Chapter 31

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--Chapter 31--

[ Flashback III ]

Year 1911.

I heard a noise come from a building as I passed by it, making me stop my tracks.

I walked inside it, realizing that it was some kind of abandoned warehouse. The broken door creaked even with the lightest push I used on it.

"Gemma, are you in here?"

The building was dark and desolate. Only certain places were illuminated with the moonlight coming through the windows. I walked around, unable to see anything due the lack of light. All I heard were my footsteps, they seemed so loud in such a quiet place.

I heard another sound once again, this time realizing that it was a struggled moan from somewhere that I couldn't tell. It worried me if it was Gemma and if she was hurt or not. I really hope this is just some sick joke. "Gemma?"

I got no reply as I waited in the center of the warehouse. It was only seconds until I finally saw something on the floor in front of the window where it was quite visible from the moonlight. I walked closer, observing it as I approached it. I felt my heart drop when I realized it was my mum laying on the floor.

I immediately fell to my knees in desperate attempts to figure out what was wrong and why she was on the floor, possibly hurt in such a small period of time. "Mum? Mum, get up please!" I shook her carefully, in a frantic need to wake her up. How could this happen?

That was when I finally got her laying motionlessly across my lap and her head suddenly rolled over to one side, revealing a giant wound on her neck. I froze as my eyes widened in terror. I reached at it hesitantly, cautiously touching it before finally concluding that it was blood.

I began to breathe harder, unsure of what I should do. My tears were intensely threatening to escape before I looked right beside me to another body... My step-father.

"Cal, Cal." I moved next to him, shaking him as well. He didn't move, looking so awfully peaceful.

My trembling fingers mindlessly reached over to his head and rolled it to the side where the same wound was marked on him too. I couldn't believe it. I stood up in shock as I was still trembling, staring down at the blood on my fingers in awe and feeling my eyes get wet.

Then I heard something different. It was the sound of a footstep, like as if someone had stepped just a couple feet in front of me and I knew it was exactly that. I looked up, listening carefully to the scared breaths that came from the disembodied figure. I stared right across from me where Dimitri was standing with Gemma, one arm wrapped around her neck as the other held on her mouth, shielding it so she wouldn't scream.

"W-What did you do?" I looked down at the two bodies that I knew he had done this to. It was a complete and utter shock.

I took a step towards him, ready to grab my sister from him before he took a step back with her. "Don't step closer." He warned me. I don't know whether to attack him or be aware of what he can do.

"Let her go," I kept my voice low.

I began to see the redness around his mouth. It was red liquid, just like the one stained on my fingers. "No, I'm way too tempted now." He glanced down at Gemma, moving her head to one side as she closed her eyes and began to weep silently. His breathing became rapid and he almost seemed nauseous.

"What are you talking about? Just let her go." I waved my hand in front of him, snapping him out of the trance as he looked back up at me.

"I can't." It frightened me of what he was going to do. It scared me worse when he opened his mouth against her skin.

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