Chapter 13

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--Chapter 13--

It's been days since everything was normal. By normal, I meant when Nina actually talked to me, when Joey was able to play Lacrosse, and when Harry actually went to school. No one accompanied me in school for the last couple of days; everyone seemed to have been drawn away from me the night of the game.

For Nina- I actually tried. I attempted to go sit at our regular lunch table and make conversation until she immediately picked up her tray and left, without even making eye contact with me or an effort to talk. Our friends just watched her, each completely flustered as they questioned me soon after. I couldn't believe that she was mad at me; I didn't understand. She actually considers that I'm the one who got Joey hurt. Like as if the reason he broke his leg was because I wasn't there. Of course I felt bad, but that's completely crazy.

As for Joey- I went to the hospital the night after he got hurt, and he ended up falling asleep after a few minutes of me being there. So basically, there was not so much conversation.

For Harry, I don't have a single clue. He genuinely owes me an apology. The kid has completely ditched school since the last time I saw him. Nobody's heard from him, and he just bailed on being my chemistry partner. But I can honestly care less.

I walked up the steps of Joey's large, 2-story house as I hesitated before ringing the bell. I couldn't help but to come see him, from the guilt of not seeing him. Not only was he the only one that I guess wouldn't mind seeing me, but I don't think he'd ever push me away like Nina did.

My finger lightly pressed on the button as it illuminated soon after and sent a high-pitched ring to echo throughout the house. Before I could even count to ten, the door opened slowly, revealing the serious facial features of Joey's dad.

"Hi, Mr. Casanova." I stammered.

He examined my face, finally realizing why I was possibly here. "You're here to see Joey." He assumed, widening the door so I can walk in.

I hummed approvingly, taking an expected step inside the house, supposing that Joey was in his room since he wasn't in the living room.

"He's upstairs. Don't take too long, he needs his rest." Mr. Casanova explained, trailing off into his room as I agreed and walked up the steps quickly as I came across the familiar hall, in which Joey's room door was located.

I knocked lightly on his door, making sure I didn't barge into his room like an idiot.

"Come in." He yelled tonelessly before I opened the door, Joey appearing on top of his bed with his laptop on his lap.

He wore his lop-sided beats on one of his ears as it hung off the other. The Techno music was roaring through his headphones, before he lowered the volume.

"Hey." I smiled, closing the door behind me as a grin spread across his lips and he pulled the beats down, grasping around his neck securely.

"Hey." He greeted back, looking some-what happy to see me. I sat next to him on the bed. "How are you?" He continued.

"Good." I pursed my lips together. I looked at his leg, which looked really dead, like most broken ones... "How's your leg?"

"It's broken."

Same humorous Joey. "I know that," I giggled. "How long are you gonna be stuck in the cast?"

"A while- but I'm going to go back to school after tomorrow, in crutches." He frowned.

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