Chapter 10

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--Chapter 10--

(Harry's POV)

It drives me mad how hungry I get during the nights. I'd normally go out in the evening to wander around the town for a bit and I can't help but to accept the strong desires of my thirst, yearning the one and only thing that I needed the most to survive.

It's quite difficult to hide the changing of color in my eyes, or when I start to breathe harder, or even when I just seem the least bit, un-normal. But still, I appear to hide it pretty easily.

Now was one of those times. I had my head ducked down with some black shades, avoiding contact with any human, well knowingly that it would just drive my urges crazy. I tried to rush through the people gathered up in bunches outside of stores, eager to move right past and not create a scene.

"Sir." A man stopped me, handing me a flyer that he hoped I'd take. I pushed right passed him, not sparing a second. The faster I walked, the easier it would be to get away from the people. It was like being in a room filled with blood bags and not being able to take one.

Now I knew that I had drawn attention. I knew that the man that I had pushed aside, was looking at me as I tried to flee away. I knew I looked suspicious-- in all black, shades on, and avoiding crowds. But he was probably way off on what he thought that I was doing.

I finally got away. The town lights were starting to fade into the dark woods, with only the stars' beam to be the only tiny drops of light. The strong aura of the humans' began to vanish, but that didn't help at all with my appetite.

When I knew that no one else could see me, I ran into the woods as fast as I could, trying to find something. I felt the hunger start to burn my insides and my face crinkled up, craving for anything in sight. This was my least, yet in the strangest way, favorite part. Least because I have to kill an innocent creature and, favorite because I don't have to battle the thirst any longer.

In just a matter of seconds, I saw a small rabbit hobbling around a tree. Without even thinking, I went after it. It was in my hand in a flash and I already had the red liquid scattered around my mouth. I dropped the still creature's body and wiped the blood off of my mouth with my arm, staining my black long-sleeved shirt.

I felt refreshed at the moment, but I knew that this wasn't something to be proud of-- and I'm not. But I can't help what I do, considering what I am.

Right when I started making my way home, I heard them. Their guns were loaded, one of them had an arrow, and I'm smart enough to know that each of them had a couple of wooden stakes in their bags. I could hear these vampire hunters from a good mile or two.

I appeared at the porch of my house, opening the door and walking through the first part of the house to get to our living room where Jade and Aiden were sitting comfortably on the couch, looking into the fireplace as they each held a glass of wine.

Their attention was pulled towards me as I walked in swiftly and smirked at them, sitting down on one of the sofas. I poured myself a cup of wine and sipped it before I sat it back down. "You know," I trailed off, putting my feet on the coffee table. "Those hunters are everywhere. It's almost as if they know where the vampires are."

Jade turned to me and squinted her eyes in disbelief at me. "What type of blood is that?" She pointed.

"What?" I frowned, pretending to not-know what she was talking about and sipping my glass again.

"On the corner of your mouth." She stood up and walked towards me, scolding me for what she thinks. She probably thinks I killed a human.

Before I could even lick it off, her finger wiped it off and tasted it herself, investigating me. "Really, bunny blood?" Her hand was on her hip like if she thought I was foolish. But at least I didn't kill anyone-- maybe just a small rabbit.

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