vampire hunter would even invite a vampire into their home."

I didn't laugh, just stood confused. Vampire hunters? Would that be the same as regular hunters?

"You can't tell anyone, Melissa." Harry narrowed his eyes on mine as I sat back down on the couch, but stood up immediately after.

"I-I can't take this in." I said honestly. How does he expect me to be around him when at any given time, he has the choice to bite my neck and suck the life out of me?

"Melissa, you don't understand. I can control myself." He tried to persuade me, but I didn't want to take the risk. I actually want to live.

"How do you think I did it when we first kissed? I wanted you so bad."

I ignored him and walked fast towards the door, wanting to leave quickly, before he appeared right in front of me and blocked my exit. "You can't tell anyone. We would get killed if the vampire hunters found out. They're not too fond of... Vampires."

I was just scared of the fact that he said, 'I wanted you so much'. What was that suppose to mean- He wanted to kill me? He wanted my blood?

"Move." My voice was demanding. I tried to sound as intimidating as I could, but I knew he wouldn't be too threatened considering what he is. He moved aside anyways, leaving the doorway an easy way so I can leave.

"Will you please think about this?" He pleaded. I can't believe he's being the vulnerable one right now. Or maybe- it's not vulnerability, it's just his way of making me stay so he can kill me later on.

I ignored his question and touched the cold metal doorknob. "Do not use any of your vampire superpowers to try and get me to stay." I warned him directly. "And by that, I don't want you stalking my house or following me anywhere."

I opened the door and walked out, seeing Jade, Aiden, and Landen sitting on a bench outside as they chatted amongst themselves. Landen had a pizza slice in his hand as he watched me walk to my car in a hurry. I hated to look at him, especially because he still had the nerve to eat the pizza that the pizza man he killed, brought.

I got into my car as Harry stood outside of it and knocked on my window. I rolled it down to meet his same hopeful statement as before, "Please do not tell anyone."

I frowned, looking forward at his house before turning back towards him and answering him. "I need you to leave me alone, Harry. I mean it."


A/N: Guys, I know this is a short chapter :( But, please don't comment rudely about how short it is- lol? That sounds weird :P Anyways, I'm going to try to update another chapter later or tomorrow. So please just wait. I decided to make this one shorter because if it was longer, I wouldn't be able to update on time. And I find it better to update on time, rather than making you wait :)

Q8: What would be the first thing you'd do if you were turned into a vampire?

♥ ♥ ♥

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