Chapter 9

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--Chapter 9--

"Well, goodnight girls. Don't fall asleep too late." Mom yawned as she re-tied her robe and made her way over to her room slowly.

"Night, mom."

"Goodnight, Mrs. Osario." Nina smiled at her. Sometimes its weird hearing people call your mom by her last name and with a 'Mrs.' in the front. It always makes me feel like she's an old lady.

"You know, you can call my mom Tess, right? You don't have to call her by her last name." I told Nina, persuading her to be a little less... Professional with my mom. Its weird.

"I've gotten comfortable calling her Mrs. Osario, deal with it." She lightly joked.

I shrugged it off. "We should probably go upstairs. Downstairs always creeps me out once my parents are gone." I insisted, standing up from my comfortable position on the couch and turning off the Wii, since we were watching Netflix.

Nina stood up after me. "Scaredy cat. I'm going to at least make popcorn."

"With what movie?"

"Can't a girl just eat popcorn casually without having to watch a movie?" She surrendered, taking out a bag of popcorn and setting it in the microwave.

"Whatever. Meet me upstairs." I said stupidly, knowing that, that was the obvious place she was headed to after the popcorn was made.

"Nope. I'll meet you downstairs."

I walked up the stairs to my room and turned on the light. I decided to wash my face real quick, considering that there was still some face mask on my chin from mine and Nina's spa day earlier.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth in till I knew that I was completely ready for bed and headed back into my room. Just in time, Nina was coming back up, shaking the bag of popcorn intensely so the rest of the popcorn would pop and cool down.

"Did you open the window downstairs?" She asked me, concerned in the simplest way.

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows as she tossed a popcorn in her mouth and poured the bag into a bowl.

"Erm... The window downstairs." She summed it up, widening her eyes at me. "It was closed in till I realized that it opened by the time I headed back upstairs with the popcorn."

I didn't even know what window she was talking about, plus I was washing up. "I don't know." I threw a popcorn in my mouth, stretching comfortably across my bed into a relaxed state.

"But that's weird because I'm pretty sure it was closed earlier, and I most definitely didn't open it." She continued.

I laughed. "It doesn't really matter if the window was open or not. It's not a big deal, all you have to do is close it."

"Are you you sure you didn't open the window though?" She asked curiously, one again.

"I'm pretty sure Nina, I don't have super powers. I was up here washing up for bed. Just forget about it, it was probably just my mom or dad." I concluded. "Did you at least close it?"


I don't understand what the situation was. She knew I went upstairs and saw me, so why would she think that I opened a random window downstairs with some kind of mental powers?

We seemed to get passed that and fell asleep pretty soon after. The sleep was comfortable and cozy, besides from Nina's constant kicking and soft punches towards me. She really is a sloppy sleeper, she even had her leg on top of me for a good amount of time, trapping me in the same position for a while. Luckily, I was able to fall asleep from all her motion.

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