Chapter 6

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--Chapter 6--

The sun seeped through my silk curtains as I opened my eyes. I realized that the sun was shining brighter than usual and it was weird because last night the rain was pouring like no tomorrow.

I stood up to close the blinds from the blinding sun- the opposite move from most people. But I'm not really a morning person. Right before I closed them, I spotted something on my driveway, my car.

I guess he keeps his promises.

The morning was skimmed through. I went along with my usual routine and it was weird because my dad left early to work this morning. Maybe he got an early shift or something.

I sat in my first couple of periods zoning out from what the teacher was talking about. All I was really thinking about was my date with Harry tonight. I hadn't seen him at all this morning, so I hoped he would be here by Chemistry. It's not like I'd like to go with him anyway, I really don't want to do this to Nina. But he did get my car home and surprisingly, it was fixed.

"Miss Osario?"

I snapped out of my trance, looking back up to my teacher and realizing the whole class's attention was turned to me. "Yes, Mr. Carter?"

"As I had asked you a minute ago, what precautions are needed with long hair and beards during a lab experiment?"

I thought for a minute, completely unaware that he had asked me this same question a minute ago and I wasn't paying attention. Were we really going over lab safety this whole time?

"Must be shampooed?" I said, unconfidently, in more of a question than answer.

The whole class giggled from my answer as Mr. Carter kept his facial expressions serious. "Miss Osario, this is no time for a joke. This is serious matter and if something were to happen; for example, that pretty head of hair you got there, were to catch on fire, it wouldn't need to be washed or deep conditioned in order to not burn into ashes."

He looked down at me intensely, hoping I understood. But that was the least of my worries right now.

"Now, would anybody like to tell Melissa here, what are the precautions needed with long hair and beards?" Kate Stoner rose her hand immediately after he asked. "Kate?" Mr. Carter pointed.

"Keep long hair tied back and away from any flames, as goes with the beards." She spoke, folding her hands in front of her and smiling up to the teacher like the smart alec she thinks she is.

"Thank you, Kate." Mr. Carter smiled and then looked over to me, basically laughing at me in his head. "Did you get that, Osario?"

I nodded shamefully right before the bell rang and we were dismissed from class.

I walked all the way to Chemistry, not sparing a second to socialize between classes, hoping I'd be the first in class, but I was actually the second. Harry was the first. He was talking to the teacher outside of the door as she tried to unlock it.

He looked different today. He wore a white t-shirt with dark baggy jeans along with a green beanie. I've never seen him in a beanie or baggy jeans. He always actually wore skinny jeans and his hair was usually all over the place with his perfected curls.

I fast walked over to him right after Mrs. Steel opened the door. "Bad hair day?" I asked behind him before he turned around and smiled at me just before he entered the classroom.

"What, you don't like the beanie?" He asked concerned and with slight humor in his face.

"Actually, I do." I smiled.

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