Chapter 32

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--Chapter 32--

[ Flashback IV ]

Year 1911.

The hard rigid ground beneath me was more than uncomfortable. I began to take my surroundings into sense, opening my eyes as my whole entire body felt sore, my neck ached. Somehow, everything seemed unreal and didn't make sense.

I sat up, finally realizing that I was in the middle of the road- a different location that I had been the last time I was awake. That's when my memory began to return. All I remember was having Dimitri biting down into my neck before I dropped to the floor. That's what confused me tremendously. Wasn't I supposed to be dead?

I knew I wasn't supposed to be here. He carried me all the way to this spot for some unknown reason when I can literally be miles and miles away from home. It was his plan. For a very self explanatory reason, I had the urge to rip him limb from limb because of my hatred for him. But besides my unexpected violent thoughts, I had an even bigger desire that was literally killing me in the inside- I was hungry. My stomach was yearning and sucking itself in, and I know that if I don't get something to eat quickly, I'll start to starve. I wonder how long I've been asleep that made me so hungry.

I started to walk down the dark road that seemed almost empty. No people, no buildings, no passing cars. I wasn't able to keep myself steady though, my body was randomly sore and weak. All I thought about was my family. I still couldn't process the fact of how they died and how it happened so sudden. Especially why I wasn't there to protect them.

But my feelings felt so much different, so loose. It's like my emotions were flipped. The tears and pain from when they died had turned into anger and hatred for one specific person. I just can't believe the last time I was able to see my family was laying dead on the ground. I will probably never even be able to attend their funeral.

I walked sloppily down the road, the hunger killing me in the inside. It was different and weird. I hadn't imagined any food that would satisfy me, even though I know it would. I was hungry for something, something that I couldn't quite tell. But I was being stubborn, knowing that any food is what I need to stop my hunger- what I need to basically survive.

After walking down the empty road for almost miles, there was a dumpster at one of the end of the streets. It was the strangest decision, but I knew that there had to be at least some type of extra food that would be put into good use. Searchingly, I went through the disgusting dumpster, coming across loose banana peels and pineapple shavings to used toiletry paper and napkins.

I couldn't find anything, which frustrated me. I sat down against the dumpster, unable to stand from the hunger anymore. I have never had this kind of feeling.

I sat on the side of the road, waiting until cars passed by but it took longer than I expected when I spotted the small car from a distance. I stood up willingly, getting to the middle of the road before waving my hands high over my head as the car began to slow down. It excited me.

The car stopped directly across from me, me suddenly getting the same starving desire.

Out of the car came out two people, a girl and a guy. They looked a bit older than me, but I knew that they were certainly a couple. The guy walked in front of his girlfriend, giving her a signal to stay back while he saw what was wrong with me. It offended me.

"Is something wrong? Do you need help?" His eyebrows furrowed, keeping his distance from me. I started to get the scent of something that smelled so heavenly, I wanted it.

I felt my mouth water as I gulped. "I-I'm very hungry." I could barely get it out of my mouth.

He looked back to the worried girl, her hands crossed like he wanted to leave. Somehow I knew exactly how she felt. "Nicole, go get the extra fruits we have in the car." She turned back towards the car quickly as she took her time to walk to it.

"You don't understand how hungry I am." I told him, grateful yet disappointed that all he had to offer was fruits.

"We will help you," He stated almost too genuine for my emotions at the moment.

Before I knew it, something overcame my body. I suddenly had the urge to bite him in the neck and just drink his blood. Hell, I don't even care. "I know and I'm sorry about what I am going to do." I stepped towards him, my hunger overtaking my emotions.

That's when I knew what I wanted; blood. Dimitri turned me, and that's why I'm so hungry. It's a torturing feeling but it is so tempting just drink this guy's blood.

His face showed confusion, barely giving him any time to reply before I sunk my teeth into his skin, immediately drawn to the liquid that I've missed out on. It was so good that I couldn't pull myself away, even knowing that I was killing him.

As soon as I felt nourished, I dropped him down to the floor carelessly. I instantly felt refreshed, a feeling that I never felt before. Weirdly too, I wasn't hungry. I felt stronger than ever.

His girlfriend came back from their car with an apple in her hand, stopping as soon as she saw her boyfriend on the floor. The apple fell to the floor as she let out a horrified scream and turned around. I knew she was going to run back to her car, but the taste that I just experienced was way too good to let go off. At this moment, I didn't care about anything.

I appeared right in front of her, surely confusing her as much as it excited me with my sudden ability and strength, my weak state disappearing. I couldn't help myself rather than to do the same to her as I did to her boyfriend, leaving her in an ear-peircing scream that only I could hear.

I pulled away seconds later, wiping the red evidence off of my lips with no shame or guilt of what I had just done.

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