Chapter 23

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After last night, Louis went home pretty late, but I got to spend a few hours cuddling with him and talking.

I was currently sitting in maths clicking my pen waiting for the stupid subject to be over so I could go to lunch. I had my phone under the desk and was texting Louis, luckily only Niall was beside me so no one could see.

Louis😇: I hate French so much
Louis😇: JE mapelle kill myself
Me: maths isn't any better
Louis😇: I'm shit at maths
Me: same
Louis😇: only 10 more minutes and then I can see you🙈
me: joking you cutie😉
Louis😇: I hate you
Me: sureeeee

When the bell finally rang for lunch, me and Niall packed up our stuff and went into the lunch room. I smile when I see Louis sitting there, he sees me and smiles back at me. Niall must have noticed since he nudges my arm and smirks at me.

I sit down beside Louis and the rest of the boys. Louis scoots a bit closer to me so our thighs are touching.

"Hey guys." Liam smiles.

"Hey." I reply.

Zayn starts talking about some girls him and Liam were with and how they had a fun night. Liam said he liked some girl he was with too.

"Anyway my mums invited you all to stay over on Saturday if you's want to?" Zayn offers.

"Yeah." Liam nods enthusiastically.

The rest of us agree, I was excited, the five of us had become pretty close, especially me and Louis.

"So where's Eleanor?" I ask Louis when Zayn starts talking to Liam and Niall.

"Sitting with her little gang, I've told her I don't need her clinging to me when I'm with yous." He smiles slightly.

A small smile creeps on my face after he says that. The rest of lunch was pretty boring, but I got to talk to Louis for a bit before Eleanor came and took him away.

I was sitting in history learning about Hitler starting World War Two and my phone buzzes, I slide it out of my pocket and hide it under the table.

Mum: could you get tea bags and milk on the way home thanks xoxox

I mentally groan and put my phone away again, Niall and Holly were sitting together giggling at something. I'm glad that he's finally getting somewhere with her.

Once history's over I quickly get out of school, I pass the football field and see Louis in his little shorts with his great ass. I watch him for a minute before I continue my walk. and walk to the little shop. I walk along the aisle picking out what my mum asked me too, I walk over to pay and drop all my money, great.

"Here let me help." A guy smiles and bends down and picks it up for me.

"Thanks." I smile when he hands me it.

"No problem, I'm Nick." He smiles.

He had dark brown short hair with brown eyes and a great body.

"I'm Harry." I reply smiling.

"I think I've seen you about school, you hang around with Louis and Zayn right?" He asks.

Even hearing Louis' name made my heart stop.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I'm in Louis' year." He states.

"Cool I'm 2 years below him." I tell him.

"Oh nice." We both walk and pay for our stuff.

"So Harry could I get your number?" He asks me getting his phone out.

"Sure." I smile and punch in my number for him.

"I'll text you later." He smiles and walks to his car.

I continue walking home and my phone buzzes a few times in my pocket from zquad but I just ignore it since it was Liam, Niall and Zayn.

I unlock the door and hand my mum the bag I bought for her.

"Thanks sweetie." She says kissing me on the cheek.

I set my phone and keys on the table and go and put my bag at the front door.

"Haz your phones buzzing." My mum calls out.

I walk back into the room and pick it up and see I had an unread message.

Unknown: hey it's Nick :)
Me: hey :)

I lock my phone again and put it back in my pocket, I go upstairs and turn on my tv and lie down in bed. My phone buzzes again, I pull it back out of my pocket and unlock.

Nick: how's you? :D
Me: good you?
Nick: good just doing boring homework :(
Me: funnnnn
Nick: not really :(

Me and Nick texted nearly all night, he's a pretty nice guy, not anything compared to Louis though.

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