Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

Dear Diary  

Today is the first day back to school which means I get to see Louis again, He's a senior this year which means he has this year and another year left until he leaves. Apparently he spent the whole summer with Eleanor who I hate, why do I hate her? Because she's dating the love of my life! 

Last week Niall, Liam and I all went out to get some food, so we went to the pizza shop at the road near our school and Louis and Zayn were there. They  acknowledged us but that was it, Louis looked so hot in his white shirt and denim jacket. Zayn is another thing all together, he's Louis best friend and he drives me insane, he is the schools biggest player he has a new girl every week.

Sometimes I wish I could just punch Zayn and Eleanor but Louis doesn't even know I exist. Well I better get ready.

H x

I went over to my wardrobe and picked out a white shirt, black cardigan, black jeans and a black beanie. I stripped down and changed into it all. I looked in the mirror one last time adjusting my hair under the beanie. When I was finally happy I grabbed my back pack and head out the door.

I walked to school nearly every day except some days Liam picks me and Niall up, he was still on holiday until Wednesday. As for Niall he's always late he always sleeps in and is never up in time for me to wait on him. 

I walk into the gates of school ignoring the looks I get from most people, see I told Niall and Liam I was gay a 2 years ago and someone overheard and told nearly everybody. I didn't mind though I was just a 15 year old boy in love with a 17 year old guy who doesn't know I exist.

I find registration of course Niall still wasn't in, typical, so I sat down at a table by myself. 

Niall isn't mean't to be in the same year as me but he failed his exams so got kept behind a year. Liam is the same age as Niall and is a year older then me so he isn't in any of our classes. Zayn is in Liam's year and became friends with Louis because when Lou first starting dating Eleanor Zayn was 'dating' her friend Alissa.  And for Louis he's a year above Zayn and Liam which is sad because I only ever see him in the hallway.

"Sorry I'm late." The familiar Irish voice travelled through the classroom.

I flashed a smile to Niall as he strolled over to the table, the teacher just shook his head at Niall. He sat down beside me, his clothes were all messed up and his hair was a blonde fluffy mess. When I came out gay everyone thought I was gay for Niall, boy were they wrong.

"So I heard Zayn's throwing a party on Saturday wanna go?" Niall pipes up.

"Well obviously Louis will be there." I state to him. A smirk plays on his face.

"I saw him this morning with her," He rolls his eyes, I chuckle knowing he's talking Eleanor. "And he looked pretty annoyed with her." He tells me.

"Niall don't get my hopes up again remember last time? And we thought they had broken up? And we went on his Ask.Fm and said your hot and he said sorry I have a girlfriend." I pout at him.

"You never know, they could break up at any time." 

"Doubt it." I grumble.

Since it was the first day back we stayed in registration all day, our classroom was a chemistry one unfortunately, I hate every single science, so does Niall. There was a knock on the door, I didn't even bother to turn my head knowing it would be another teacher looking for something.

"Excuse me?"  I shot my head round knowing that voice anywhere.

Louis Tomlinson was standing at the door, he had a black Adidas t-shirt on and black jeans, you could see some of his arm tattoos. He had slight stubble and his hair was messing, he looked so fucking hot. I could see the slutty group of girls eye raping him, I rolled my eyes and focused my attention back onto Louis.

"Could I borrow a textbook please?" My heart skipped a beat his voice was the most perfect thing I had ever heard.

"You know where they are." Mr Morrow replies not looking up from his book.

The textbooks were kept behind where the Sluts all sit, I saw Molly pick one up and hand it to him.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"No problem hun." She replied battering her eyelashes.

Molly was the biggest bitch in class she had a problem with everyone, even me and Niall. The rest of her little gang were bitch wannabes.

"Well someone's all hot and bothered." Niall smirks at me.

"He looked so good and then Molly tried to flirt with him" I protest.

"Anyway wanna come back to mine after school?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"Great we can get McDonalds after school as well."

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, me and Niall were already packing up are things to go. Molly walked over to our table and straight over to Niall and put her hand on his shoulder.

"So Niall you busy Friday night?" She ask in a flirty tone.

"Go away Molly." He replies.

"You're loss gay fucks." she snaps.

"Fuck off Molly!" I shout at her as she leaves.

"Styles! I will not take that language in my classroom! Detention Friday." Mr Morrow shouts at me.

I fucking hate school.

Me and Niall start walking back home, I was ranting to Niall about how angry I was and it was Molly's fault I had it. 

"She's such a bitch and she is just always so homophobic. Fucking bitch." I say through gritted teeth.

"Dude chill it's only a detention." He reassures me.

"Whatever." I mumble.

The rest of the walk back was just filled with whatever came to mind. When we finally reached his house we went to his room and started playing Fifa. I kept on losing which was pissing me off because Niall kept on gloating.

"Well I better head back or my mum will kill me see you tomorrow." I wave goodbye to him and begin to walk home.

"Mum I'm home!" I shout as I come in.

No answer.

I stroll into the kitchen and find a note from her.

Working late there's Pizza in the freezer x

I wasn't hungry since I ate loads at Niall's so I just threw my back pack down and went to my room. I grabbed my laptop and opened up facebook, I went straight to Louis page to see what he was up too. He was just posting status' about Zayn's party.

I closed my laptop when I had checked him on all his social media's and changed into my pyjama bottoms. I climbed into bed and thought about Louis until I was asleep.

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