Chapter 27

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--Chapter 27--

I woke up in my bed, happy that I didn't have school this morning. It finally felt like I've rested for a good while. I didn't even mind the tiny peek of sunlight coming in through my blinds, I just stood up and headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I was done, I walked down the stairs, tuning into the soft country music that my mom was probably playing while I held onto the cold metal railing down the stairs. It was pretty cool this morning, but I didn't mind it much since the warm socks on my feet made me comfortable and protected from the freezing tiles. As I hit the bottom of the stairs, I turned the corner to see my mom walking with a basket filled with clothes.

"Good morning." I greeted, opening the fridge as I got out the milk and glanced on top of the fridge to eyeball my favorite cereal.

"Morning? It's already two in the afternoon." She laughed, frowning teasingly. What? How can it be two already?

"Oh, really?" I rose my eyebrows, pouring the milk into the bowl of cereal. I sprinkled a bit of sugar into it, knowing that my mom was mentally scolding me for the unnecessary ingredient.

"Don't tell me you're adding extra sugar to that presweetened cereal of yours." She shrieked in slight disgust.

"Only a little."

She rose an eyebrow, continuing to unload the last bit of white-colored clothes into the washing machine before sitting next to me at the dining table exhaustibly and taking a sip of her coffee. "Why was Harry in your room this morning?" I was a bit surprised by this question as I looked up from an embarrassing spoonful. Harry left last night after I fell asleep... Didn't he?

I furrowed my eyebrows after taking my time to answer the question and gulping down the excess milk on the spoon."What do you mean?"

"I went inside your room earlier to get your hamper for laundry, and he was asleep on your chair." She stated casually while my heart leaped. She must think... Oh no. He was supposed to leave.

"Oh." I sighed, still not relieved."I, we didn't, um-" I stuttered- I must look like a fool. Hopefully, since she's my mom, she won't think too much of it. He just fell asleep there last night.

"I'm just glad he was on the chair instead of your bed." She rose an eyebrow while my cheeks heated but I turned away, setting the glass in the sink before turning back towards her.

"Uh, yeah. When did he leave?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't want to wake him up or anything- I thought he'd still be in your room though." She tried to assure, a question more than an answer.

"He probably left when you didn't notice or something." I shrugged, sitting back down across from her at the table. She picked up the newspaper beside her, revealing the entire cover that had the incident from two nights ago on it.

"Isn't it scary that these animals murdered three young people, yet we don't even know what type of animals they are?" Whether I knew what was happening or not, yes I was still scared. I trusted that it wasn't Harry, but what would be my other logical explanation? It just doesn't seem right.

I nodded, appearing like I cared less. "Anything new on the trial?" I asked distractingly.

"If there is, it's not on the paper."

I went back upstairs to grab my stuff and go shopping for an outfit tonight. Even though my closet is full, I still would like a new outfit. I got in my car and drove to the outlets, not finding anything that fits my taste until I drove to the mall. I really hate going shopping by myself, just because I feel awkward, and because I can't get anyone's opinion.

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