Chapter 23

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--Chapter 23--

"Wait, you're telling me that your best guy-friend is trying to kill me?" He balanced himself on his elbows, looking at me in what seemed to be disbelief.

"No, I didn't say that. I never even mentioned Joey."

"You mentioned his father, which lives in the same house as Joey. He might as well know this about his dad." He assumed. Joey and his dad would be one of the last people I'd expect to do this. Well, I can at least say Joey. His father seems a bit suspicious. "Are you sure it's a star on his wrist?" Harry asked once again, reassuring.

"Yes, positive." I confirmed, completely convinced. I saw the mark clearly. It was obviously a star. "But it doesn't have to really mean anything, right? He could've easily gotten a tattoo of a star."

"That's pretty precise towards this situation." He scoffed.

I knew it was a specific tattoo that he would be willing to get. But I just really don't want to believe this. Joey's dad can't be a vampire hunter, and neither can Joey. It's insane. But of course, after learning about all of this, I have no idea what to think is sane anymore.

"Is there any other way we can determine whether or not this is true?" I knew we would need proof. We can't just call this out without any evidence.

"Not really. Well, vampire hunters usually don't work alone or without weapons. He must have more people working with him, and somewhere he keeps his equipment."

"Do you think that he had been in the group that was tracking you down earlier?" A part of me hoped that it wasn't him, just for the wish that Joey's family isn't involved in this. But the other part wanted to believe it, just because I really hope that there's just one group of vampire hunters in this town.

"I can't tell. I've never came to face with them, unless I met them before without knowing." He sighed, sitting back on my bed and tucking his arms behind his head. I couldn't help but to look at his biceps that was pulling against the tight fabric of his shirt. He began to start laughing humorously to himself which made me look back up at his face where he was staring up at my roof.

"Why are you laughing?" I questioned. What does he find so funny in this situation? I'm not even the one aimed to be killed, and I'm still worried about what might happen.

He got back up on his elbows as the smile became more visible. "I just can't believe that your best guy-friend is trying to kill me. I mean- no wonder he doesn't like me."

"Why wouldn't he like you?"

"Because one, I'm a vampire. His dad is my number one enemy along with his vampire hunting gang. And two- because of basically this." He pointed his finger at me and then back to him.

"What's 'this'?" I laughed, mimicking what he had just done.

"He looked at me wrong from day one for talking to you. He knew that he wasn't the only one that liked you, and I guess he felt some need of competition towards me." We both knew that it was evident Joey had feelings for me, But it's crazy to know that Harry knew this all along.

The only thing I could pay attention to was the fact that Harry hinted he liked me. My heart fluttered at the thought, but I decided to dodge it.

"I don't find him to be mad over that." I lied.

"Really?" He rose his eyebrows, questioning me with almost an expectant reaction. "Then why haven't I seen you guys talk anymore?"

He was on to me. He knew it all, he could tell why Joey and I haven't been talking, and that I've liked him for a while now. It's embarrassing how much he obviously knew. It was quiet for a couple seconds until he finally found out what had been going on.

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