Chapter 38

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--Chapter 38--

I heard something downstairs that sounded pretty loud and made me jolt from my sleep. I got up from my bed, surprised that I actually woke up since I'm such a deep sleeper. I stared at my clock which read 4:02 a.m. I was glad I still had enough time to sleep before going to school, but I was still disappointed that I had made the decision to actually get up.

My room was really dark as I tripped over my own feet, struggling to find the lamp switch and turn on the light. When the light was finally on, I left my room, seeing how dark and creepy the rest of the house was. I walked down the stairs to the first floor, tiptoeing around the house cautiously and quietly as I searched for whatever fell. It was chilly inside the house so I decided to turn the AC off. Yawning, I walked back towards the stairs in the failed attempt on finding the source of the noise, but I didn't care, I was still tired. As soon as I reached the last step to the second floor, I heard a different yet familiar noise; my front door opening.

I knew it was the front door because five seconds later, I heard the light beep that goes off whenever the front door opens. I paused in my steps, taking a hesitant breath before turning around and walking towards the balcony of the second floor to look at the front door which was visible from the spot.

The door was wide open, making me shutter in fright. "Mom?" Hopefully it was just her, even though she wasn't even awake. "Is that you?"

I let the silence take place for a while, waiting for some miracle response from my mom. It didn't happen though, so I bravely went to take my first step down the stairs. I hated how fast my heart was racing, it made me feel like a complete baby.


When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I realized that she wasn't the one wandering around the house. It scared me that no one was actually here, and it's crazy because the front door is wide open right in front of me.

I walked towards the opened front door to peer outside without really stepping out, just making sure my mom wasn't outside or anything. After a good examination of the dull breezy night, I shut the door, avoiding the house to freeze up from the chilliness that came from outside. But then, I saw a shadow of a someone pass by outside of the rectangular window that's next to the door.

My heart dropped as I stepped back from the door and window. Suddenly, the sound of a door from inside the house creaked open, making me turn very quickly to see what it was. I watched as my mom walked out of her room with her robe on, yawning groggily,

"Honey, why are you up so early?" She groaned. I sighed, relieved that she had woken up and that nothing had actually got inside our house, but I was still in complete terror of whoever it was that opened the door and who I saw pass by the window.

"Melissa?" I was snapped out of my trance by my mom's voice. Part of me absolutely knew that all of that had happened this morning and I was just replaying it, but the other part of me was just happy that it was morning already.

I looked up at her, completely confused and distracted. "Oh, I'm sorry. What did you ask me?" I didn't even remember waking up this morning. I just remember falling asleep last night and waking up early in the morning from the noise, then suddenly appearing at the breakfast table.

"Your cereal's going to get soggy..." She spoke. I looked down at my corn flakes. My spoon was holding some halfway to my mouth, but I guess I forgot to eat it.

"Oh," I sighed. "I'm not that hungry." I pushed the bowl of cereal away.

"What's happening with you? Are you okay? Is eighteen doing good for you so far?" She squinted her eyes. I had almost forgot that today was my eighteenth birthday, even though my mom was the first to remind me this morning. Too bad it wasn't even that big of a deal to me, unlike all of my other birthdays that I always freaked out over.

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