Chapter 22

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My alarm started beeping non stop, I stretched my arm in attempt to hit it but hit something hard.

"OW!" Someone cried.

My eyes shot open as he saw Louis holding his nose.

"Louis I'm so sorry!" I giggled.

"It's fine love." Louis giggled cuddling me.

"We need to get up or we'll be late." I reminded him.

"Ugh I don't have any clothes." He said annoyed.

"You can borrow some of mine." I offered.

"Thanks." He smiled pressing a kiss to my lips.

We both got up and I went to my wardrobe to get clothes, I picked my black button up and black jeans and got Louis a white adidas top with black jeans.

"Here." I said throwing them to him.

"Thanks. I'll just change in the bathroom." He said walking in and locking the door.

I quickly changed buttoning my shirt and zipping my fly. I sprayed some cologne, I was so happy me and Louis fell asleep together.

I quickly put a little volume through my hair before Louis came back into the room looking hot as fuck.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

He nodded smiling, I walked us both down into my kitchen where my mum was sipping a cup of coffee.

"Good morning boys." She smirked at me.

"Morning mum." I said through gritted teeth.

"Morning Mrs Styles." Louis said, he still had a sleepy morning voice which was so hot.

"Please call me Anne." She smiled.

I quickly made me and Louis toast and grabbed 2 bottles of water.

"Well we're going to school bye mum." I said quickly trying to leave quickly.

"Bye." She laughed.

As soon as we were outside and walking to Louis' car he laughed to himself.

"You're so cute when you got all embarrassed in front of your
Mum." He laughed.

I face palmed myself laughing into my hand.

"I'm just glad Gemma wasn't there." I say into my hand.

We got into the car and drove to school, it wasn't awkward like most of our car rides. The whole time we talked about their families and friends, Louis had a smile going from eye to eye.

When we arrived at school everyones eyes were on us, like I suspected. We both got out of the car and I walked quickly into school trying to avoid anything to do with Louis.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books as fast as I could, I saw Louis only coming through the doors with a worried expression. I sped walked away from him and to registration.

Niall was talking to Holly when I walked in, I walked over and sat down with them.

"Hey Haz." Niall smiled.

"Hi Harry." Holly smiled.

Holly was very pretty, she had long black hair which reached just above her ass. She had brown eyes which were quite nice, I could see why Niall liked her.

"Hey." I smiled warmly.

"Well I have to go see you later." She said kissing Niall's cheek and walking off.

"WHAT?!" I whispered/ shouted to him.

"Shhh! We're not together, just getting friendly." He smirks.

"Well have fun bro, I'm happy for you." I punched his arm lightly.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now