Chapter 11

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--Chapter 11--

"So when will your dad leave, again?" I ran the towel through my hair, attempting to dry as much of it as I could before the bell rang. I haven't thought about my dad leaving to the military since the day he told me, now I'm reminded about it again. Great.

I don't know how many times I've told Nina already, she must have short-term memory or something. "Couple weeks or so- Why?" I stated questionably, putting my towel in my locker and changing into my clothes.

She looked up from tying her shoe, "Just wondering." I took out my converse' from my locker and set it right next to her on the bench. "You better hurry, the bell's about to ring," She reminded me.

My pace quickened as I hurried and tied my shoe. The bell rang soon after, and me and Nina left the locker room along with the other emerging girls who exited as well.

Joey suddenly came up behind us, appearing out of no where as he strolled along with us to our next class. Luckily, we all had our next period in the same hall. "Are you girls coming to my game tonight?" His approach sounded hopeful and expectant for a positive answer that we would give him.

I actually don't have anything to do tonight, so why not? His Lacrosse games are pretty cool anyways. "Sure, what time?" I looked at him.

"Same as always-seven." He grinned.


"I'll be there as well." Nina added, carelessly. She's always the one who goes anyways, never missing one of his games.

He departed from us, entering his next class as Nina and I waited near the lockers in till the bell rang, using our spare time to socialize.

"Is it just me or did Mrs. Steel begin to start growing a woman mustache?" She questioned, curiously. I followed her stare to catch the body of my next period teacher speaking to my strange chemistry partner, Harry. "Hey, you never told me that Harry was in your Chemistry class?" She turned to me, obviously sort of surprised.

"Well it never came to mind." I told her, exchanging looks towards Harry and Mrs. Steel as they chatted amongst themselves.

"Really?" Her stare was filled with disbelief. "Even when I DID like him, you didn't seem to tell me about this?" I knew I should of mentioned it earlier.


"Not even when I told you that he was in my biology class?" She assured repeatedly.

That's when the moment came to mind. Maybe at that time, yes. I thought mentioning Harry in my Chemistry class would be useful, but not that important. I guess I forgot? "Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"I didn't want you to be mad at me or anything just because he's my chemistry partner." I added.

She furrowed her eyebrows in the beginning, looking a bit jealous before her mood softened up. "He's your partner?" I didn't even have the time to talk before she filled in the gaps herself. "It's okay, I don't even like him anymore." Her tone was undeniably sketchy to be true, but I guess I'm just going to have to believe her for the best, humming in agreement.

"Good." I smiled, turning completely towards her with my back towards Harry to block her view of him. "He's weird anyways." I informed her, referring to the incident in which he abruptly tried to scram away from me last week. Apparently he appears to have the habit of always disappearing from my sight, either quickly hiding behind a wall or something. He's very fast, but it's almost impossible how quick he is, almost looking too suspicious.

"How is he weird?" She giggled, quickly looking behind me for a quick, meaningless glance at Harry.

A small smile crept on my lips, "He's not normal." I whispered jokingly as I tried to pursue intimidating her just a little bit. But she instantly cracked in laughter as expected.

She quickly stopped laughing, flushing a light shade of pink as she pursed her lips together, obviously paying attention to the same human yards behind me. "You know," she whispered. "He looked quickly over here right when you said that..."

"What'd I tell you." I whispered back.

The high pitch alarm of the bell rang and we both headed to our next classes that were nearby. I immediately sat down, ready to get class started.

"Good afternoon, guys. Most of you look tired." Mrs. Steel supposed. But she was right, Monday is the worst day of the week, being the first to start the school days off. She talked on about what most people would consider boring, then she assigned us a partner experiment that had to be completed within the period.

Harry passed me goggles and put a pair on himself, stretching the elastic band to the back of his head as his curls poked out.

I put on the goggles as well, exhaling a useless breath and waiting in the pure silence until he insists we start.

"Shouldn't you consider putting on gloves?" He tilted his head slightly at me, with an anticipated smirk approaching on his lips.

"Erm... Right,"

He grabbed a test tube, setting it right in front of us and holding up a container of liquid above it before he poured some carefully into the test tube. "So, I'll just add the water and a few drops of Phenolphthalein as a PH- indicator,"

I payed closely attention to what he was doing, admiring his actions. It was cute how smart he was, how he knew exactly what to do. I couldn't help but to look at his face and adore his perfect features as he was completely focused on not spilling anything.

Before I knew it, I was snapped out of my trance. "Melissa?" He questioned smugly, holding a container in front of me so that I would take it.

I flushed red, quickly grabbing the container. "Sorry," I couldn't feel any more embarrassed than I did now. "Now I pour the gasoline, right?" I asked distractingly as he nodded.

I did as told, pouring the liquid cautiously into the tube and every second of perfecting my gestures, I felt Harry's eyes following everything I did. I knew I couldn't mess up to make a fool of myself and screw up mine an Harry's grades.

After specifically observing the gasoline floating on the water, Harry handed me a small piece of sodium metal before I dropped it in there and the object started to move up and down rapidly, as the water turned purple and the gasoline stayed the same.

It looked really cool. I smiled at Harry, who looked pleasant but as if he's done this experiment a hundred times.

"How's the cut?" He managed to spit out, looking at my bandaged wrist that was obviously visible.

"Well, it's healing- What happened to you on Friday? You basically ditched me when you saw the blood," I choked out warily.

His expression turned amusing. "I really don't like blood."

A breathy scoff escaped my mouth, hysterically. "Well I can tell,"

He looked down grinning cheekily, one side being extremely noticeable that his dimple creased his skin deeply. "I'm sorry-" I examined his sincere apology, realizing how angelic, yet cheeky it sounded. "I just get really nauseous around blood."

I had figured that already, that's why he left. You'd have to be really disgusted by the wound to run away like he did. It was clear that he didn't want to be around it at all, and I accepted that. It's just like me; I can't be around pickles because I absolutely hate the smell. I hate pickles in sandwiches, and in general. I just can't stand the smell or taste of them. That's probably the same problem in Harry's situation, but he doesn't hate pickles- he hates blood.


A/N: So this really amazing account ( sockmonkey7707 ) made me a trailer for this story and I love it! Check it out- it's on the side :) >>

Q2's Answer: My celebrity girl crushes are Melanie iglesias, Shay Mitchell, Ariana Grande, Perrie Edwards, Vanessa Hudgens, Cher Lloyd, Eleanor Calder, Rita Ora, and Jenna marbles.

Q3: What are you guys' favorite 2013 movies so far? :)

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